Group Hug!


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New miniatures from Gifted Vision!

Need to mark where your arcane caster is warping reality, but can't tell one smudge from another on the battlefield? Gifted Vision is here to help you!

Everybody needs a hug, but your adventurer will probably want to avoid these tentactled nasties! Gifted Vision has brought not one, but four different ways to show off multi-limbed monsters and tentacular spell effects with their Dungeon Crawler Miniatures. With the Grappler (perfect for a black tentacles spell), Kraken Tentacle, Otherworld Arm, and Plant Vine, you'll be able to show off exactly how deeply in trouble your group of heroes are! Perfect for any tabletop roleplaying game, these prepainted plastic miniatures will be a wonderful addition to your box of gaming goodies!

Gifted Vision is just getting started with exciting new miniatures—check them out here, and check out their adventure card game, Dungeon Crawler!

More Blog.

I really appreciate these kinds of store blogs. I've grabbed a few of each and there's no way I would have noticed this line without it - I wouldnt even have gone looking.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I've gotten a bunch of these from, ahm... another vendor. They're great. High quality and really nice looking. Glad to see them here at Paizo now.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Nifty! I hope Paizo starts carrying the rest of their minis.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

The perfect solution for the nebulous Tentacle Attack! in From Shore to Sea.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Any idea how these measure up to a standard Pathfinder miniature? Does the base fit a standard 1 inch square?

Grand Lodge

I have a few of these already, and yes, the bases are the same standard size. The only difference is that there are 4 little notches in the edge of the base (almost like a round piece of Lego).

I really hope Paizo brings in the rest of the minis from this company - they have familiars and commoners, which are always hard to find.

Dark Archive

The commoners are great, the familiars are well done I just wish they would do more of each, the players at my table are starting to name the four commoners and any time I place them on a map they make jokes about the frequency of my using them.


SO. AWESOME. /)^3^(\



Grand Lodge

These are incredibly useful. I recently used the Kraken Tentacles as the the arms to the Black Magga in Rise of the Runelord. Gifted Visions is really trying to fill the gap of minis needed in Pre-Painted Plastic.

I hope to see some of there other stuff here at Paizo too! :)

Very cool. I too had no idea (and just placed an order).

Going to have to take a look at what they offer but I prefer to get (most) of my stuff through Paizo, so I too hope the line makes it here.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'll need to repaint one of the tentacles green . . .
so I can re-enact my favorite scenes from Day of the Tentacle.

Assistant Software Developer

I removed an inappropriate post.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for highlighting these great minis.

I have like 8x of each type of tentacle, and I can confirm that they are on 1" round bases. Their plastic is about as brittle as the Pathfinder minis (they kind of clink when you hold them together in your hand), much harder than the soft bendy D&D miniatures.

It's unfortunate that this publicity came a bit too late for the company's recently failed kickstarter campaigns. Oh well.

That's not right!

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

Yeah, I've got eight of the plant vines. Great multitaskers. Could be set dressing, a climbable vine, or an assassin vine. Very practical and well-painted.

zlguocius wrote:
Their plastic is about as brittle as the Pathfinder minis (they kind of clink when you hold them together in your hand), much harder than the soft bendy D&D miniatures.

When you say "brittle" that usually implies they break easily, have any of your DCMs broken?

Sovereign Court

The unfortunate thing is that, as appropriate as the Grappler is for black tentacles, it takes 64 of them to cover the area of the spell! That gets a little pricy!

cappadocius wrote:
The unfortunate thing is that, as appropriate as the Grappler is for black tentacles, it takes 64 of them to cover the area of the spell! That gets a little pricy!

True, but what I do is put one tentacle at each corner point of the area and tell the players that the tentacles fill the entire space; economical, and the player minis in the area of effect are not standing on the bases of a bunch of tentacles.



DungeonCrawler_greyhaze wrote:
zlguocius wrote:
Their plastic is about as brittle as the Pathfinder minis (they kind of clink when you hold them together in your hand), much harder than the soft bendy D&D miniatures.
When you say "brittle" that usually implies they break easily, have any of your DCMs broken?

I can't speak for zlguocius but none of mine have broken. What I have found is that some of the old D&D minis are very soft and can become disfigured easy (swords, arms, wings etc. Where your figures (and the Pathfinder ones as well) seem a little more stiff and thus hold their complete shape better.

I bought the Kraken Tentacle and Plant Vine they have been very useful in games I have run. Both are durable and I’m very pleased with the minis. I also have the Giant Ant, Raven and Wooden Coffin from the companies Omens line which are also good quality minis.

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