A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for 3rd- through 6th-level characters.
When relics of dubious provenance are discovered in the Starfinder Society's collection, revealing a famous Starfinder from the Society's early days as a thief and a fraud, a team of Starfinders are dispatched to Verces to return the relics to Qidel, mysterious Aerie of the Sun, and make amends to the strix from whom the relics were stolen. But forgiveness requires more than lost baubles and pretty words. Can the Starfinders take the first steps along the long road to reconciliation? Or will the sins of the past outweigh their efforts?
Content Warning: This scenario contains themes of wrongful imprisonment and prisoner death. Before you begin, understand that player consent (including that of the Game Master) is vital to a safe and fun play experience for everyone. You should talk with your players before beginning the adventure and modify descriptions of the narrative as appropriate.
Written by: Shay Snow
Scenario tags: Faction (Dataphiles, Wayfinders)
[Scenario Maps spoiler - click to reveal]
The following maps used in this scenario are also available for purchase here on paizo.com:
It's no surprise that the themes present in this scenario can rub people the wrong way, especially when your players are tasked with making something right when they personally didn't do anything wrong. I totally respect and understand that someone may not feel comfortable being asked to put themselves in that kind of situation, even in a fictional setting.
If you plan to run this scenario as a GM, you are given a narrow line to walk between emphasizing and illustrating the harm that has been done versus making it sound like its the fault of the four to six Starfinders currently sitting at the briefing table. If it looks like it's going too far one way or the other, try to make it clear that yes, harm has been done, but this is a chance in good faith to repair some of the damage that's been done. Not all, as there's no way to undo the years of pain suffered in a four-hour scenario, but it can be the first step towards a better, kinder Starfinder Society.
Players should try to come at this scenario not as having to bow and scrape and beg for forgiveness, but instead, see this as an opportunity. An opportunity to be kind to a person and a group that has not seen kindness in the recent past, and to do right where there had once been done wrong. This is not your standard "go into the ancient tomb and find the geegaw of whoozywhatsit" mission, and that's a good thing. That's a chance to see the universe from a new point of view, to put your characters and players in a new set of shoes and ask - what do you do in this situation? What kind of Starfinder are you?
Shines a light on the anthropology angle of Starfinder
It's been a while since I've played this scenario, but I'm rating it highly because I think the Strix are cool and this gives good ideas on how to play one in society play. Also, there are some traps that are really innovative and made players sweat because the party got split and we had to think of a way out of the situation.
I also think the shady history of IRL anthropology is interesting to explore in Starfinder, and it rewards the players for thinking differently than a typical looter/shooter adventure.
An excellent, touching, and at times troubling scenario that investigates the Societies past and how those who built the foundation of it sometimes took advantage of others to do so. How responsible are people who have benefited from, but didn't take part in such events? How can amends be genuinely made when those most directly harmed aren't alive anymore? It asks some hard questions and characters may have to consider things they haven't before.
Mechanically very sound with excellent challenges and fantastic roleplay opportunities.
It's certainly not for everyone, but if the themes and ideas presented are something that makes you feel uncomfortable perhaps it's worth a little self reflection and examining of why that is.
Please note that while this is technically a May release, it will not release to the public until June 1. More information can be found in this thread.
The following content warning has been added to this scenario. The PDF will be updated as our pipeline allows.
Content Warning: This scenario contains themes of wrongful imprisonment and prisoner death. Before you begin, understand that player consent (including that of the Game Master) is vital to a safe and fun play experience for everyone. You should talk with your players before beginning the adventure and modify descriptions of the narrative as appropriate.
Seeing some talk about this one and might grab it once I get paid, despite not really being a Starfinder gal. This sounds like the kind of stories Society in both games could use more of.