Magus spell strike with multiple spells

Rules Questions

Ok so my question is this, I cast chill touch as part of my spell strike. It has multiple charges i dont use all of them in this turn. Next turn can i use spell strike again to also then cast Shocking grasp and hit with both my remaining charges of chill touch and with my shocking grasp? Or can i only have one of the two spells active at a time? Meaning casting Shocking grasp dispels chill touch or i just cant cast shocking grasp until my chill touch charges are spent?

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When you're holding the charge on chill touch, casting any other spell will dismiss chill touch harmlessly. i.e. casting shocking grasp will lose any remaining charges of chill touch.

avr wrote:
When you're holding the charge on chill touch, casting any other spell will dismiss chill touch harmlessly. i.e. casting shocking grasp will lose any remaining charges of chill touch.

Someone recently pointed out this post from James Jacobs saying that's not the case


Not a hard rules source, but may be why the question came up.

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^I haven't seen anything other than that 1 old post to indicate that Chill Touch doesn't make multiple but otherwise normal Touch Attack spell charges that would be canceled if you cast another spell, so until we get a FAQ to the contrary, I would assume that it does.

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That's... weird. Storing chill touches for days is an odd thing to contemplate, and if it's not a normal touch attack spell it probably wouldn't work with spellstrike. With all due respect to James Jacobs the spell writeup doesn't look that different to any other, and treating it as a normal touch attack spell would be much cleaner.

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The post in question is from 2012. 2013 brought us this FAQ:

Core FAQ wrote:

Touch Spells: If a spell allows multiple touches, are you considered to be holding the charge until all charges are expended?


So things work as you would expect--casting a spell nukes chill touch.

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