Ouachitonian |
Current Concepts:
Awakened Gigatasaurous/other dinosaur. Mountable. Depending on the dinosaur variety, possible class levels include working towards dragon disciple, but also maybe not. Willing mount to anyone who wants it.Awakened very small creature. Either as a wizard of some sort, which would be funny to have the master of the arcane arts be a lobster, or as a fighter of some sort with mythic weapon finesse to do damage. Monk or warpriest would be fun options.
Ghosts. I like incorporeal undead, and I could see making a fun build out of one. Ghost dinosaur wizard is a list of words that I think are fun.
What's the vibe that we're going for here? More serious? I can do more serious concepts than the crustacean caster, or vital striking dinosaurs.
It’s too bad you can get one of the humanoid races as a familiar. It’d be a hilarious bait-and-switch if the elf walks up, raven on his shoulder, only the bird is the wizard and the elf is the familiar.
Kazmanaught |
I'll submit my question about goofiness again for submission, but I've found a way to get a medium humanoid(like) entity to walk around for me as a familiar, and it will only eat a bunch of my wealth! Might be worth looking into for the fun of it, although I still like the idea of being a big dinosaur.
Edit: Having looked at the rules more, seeing that mythic vital strike and mythic power attack make me less interested in playing a truly massive dino instead of one of the pounce-beasts.
Galahad0430 |
Here is Dar' Talenth. A Munavri fighter.
I did have a question though. You said, "Your attunement enhancement bonus automatically stacks with the qualities that you purchase for your weapon."
When using ABG however, you can't buy any magical enhancements for your weapon, you are stuck with a +3 weapon (i.e., +3, +2 Keen, or any combo that is a total of +3) at this level. Are you saying we can buy a magic weapon and then just add a +3 enhancement? I went with what you said for now, but can easily change it back.
Also, you did not say what, if any, story you wanted from us?
Dar' Talenth
Male munavri fighter (aldori defender) 8/unchained monk (master of many styles) 1/aldori swordlord 5/Champion 6
LN Medium humanoid (munavri)
Init +18; Senses darkvision 120 ft., see in darkness; Perception +23
AC 35, touch 31, flat-footed 25 (+2 deflection, +10 Dex, +3 enhancement, +2 natural, +2 shield, +6 Wis)
hp 174 (14d10+86)
Fort +19, Ref +22, Will +17 (+2 vs. fear); +4 vs. effects that cause you to lose your grip on weapons
Defensive Abilities defensive parry +3, hard to kill, mythic saving throws, steel net; SR 22
Weaknesses light blindness
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +3 dueling Legendary mithral aldori dueling sword +31/+26/+21 (1d8+16/17-20/×3) or
. . unarmed strike +24/+19/+14 (1d6+1)
Special Attacks champion's strike (sudden attack), deft strike, disarming strike, force of will, mythic power (15/day, surge +1d8), shatter confidence, stunning fist (4/day, DC 22), weapon training (heavy blades +3)
Str 10, Dex 30, Con 18, Int 20, Wis 22, Cha 10
Base Atk +14; CMB +15 (+17 dirty trick, +19 disarm); CMD 43 (46 vs. bull rush, 44 vs. dirty trick, 48 vs. disarm, 46 vs. sunder, 46 vs. trip)
Feats - Custom Feat - Skilled Maneuvers (see the 3 Imp.Feats following), Additional Traits, Advanced Weapon Training, Aldori Dueling Mastery[ISWG], Blind-fight, Combat Expertise[M], Combat Reflexes[M], Crane Style[UC], Dazzling Display, Deadly Aim, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (aldori dueling sword), Greater Disarm, Improved Critical[M], Improved Dirty Trick[APG], Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Shatter Defenses, Stunning Fist, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (aldori dueling sword)
Traits aldori caution, bruising intellect, cunning liar, fate's favored
Skills Acrobatics +27, Bluff +25, Climb +5, Diplomacy +1, Escape Artist +27, Handle Animal +11, Intimidate +27 (+35 to demoralize with Dazzling Display & Aldori dueling sword), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +15, Knowledge (nobility) +11, Linguistics +7, Perception +23, Ride +14, Sense Motive +28, Sleight of Hand +24, Stealth +27, Swim +5
Languages Aboleth, Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Dark Folk, Draconic, Munavri, Undercommon; telepathy 60 ft.
