Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path Special Edition

Our Price: $129.99


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Pathfinder’s most-popular campaign ever returns in this massive new deluxe limited-edition hardcover compilation updated to the latest Pathfinder rules! In this new, revised version of the classic Kingmaker Adventure Path campaign, the Stolen Lands have long been the domain of bandits and monsters, but no longer! Your party has been granted a charter to explore these wilds, defeat its dangers, and build a brand new nation. Yet not everyone will welcome you as new neighbors, and powerful supernatural forces have their own plans for the region. Can you defeat your kingdom’s enemies and become leaders of one of the greatest new nations in the world?

This deluxe special edition is bound in faux leather with metallic deboss cover elements and a bound-in ribbon bookmark.

This hardcover edition of the Kingmaker Adventure Path contains:

  • Collectible limited edition faux leather cover!
  • All six chapters of the original Kingmaker Adventure Path, expanded and updated for use with Pathfinder Second Edition.
  • Hundreds of pages of new content that expands the campaign to cover the full range of levels from 1 to 20.
  • Works with tie-in Bestiaries (sold separately) to allow easy conversion to Pathfinder First Edition or the Fifth Edition rules of the world’s oldest roleplaying game!
  • Extensive rules for building and running kingdoms, settlements, and armies, along with narrative-based rules for resolving mass combat encounters.
  • Eleven new alchemical items and spells to discover.
  • Sixteen new monsters, ranging from mundane but dangerous wild animals to potent supernatural threats that will challenge even the most powerful of heroes.

Written by: Steven T. Helt, Tim Hitchcock, James Jacobs, Ron Lundeen, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Richard Pett, Tom Phillips, Neil Spicer, and Greg A. Vaughan.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-430-7

Available Formats

Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path is also available as:

  • A 640-page hardcover
  • A 640-page PDF (includes single-file and file-per-chapter versions)

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Pathfinder Nexus on Demiplane
Roll20 Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Product Availability


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Paizo Employee Sales & eCommerce Assistant

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Now available for preorder!

Sovereign Court

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Does this include the companion guide?

Paizo Employee Sales & eCommerce Assistant

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Charles Ulveling wrote:
Does this include the companion guide?

It does not. The special edition version of the companion guide can be found here: ecial-Edition

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Is the only difference between the special edition and the regular one the faux leather cover?

Paizo Employee Sales & eCommerce Assistant

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Curmudgeonly wrote:
Is the only difference between the special edition and the regular one the faux leather cover?

Correct. The internal content is the same as the regular edition.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

PDF/FoundryVTT version when?

Edit - saw on standard separate release on 26 October? Any reason we can't pre-order that directly?

Marketing & Media Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Backcover text:

The Stolen Lands have long been the domain of bandits and monsters, but no longer! Your party has been granted a charter to explore these wilds, defeat its dangers, and build a brand new nation. Yet not everyone will welcome you as new neighbors, and powerful supernatural forces have their own plans for the region. Can you defeat your kingdom’s enemies and become one of the greatest new nations in the world?

This hardcover edition of Kingmaker contains:
• All six chapters of the original Kingmaker Adventure Path, expanded and updated for use with Pathfinder Second Edition.
• Hundreds of pages of new content that expands the campaign to cover the full range of levels from 1 to 20.
• Extensive rules for building and running kingdoms, settlements, and armies, along with narrative-based rules for quickly resolving mass combat.

The Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path, Pathfinder Kingmaker Bestiary (5E), Pathfinder Kingmaker Bestiary (First Edition), and Pathfinder Kingmaker Companion Guide contain typical Pathfinder action and adventure, player options, creatures, and more. They also include content related to child abuse and neglect, graphic depictions of torture and violence, substance abuse, and other themes that are appropriate for more mature audiences. Before you run this adventure or use any of the supplementary sourcebooks, understand that consent from everyone at the table—including the players and the Game Master—is vital to a safe and fun play experience. You should talk with your players before beginning the adventure and modify descriptions or events as appropriate.

APPENDICES............................... 502

Director of Marketing

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Happy Roll20Con! In celebration, claim your free Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path - Chapter 1 Preview!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Will the Special Edition have anymore prints made, or is this one like the other Paizo SEs in that once they're gone, they're gone?

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Seconding Tetryl's question :c

Director of Marketing

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tetryl wrote:
Will the Special Edition have anymore prints made, or is this one like the other Paizo SEs in that once they're gone, they're gone?

I don't expect any special editions to be reprinted. I consider them to be limited editions. While the Leadership Team could decide otherwise, I do not hear them considering that.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is this for 1e or 2e pathfinder?

Starfinder Superscriber

1e is no longer supported by Paizo except through back-catalog availability of prior resources.

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