Personally, I would like to chime in to say I like the focus of the magazine and the inclusion of some new and old articles (class acts, ecology, etc.), but am not a fan of the white space. Will it stop me from buying the magazine? Not a chance. Similarly, would it get me to buy the magazine? Probably not. I think for the most part, its content and a catchy cover that sells.
Having said that, I will make one comment on the Ecology of the Choker. I found it kinda bland. Informative? Yes. But more like an encyclopedic entry for some central african country - accurate, but about as rivetting as paste. For me, the main failure was lack of mood and tone for the article. Right from the beginning it failed to inspire or grab anything more than a passing interest. In any event, I might be completely off base on this and alone in my opinion.
Aside from this, I like the new look and feel, and give a hearty congrats to the Matt and the staff at Dragon.