SQ adaptive tactics, advanced object reading, amazing initiative, critical master[MA], critical master[MA], display weapon prowess, fleet warrior[MA], fuse style, legendary item[MA], legendary item[MA], legendary power, legendary surge, mythic bond, recuperation, soul safe, undetectable, unstoppable strike
Combat Gear unfettered shirt; Other Gear mwk dueling Legendary mithral aldori dueling sword, eye piercings (greater), gloves of dueling, Helm of Battlefield Clarity, mark of the grinning skull, ring of eloquence, seducer's bane, stagger-proof boots, swarmbane clasp
Special Abilities
Adaptive Tactics (Ex) Use Sense Motive to gain +2 attack or AC vs. creature struck last round. (DC 10+BAB)
Advanced Object Reading (1/day) (Su) Gain temp. proficiency or learn use spell trigger device you have used object reading on.
Advanced Weapon Training You are specially trained to use your weapon skills in new ways.
Aldori Dueling Mastery Gain initiative and defensive bonuses when wielding an Aldori dueling sword.
Amazing Initiative (1/round) (Ex) As a free action, use 1 power to gain an extra standard action (can't be used to cast a spell).
Blind-Fight Re-roll misses because of concealment, other benefits.
Combat Expertise [Mythic] Use 1 power to eliminate attack penalties of Combat expertise for 1 min. Gain an additional +2 dodge bonus to AC when using
Combat Reflexes [Mythic] As a swift action, use 1 power for movement AoO vs. foes who already provoked one for moving.
Crane Style Fight defensive pen reduced to -2. When in style, dodge bonus increases by 1.
Critical Master (Mythic) (Ex) Automatically confirm critical hits and do maximum damage. Applies to mythic targets as well.
Darkvision (120 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Dazzling Display (Aldori dueling sword) Intimidate check to demoralize can affect those within 30' who see you.
Dazzling Intimidation (Weapon Training [Blades, Heavy] +3) (Ex) Add weapon training bonus to Intimidate checks to demoralize opponents.
Deadly Aim -4/+8 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Defensive Parry +3 (Ex) Gain dodge bonus to AC against melee attacks after making a full attack with Aldori dueling sword.
Deft Strike (Ex) Can apply Dex bonus instead of Str with Aldori dueling sword.
Disarming Strike (Ex) Deal damage to foe when you disarm them with dueling sword.
Display Weapon Prowess +5 (Ex) Bonus to Dazzling Display, perf combat, & dueling parry and resolve.
Fleet Warrior (Ex) You may move up to your full speed before or after making a full attack.
Force of Will (Ex) As an immediate action, use 1 power to reroll any d20, or force non-mythic to reroll.
Fuse Style (2 styles) (Ex) At 1st level, a master of many styles can fuse two of the styles he knows into a more perfect style. The master of many styles can have two style feat stances active at once. Starting a stance provided by a style feat is still a swift action, but whe
Greater Disarm When disarming a foe, their weapon lands 15 ft away in a random direction.
Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
Improved Dirty Trick You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when performing a dirty trick.
Improved Disarm You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when disarming.
Improved Feint You can make a Bluff check to feint in combat as a move action.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Legendary Power (6/day) All legendary items contain a pool of power - at least two uses that recharge each day. This power is called legendary power, and it works differently than mythic power. Any creature bearing the item can expend the items uses of legendary power, whet
Legendary Surge (+1d6 to Attack Rolls - All, Combat Maneuver Checks) All legendary items have a legendary surge ability, similar to a mythic character's surge ability (see page 170). It can be used only on specific rolls or checks based on the nature or purpose of the legendary item - see the Legendary Surge sidebar o
Light Blindness (Ex) Bright light blinds for 1 rd, then dazzled as long as remain in it.
Mythic Bond A legendary item is typically bonded to a single mythic creature. Others can pick up and use a legendary item for its basic functions (like hitting a foe with a legendary mace), but only the creature bonded to the item can utilize it fully.
Mythic Saving Throws (Ex) A successful save negates all effects from a non-mythic source.
Power Attack -4/+8 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Quick Draw Draw weapon as a free action (or move if hidden weapon). Throw at full rate of attacks.
Recuperation (Ex) Fully heal after 8 hrs rest, use 1 power and 1 hr to heal half and restore all non-mythic abilities.
See in Darkness See perfectly in darkness of any kind, including magical darkness.
