Going, Going, Gone—Fall 2013 Edition!

Pathfinder Adventure Path #71: Rasputin Must Die! (Reign of Winter 5 of 6) (PFRPG)

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Grab these Paizo products before they're gone for good!

With convention season chaos winding down, we've sent our warehouse morlocks to round up our books that are slipping away into the Out of Print Abyss! Check your Paizo collection, because once these are gone, they won't be reprinted!

Even if you missed getting these releases the first time around, you can still get many of these titles in digital form with our PDF versions, or never miss a release with our subscriptions! (Don't forget that until the end of October, many of our older PDFs are 30% off, and don't miss our Scratch-'n-Dent Sale!)

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Grand Lodge

Does this stack with the pathfinder advantage discount by chance "if" you had the adventure path subscription before this sale started?? I figured I should ask :)

Thanks!! :D

So, we can get these books in pdf form when all of these in print are gone, right?

tieflingwizard: yep!

And I'm very impressed that Rasputin Must Die! is already beneath 1000 copies left.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

5 people marked this as a favorite.

It was a very, very popular adventure.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
tieflingwizard wrote:
So, we can get these books in pdf form when all of these in print are gone, right?

You can still get the PDFs even when they go out of print. Burnt Offerings, the very first adventure in the Adventure Path line is still available on the site as a PDF. It even states that it is out of print on the purchase page.

Erik Mona wrote:
It was a very, very popular adventure.

Were there additional copies printed in anticipation of this? I seem to recall that the later books in an adventure didn't get as many copies printed.

Sovereign Court

Too bad these aren't on sale. I see many things I'd love to have.

Cheapy wrote:

tieflingwizard: yep!

And I'm very impressed that Rasputin Must Die! is already beneath 1000 copies left.

Thanks, Cheapy.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.


We printed the standard number of copies for an volume in its sequence. If anything I think we were more concerned that conservative tastes in fantasy would depress the sales of an experiment like this. The fact that the opposite occurred is frankly a fantastic development in our understanding of the audience, since it encourages more experimentation and funkiness every once in a while. The most significant development is currently the upcoming Iron Gods Adventure Path, which may not have happened had this adventure received a more tepid response based simply on the concept of taking a step outside sword and sorcery.

That Brandon turned in a marvelous volume (because he did way more than just the adventure in this one) certainly helped, of course.

Thanks for the response, Erik!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well this list certainly woke me up. I've only purchased two full APs (LoF and Skulls & Shackles) and a friend owns Kingmaker. But seeing this list made me go out and gobble up Carrion Crown in full.

Even though Mummy's Mask will probably be the next AP I GM, having a spare AP that I know I'll enjoy seemed like a good idea before it was too late.

I'm seeing a Rob McCreary developer trend here in my tastes.

Hey All @ Paizo,

Any particular reason why Pathfinder Chronicles: City of Strangers is doubled on the list?


Is Cosmo to blame for the confusion...again????



Webstore Gninja Minion

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rom001 wrote:

Hey All @ Paizo,

Any particular reason why Pathfinder Chronicles: City of Strangers is doubled on the list?


Is Cosmo to blame for the confusion...again????



I blame Cosmo!

Ahhww...its always Cosmo who gets the credit...I work so hard, but this way I will never get that promotion.

Can't. Resist. Buying. Each. Older. AP. From. The. Bottom. Up.

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