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![]() After my group has dealt with problem players a lot over the years, my advice is get rid of them. Players like that don't change. Everyone has their own gaming style and sometimes being a chaotic mess is it. There is one group of people we wont play with for that reason. They just do things to screw each other over. So just get rid of them. ![]()
![]() Id love to see more Mythic rules. Specifically stuff that's for the other base classes. In my brother in laws game im a gunslinger and maybe im missing something but there doesn't seem to be anything worth taking in mythic for a gunslinger. Also epic support. Play past 20th level. I know we have a guideline in the core book, but I want some epic feats, epic magic items and such. Ive converted some of the stuff myself, but I always prefer official. and finally deity rules. Ive not seen this said specifically but im under the impression that mythic is supposed to kinda sorta, if you squint rules for deities. To me that just doesn't cut it. Ive converted a lot of deity and demigods over to pathfinder, but I would of course like something official. High level play seems to get a bad rap, but I love high level play. In the last long running 3.5 game I ran in Forgotten Realms the players got up to 54th level and were about to take on Shar and stop her from sundering the Weave. And im planning more adventures for those characters. I don't have trouble with long stat blocks, or overpowered characters, but my players are more roleplaying focused that kill happy murder hobos who just want experience. I think there is demand for high level play, maybe not a lot, like hardcover gencon release demand, but certainly there is demand for a small book for mythic, epic and deities. All in one maybe. And hey if Paizo wont publish it, why not someone else. While not official, still would be nice. ![]()
![]() So is it pretty much assumed that to be deity you just have mythic ranks? I like the mythic rules, but they seem rather weak, to be deities. I don't mind deities having mythic ranks, they should, but to just be mythic is a shame. Id love to see deities and demigod rules added to pathfinder to get some actual deity stats. Ive done some conversion myself, but I always like official stuff better. My campaigns usually involve at some point the players wanting to take on the gods. My last Forgotten realms game in 3.5 ran all the way to 54th level. And im planning another adventure for those characters some time in the future. ![]()
![]() I tend to like new and different as far as mechanics go. That said I have every intention of using DSP Ultimate Psionics with Paizo's Occult Adventures. Im explaining it this way. Psionics can only be taken by those who are awoken from the Silver Mount crashed ship in Numeria, and Psychic Magic is whats native to Golarion. In my homebrew I haven't decided what the explained difference is going to be yet. My only real complaint about Paizo not making new mechanics is the fact that I have to go elsewhere for material I want. For instance I love Incarnum so I have to get Akashic Mysteries (which is fine I like what I see and would love to see more clones like that), but the problem comes from other GMs. Our group takes turns GMing different games, and when its my brothers turn to run Pathfinder he doesn't allow non-paizo stuff no matter how balanced it is or who wrote it. Believe me I Keep trying. So I don't get to play with all the new stuff, when I run only my players do. ![]()
![]() Rules for levels 21+
![]() Id personally like to see a new hardcover on each region outside the inner sea. My players don't tend to be satisfied staying in one area and id like to know more to tailor my games to the wider world beyond the inner sea.
![]() Anything from D&D 3.5 that hasn't been carried over yet. Rename it, whatever, but make it pathfinder official. While im the only GM in the group that allows you to mix "editions" with some tweaks, id like some official stuff for when im a player and im trying to convince my brother to let me be a warmage with sudden metamagic feats or an Incarnum class. ![]()
![]() My group is so used to Roleplaying XP I don't think they would play a game without it. We roleplay everything. Of course we also play from around 2PM Saturday to 7am sunday we have the time to waste roleplaying little things that immerse us into the world. Though right now we are playing a Hunter the Vigil game.
![]() Ive always taken the view that deities should just be one more monster for the players to kill ala deities and demigods and faith and pantheons of 3e D&D.
![]() Ive never been a fan of the Magical Item shop. With as expensive as they are to craft and as long as it takes, I cant imagine a steady stream of product. But this is fantasy. When I run, if there is a Gold Piece limit or asset limit to the town I usually say you can afford anything up to that. Unless there are story reasons then I don't have magical items just laying around in shops for people to buy or to be pilfered. ![]()
![]() I never did understand peoples dislike for 20+ levels. In my last long term Forgotten Realms game the players got to level 54 and where challenging gods. I never had a problem with combat, or broken powers or all the other problems people whine about.
![]() I think id like to see the ecologies add in Racial prestige classes that only creatures of that races may take (special items and feats would be nice to)...sort of like the Beholder mage. And i would like to see more interesting monsters, Last issue we had the Choker this month the Night hag, in my opinion boring monsters, but thats just my opinion.