Shatter Confidence (Ex) Intimidate to suppress morale bonuses on target after crit, disarm, repos, sunder, or if shaken.
Soul Safe Your item carries a part of your immortal spark within it, and unless the item is destroyed you cannot be permanently slain. If you are killed, your body reforms 24 hours later in the nearest open space within 30 feet of the item. If you are affected
Spell Resistance (22) You have Spell Resistance.
Steel Net (Ex) When fighting defensively as full-round action penalties on attacks and increases dodge AC by 2.
Stunning Fist (4/day, DC 22) You can stun an opponent with an unarmed attack.
Sudden Attack (Ex) As a swift action, use 1 power to make melee att, roll twice with +6 bonus and bypass all DR.
Surge (1d8) (Su) Use 1 power to increase any d20 roll by the listed amount.
Telepathy (60 feet) (Su) Communicate telepathically if the target has a language.
Undetectable This grants its bonded user the ability to become utterly undetectable while invisible. While invisible and in physical contact with this item, the bonded creature can't be detected or scryed by any method.
Unstoppable Strike This weapon bypasses all armor. The wielder can expend one use of legendary power when attacking to make the attack against touch AC. If she instead expends two uses of legendary power, the weapon also bypasses any deflection bonus to AC the target h
Weapon Training (Blades, Heavy) +3 (Ex) +3 Attack, Damage, CMB, CMD with Heavy Blades
Brolof |
Okay, so, someone pointed out to me that while in technical rules PCs with these rules should be around the same power level, in reality, they're still behind. So for non-monstrous characters (I.E. no monster hit-dice or template), they get another 25,000 gold to spend. I'm also upping the available points for Point Buy to 30. Enjoy.
Galahad0430 |
Okay, so, someone pointed out to me that while in technical rules PCs with these rules should be around the same power level, in reality, they're still behind. So for non-monstrous characters (I.E. no monster hit-dice or template), they get another 25,000 gold to spend. I'm also upping the available points for Point Buy to 30. Enjoy.
What's the rule on our weapon enhancement then? An extra 25k can really make it better.
Storm Dragon |
Okay, so, someone pointed out to me that while in technical rules PCs with these rules should be around the same power level, in reality, they're still behind. So for non-monstrous characters (I.E. no monster hit-dice or template), they get another 25,000 gold to spend. I'm also upping the available points for Point Buy to 30. Enjoy.
Rad, since I wasn't planning to take monster "levels" in any case.
Though how would you rule a CR less than 1 creature? Eg. if I wanted to be a Gishvit Wizard or something? Do I need to trade a level for that?
Crisischild |
Okay, so, someone pointed out to me that while in technical rules PCs with these rules should be around the same power level, in reality, they're still behind. So for non-monstrous characters (I.E. no monster hit-dice or template), they get another 25,000 gold to spend. I'm also upping the available points for Point Buy to 30. Enjoy.
SmooshieBanana |
Thank you for the swift answers! Are you including adjustments for creation feats? I was thinking of taking 1 in addition to the one for my potential class I'm building.
I think this was skipped. I also have another question on how you would rule a template with an android.
Androids are considered living beings. They can be healed with spells or naturally. Normally PCs don't get templates, but since we can add them, how would one go about adding something like Failed Prophet (scroll to the bottom) or a similar construct template to the character?
In the above example, if I were taking the Amici Android variant, meaning they do gain emotions, with this template, they lose a con score along with gaining other construct traits. Essentially, normally when applied to a race, they become emotionless husks. This negates what an android is supposed to be, a living being, forged and constructed with craft construct feats with, in this case, emotions and life. How would you rule adding this template? Would they just be upgraded? Would they become a flat, plain construct with no remnant of android left anymore?
Brolof |
SmooshieBanana wrote:Thank you for the swift answers! Are you including adjustments for creation feats? I was thinking of taking 1 in addition to the one for my potential class I'm building.I think this was skipped. I also have another question on how you would rule a template with an android.
Androids are considered living beings. They can be healed with spells or naturally. Normally PCs don't get templates, but since we can add them, how would one go about adding something like Failed Prophet (scroll to the bottom) or a similar construct template to the character?
In the above example, if I were taking the Amici Android variant, meaning they do gain emotions, with this template, they lose a con score along with gaining other construct traits. Essentially, normally when applied to a race, they become emotionless husks. This negates what an android is supposed to be, a living being, forged and constructed with craft construct feats with, in this case, emotions and life. How would you rule adding this template? Would they just be upgraded? Would they become a flat, plain construct with no remnant of android left anymore?
