![]() We're going to take another swing at this, this time leading with the Walking Hut. I hope you'll check us out when we launch, it will be Dec 11th until Jan 3rd directly on our own site using paypal. Long story short; we had to bypass kickstarter because they will not allow us to run the campaign in USD because we are Canada based. And, we need to. ![]()
![]() We have funded the unpainted Behemoth, and are working on the painted version now. Also we have a new reveal. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dungeoncrawler/dungeon-crawlertm-pre-p ainted-miniatures-storm-rid/posts/1360009 ![]()
![]() Hi Folks,
![]() It feels like forever since we started the Kraken initiative (krakstarter), but we finally have them available for order and are delivering them as I type this (since the beginning of the week). I know you all are interested in pre-painted readily attainable figures, you can find them at dungeoncrawler.com We're on the cusp of launching our 2nd kickstarter, the Behemoth. This central pieces is 8x8, and is a beast (see link below). But wait there's more! It launches Sept 29th, and we hope you'll check us out - always good to have more options for your armies, and I think you'll really like what we're pitching this time around. RIDERS! And they can be swapped in play. Check out our tracking page for everything we've announced so far - http://www.dungeoncrawler.com/kickstarter_2014/pledgeguide/index.html - and thanks for checking us out! ![]()
![]() Absolutely agree two different markets, however, I'm still going to hold that it is deceptive. Yes, they do put that *notation in there, yes it helps show off the piece much better than if you just took a pic of the sprue that you get - and it certainly does help sell those figures! But, it's the difference between pitching this: It's a world of difference, and the likeliness of you getting that master paint in your collection is slim without lots of extra steps, purchases and practice or just paying someone with skill to do it for you. I think the OP had it right, it's a "be aware" kind of thing that new people get caught up on. ![]()
![]() It is VERY deceptive to the buyer I find. You are shown 1 thing and sent something completely different. For instance while running a kickstarter, our minis (Dungeon Crawler) come as both Unpainted and Painted miniatures, but we show the production quality of those painted minis - while other kickstarter projects show off MASTER paints done by incredible artists. So, while they have sprue cutting, filing, assembly, priming, painting, shading, washing and flocking still left to do by the buyer to get them looking remotely that good, that's NOT what they're actually selling you. We sell finished products, but don't show you master paints when we do, and they just don't compare. http://www.dungeoncrawler.com/dcm/ Also, PPMs (pre-painted plastic minis) are far more durable, they can be stored in a drawer or bag, while metal will chip, break and bend if treated like that. ![]()
![]() The spider is 2x2 (large), the goblin is small. We're not sure about the shield, we trust that James knows what he's doing when sculpting for the moulds, so the mould might require the arm to be out - we will check in to this when we go to manufacturing though. I'm getting pics on the link, so might be something to do with your Mac? You can also see the images on our forum which might work dungeon crawler ![]()
![]() There will be a Dungeon Crawler kickstarter in 2014, we estimate by Sept we will have fulfilled our current 2013 Kraken KS and should be able to launch at that time. We've revealed a few planned releases, and hope everyone will check it out! These will pre-painted plastic, and unpainted plastic as usual with 2 paint jobs to decide between (PPM = standard, KSX = kickstarter exclusive). The Reward Figures are from our first KS and are; Fireborne Skeleton, Hoarfrost Skeleton, Shockwave Skeleton, Stormcloud Skeleton, Angel Mermaid, Koi Mermaid, Midnight Peryton and Winter/Snowy Peryton. Thanks for checking these out. :) ![]()
![]() In a few months we (Dungeon Crawler) are releasing our Combat Clips system which has 2 "light sources" (an orb and a torch) and 2 flags. They attach to our combat bases, which you could move across the board to where you need them if you don't want to switch out your minis bases for our combat bases. The 2nd image/goal listed here http://www.dungeoncrawler.com/kickstarter_2013/index.html ![]()
![]() giovze wrote: The base has a diameter of 6 inch (the same of the wotc colossal red dragon, only this is circular). Actually the wotc colossal red is 8x8, you can see it here on an 8x8 grid. WotC Colossal Red Dragon vs DCM Kraken Very nice work, very much looks like the D&D tarrasque.