It wasn't skipped, as I said in the long chain of replies, yes, I'd be willing to use the adjustments for creation feats. As for the template... I suppose the racial trait would overrule the template.
Brolof |
Couple of questions:
1) In the OP, you said we start out with 14 levels, but then a little later, you say we're CR 17.
Is that +3 CR due to the mythic levels/bonus rules?
2) Could we play a mythic monster, provided it stays within the guidelines of CR14/Mythic 6?
Yes, it's due to the mythic levels and bonus rules. As for the question of playing a Mythic Monster, I'm gonna have to say no purely for the fact that I'm not sure how it'd be possible to level that up.
Storm Dragon |
Couple of questions:
1) In the OP, you said we start out with 14 levels, but then a little later, you say we're CR 17.
Is that +3 CR due to the mythic levels/bonus rules?
2) Could we play a mythic monster, provided it stays within the guidelines of CR14/Mythic 6?
Quick fax: every Mythic Tier adds 1/2 CR; this is why Level 20/Mythic 10 characters are CR 25.
Mightypion |
Great, i am going to switch the background around a bit to be Shamiras rather then Nocticulas troubleshooter. Could also tie in as aspect that Shamira is additionally cooperative in order to prove her relevance after Nocticula left.
Will probably end up as a fairly martial incubus.
Playing a Succubus could be fun, but not in an anti Qlippoth campaign, thank you very much.
Almonihah |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I'm working on building my "Elder Sphinx"--Giant Advanced Gynosphinx Wizard 4. I picked the templates based on what Mythical Monsters Revisited says about elder sphinxes: "...elder sphinxes... have at minimum the advanced template... and a size of at least Huge."
Anyway, the basic idea for her is that she's an ancient sphinx who's been guardian of a temple deep in the Osiriani desert for centuries. Having grown bored of sitting around the same old temple all the time she's been increasingly looking for excuses to go elsewhere--and this whole Qlippoth invasion thing is a perfect excuse. After all, it would someday threaten her temple if it got out of hand. Also the source of such an invasion is a great riddle, and she's solved every other riddle she's come across so she's desperate for a new one.
Crisischild |
I'm working on building my "Elder Sphinx"--Giant Advanced Gynosphinx Wizard 4. I picked the templates based on what Mythical Monsters Revisited says about elder sphinxes: "...elder sphinxes... have at minimum the advanced template... and a size of at least Huge."
Anyway, the basic idea for her is that she's an ancient sphinx who's been guardian of a temple deep in the Osiriani desert for centuries. Having grown bored of sitting around the same old temple all the time she's been increasingly looking for excuses to go elsewhere--and this whole Qlippoth invasion thing is a perfect excuse. After all, it would someday threaten her temple if it got out of hand. Also the source of such an invasion is a great riddle, and she's solved every other riddle she's come across so she's desperate for a new one.
Grandfather Somnus is from Osirion! He is the guardian of an oasis and the village that sprang up around it.
Almonihah |
Grandfather Somnus is from Osirion! He is the guardian of an oasis and the village that sprang up around it.
They probably know each other then! My sphinx (I'm debating on the name Rahlma) has been around the area for centuries, so they could have met by chance every hundred years or so. :D
Ouachitonian |
I may play Peace Through Vigilance. (I mean, as far as I know, “quite young” celestial gold dragon is all we know of his actual stats, but if I counted correctly an Advanced Celestial Juvenile Gold Dragon hits the CR exactly.)
Mightypion |
My incubus mostly had dealings in the Abyss (obviously), Abadon (participated in some raids), Hell (both raiding and diplomatic bodyguard duties) and Elysium.
May know the daughter of Urgothoa from Abadon related stuff.
General question, spellstrike from a Magus only works for spells, not for Spell like abilities? RAW I think thats very much the case.
Drogeney |
Alright, a question. How would the Sorcerer Template be applied to a creature that already has sorcerer casting levels (assuming a template being added is acceptable)? Would it be in addition to bumping the casting up to it's hit dice? How would that stack if adding further levels of sorcerer?
Almonihah |
Alright, a question. How would the Sorcerer Template be applied to a creature that already has sorcerer casting levels (assuming a template being added is acceptable)? Would it be in addition to bumping the casting up to it's hit dice? How would that stack if adding further levels of sorcerer?
I asked earlier about class templates and got this response: "- I’m gonna say no to the Class Templates, simply for the fact it makes an absolute mess.... Also, let’s not get into the absolute mess that is the Mythic Templates."
Drogeney |
Ah, got it. Sorry for re-asking things. I'm at work so I can only do so much back searching as I come up with ideas. Sorry if the following was already asked as well.
How then would adding simple levels of sorcerer go. If I am already considered a 5th levelsorcerer as far as spell casting goes would I then be able to add levels of the actual sorcerer class to that? If so would that count the cumulative caster level together (e.g. if I was considered a 5th level sorcerer already but had no blododline abilities would I now be a 6th level sorcerer with just the spells known/per day or woul that include the bloodline abilities?) If they would not stack it would be adding x levels of sorcerer seperately?
Lokhir the Reborn |
Thanks for the ABP ruling. :)
I’m holding off on looking for more natural attacks (missing bite and gore, both of which aren’t hard to get). Figure that can happen if we reach higher levels where a power spike might be needed.
Speaking of which…via template I have die hard and endurance. Neither of which really matter because of being undead. But that opens up fast healer.
This character has fast healing 5 (10 if near a scared person). With fast healer and 30 Cha, would that mean fast healing 15 (20 if near a scared person)?
Brolof |
Ah, got it. Sorry for re-asking things. I'm at work so I can only do so much back searching as I come up with ideas. Sorry if the following was already asked as well.
How then would adding simple levels of sorcerer go. If I am already considered a 5th levelsorcerer as far as spell casting goes would I then be able to add levels of the actual sorcerer class to that? If so would that count the cumulative caster level together (e.g. if I was considered a 5th level sorcerer already but had no blododline abilities would I now be a 6th level sorcerer with just the spells known/per day or woul that include the bloodline abilities?) If they would not stack it would be adding x levels of sorcerer seperately?
Its what was said, the casting levels stack but nothing else.
Lokhir the Reborn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Lokhir was young. Headstrong. Bored. He had spent so many years studying the art of the blade and of the spell. He came from a long line of occultists, and he was ready to add to his family's long history of glory. Everyone said that he was too young. Too immature. That he needed at least another decade before he could go out on his own. But what did they know? He was easily the match for any human swordsman. And given his ability to force his will into reality, what else was needed? Granted, he needed a focus, which in his case was a sword and shield, but that was temporary. He would reach the levels of his father and his father before him. All he needed was the experience. He would return and when he did it would be in glory!
The Umbral Circus
It had seemed safe enough, to get a tarot reading. But the next thing Lokhir knew he was flat on his back, his head spinning. There was a blue sky above him, but it did not look...right. It was as if though it was a sky made out of old paint. Unsteadily he got to his feet, noticing strange tattoos on his body. That, and he was not alone. With him were Einarr, a human shaman. Delroy and Kaldwell, half-orc bounty hunters and mercenaries, and Yattle, a gathlain summoner of fire. He had just met them, but there they all were, in an unfamiliar place, each covered with tattoos that they had never seen before. Nearby was a circus, though not the one that they had been in. Forced together by circumstance, they had little choice but to figure out where they were, and why....
The end?
The unfortunate group slowly pieced together the mystery of where they had been sent. They were in the prison of the Patchwork Lord, Zassrion. As far as Lokhir could tell, despite Zassrion's draconic form, he was a demon. One by one they had hunted down and defeated Zassrion's lieutenants, taking from each the key to their freedom. All that was left was to enter the lair of Zassrion himself so that they could earn their freedom. They had already fought their way through the guards to the fortress and had overcome the succubi servants within. All that was left was to get past Zassrion himself. The demon looked like a dragon, that was covered in the flayed skin of countless humanoids. This is what gave it the name that it bore...
...Briefly Lokhir's eyes flickered open. He found it hard to breathe. He tried to move his head but found that he couldn't. The elf looked up at the sky, seeing Yattle and the dragon battle it out. Einarr was dead. Delroy and Kaldwell were both bleeding out. Only the gathlain was left, facing the wrath of the Patchwork Lord. An intense feeling of sadness filled him. He was so young! There was so much that he wanted to do, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to do it. He had barely lived the lifespan of a human, of all things. And already it was over. He wondered if this was how humans felt when they died. He coughed up blood but couldn't move his head to let it out. He knew that he had only a few moments left. He wondered if he should pray. It was not something that he had ever done before. Would it matter? Would any deity listen, after he had spent so many years ignoring them? Would it even matter? He had just resolved to think of a prayer when his vision blurred, his eyes closed, and he died. The broken body of the elf lay there, unmoving.
Ignoring the blood and singe marks across his body, Zassrion roared his triumph to the sky, unleashing a mighty blast of electricity up in the air. Through the wall separating the aetherium from the courtyard, one of the shadows moved to take cover in the lingering fog cloud.
Breaking the necks of his conquests to ensure they would not come back to vex him, Zassrion growled at his minion. "Excellent work, Bishop Ezrael. Your intel about the intruders was most useful. Fetch my courtesans from the Sanguine Playhouse. Then remove their hides and add them to my suit. Perhaps between them and that other mortal I will finally be able to leave this accursed realm."
As the souls of the adventurers drifted away to join the other unfortunate mortals who had perished in this world in the Demon's Fen. With the one being who had cared for these souls, the Barrow King, killed and sent back to the Manmolds to be reformed and the votive candles knocked over, the souls could find no rest. Even when they saw the dragon lord flying overhead, their hides added to his quilt of skin but still trapped in the Harrowed Realm, they felt no peace.
As the years passed, yet more joined their ranks as the All-Seeing Hajeck was still compelled by Zassrion through her Harrow Deck to lure more mortals to their doom. But no matter how many mortals he killed, Zassrion came no closer to reaching his goal. He, and the rest of the Harrowed Realm, remained stuck in their never-ending story loops.
Years came and went with the peace of Pharsma's boneyard remaining ever elusive. But for all of the suffering that Lokhir and his fellow victims felt, so too did the Patchwork Lord rage. For the prison remained as closed as ever. In time, the demented lord's obsession with escape turned towards something else. Revenge. Revenge against the one who had betrayed him and trapped him, along with his court. But for that to take place, an assassin was needed.
Zassrion could not escape. Not yet. But bit by bit a hole was being made in the prison. It is what would have allowed Lokhir and his companions to escape and now Zassrion was going to use it. The flayed skins that made up his clothes were reviewed and the tortured souls within carefully chosen. Once removed their suffering continued, for the Patchwork Lord had decided to create a Patchwork Assassin. An assassin who would slip through the hole and who would be powerful enough to kill Zassrion's enemies in the abyss.
How long this took was anyone's guess. The half-insane mind that was Lokhir's raged and rebelled in futile agony as he was bound to that crazed souls of the other fallen. In this, the once-elf had an advantage. He was an occultist who had once wielded psychic power. Bit by bit he survived by battling and consuming the minds of the others who had been chosen. Each fight was one of the mind, with the elf forced to overcome and destroy other innocents. The shrieking. The crying. The rush of emotions and memories was enough to drive nearly anyone insane. But what choice was there? It was either them or him. And for all of the pain he had gone through, he was still afraid of the oblivion that awaited.
The Undead Assassin had been created. It was supposed to be barely sentient, only able to follow through direct commands. The souls trapped within were to be fuel for the spell which would create the abomination, nothing more, nothing less. The collection of powerful souls, forced together and consumed would make a creature born out of their fear and suffering. Something strong enough to strike at the Patchwork Lord’s enemies and to make them suffer. But what stood before the Patchwork Lord was Lokhir, his mind half-crazed by what he had gone through. Through the portal he went, and into the abyss. The newly formed psychic vampire was trading one hell for another.
The Assassin
No longer did Lokhir need to eat or drink, but he still needed sustenance. What he now survived on was fear. No longer could he command his old psychic powers. The control and discipline of the elf he once was had been destroyed, replaced by countless years of torture. Fortunately for him, in the abyss a creature of fear and death fit right in. At first he merely preyed on lesser demons and slaves, and with each death his mind was slowly reforged. In time, higher ranked demons took notice of the undead abomination, and he went from being a mere predator to being a professional.
Now he stands ready for another job, one that will take him into the depths of the abyss. But what is there to fear for one such as he? He is certain that whatever awaits him, it could not be worse than what he has already gone through, or what he has become.
And there we have him! One augmented undead assassin ready to make his mark in the abyss. It should hopefully explain how he is here and where his powers came from.