![]() Sign in to create or edit a product review. Played and also GMing this one. It's appropriately challenging for higher levels, especially in high tier (and the tier makes a big difference in the boss battle on this one). You can prepare a character if you're not a fan of gravity-shifting mechanics, which I personally find spicy and fun. Get your shopping list ready and get a gravitational harness augment or some haste spell gems to get some more movement speed. Props to writers for introducing new mechanical challenges. Absolutely wild and fantastic boss battle, assuming your opponents get to charge up and do their special move. Zo! is always a win for me. Having a Paizocon GM that left some room for silly Ace Attorney style rp made this worth 5 stars. Play with a buddy to be sure you have the most fun. I enjoy mystery and investigation scenarios in Starfinder. This one is pretty solid but I do agree with previous commentary that it would be helpful to have more incentive for players to investigate the Red Corridors. Combat scenarios were very tough and with some unique abilities, and all the players loved the design of the unique big bad. ![]() Starfinder Society Scenario #6-07: Race for the Dustwarren CupPaizo Inc.![]() Our Price: $8.99 Add to CartExcellent![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() One of my favorite Starfinder scenarios of all time! NPCs are great, story twists and turns are fantastic. Combats are interesting, skill checks are varied (not just the one you'd expect), and plenty of room for player creativity. This one was a well written mystery and chase that definitely rewards players that want to get a little creative with role-playing things out. My favorite was the part where players can design their own performance to impress a faction leader in the society. Imo it's very nice to have lighthearted adventures among the more heavy material to show off the variety Starfinder is capable of doing well in its setting. Plus, we loved the critters you meet at the adventure's end. This was so much fun to play beginning to end. Got a copy for myself after since it's always worth it to run repeatables with so much variety. After looking under the hood, there's even more to do! Not only are there additional quests and different NPC guest stars for each replay, there's also 4 different possible festivals for the ghibrani to put together-- a music festival featuring (my favorite) klikharps and trox, a science fair, a parkway with carnival games, or a sports event. It's actually jam packed with great stuff and the character art for beasts and NPCs is fantastic. This was an incredible scenario. Really a stand out game by all measures: great combat encounters, meaningful missions, twists in the plot, high stakes, and cool Starfinder heroes (both PCs and NPCs). The scenario was also appropriately heavy and solemn at times considering the material. There were also some engaging, interesting maps, terrain problems, and situations requiring teamwork to come out on top. Ran about an hour long, but since it was largely due to a challenging, tanky boss fight, it didn't feel like it dragged. Have to say thank you to the writer for such a powerful and moving scenario. Though the themes are especially sad given current events, it was encouraging to play in a fantasy where everyone is doing the right thing to save the civilians who are unfairly caught in the plans of tyrants. I GM'd this for my first time running a play-by-post game. The art is beautiful and the story is interesting and mysterious. I ran this for a full party that had nobody trained in mysticism, and this kept the mystery going to the very end, where an NPC can give you info if you failed (or couldn't roll) mysticism about the strange religious icons encountered. The bounty has a very clear beginning (skill checks), middle (combat), and end (just a couple skill checks and some epilogue). It took a week in play-by-post to finish, which should be about an hour real time. Players loved this! Lots of positive feedback, so I recommend it. A well-rounded scenario. Played this at GenCon. Lots of missions to do, and some skill-based ones were heavy on lore and thankfully short on Player+GM time so that we could complete multiple missions in each section of this special. Enemies were interesting and the properties of some of the more psychological effects could potentially come up in future Starfinder games. The lore of the physical location itself was most interesting to me, and is not revealed until the absolute end of the game. At this point I've played all the specials except for Fate of the Scoured God and The Last Bite. I'd rank this as my #2 favorite, behind Perils of the Past. I enjoyed this game but I do think the mechanical issues with this mod require a good GM to tie things together, remind people of reroll chances and things like that so it doesn't feel too punishing. The traps feel as unforgiving as the unmodified intro to Year 6. The RP and political issues of the city are really cool and set up interesting ideas for future scenarios. I appreciate the enemy resistances and underwater penalties in the combats for a high tier challenge, but the traps, and the continuous save throws in the last battle *might* tip things over the line into unfairness for some players. This will depend on expectations a lot, since this is high tier and is supposed to be challenging compared to lower level games. Final vehicle chase, as another reviewer said, is only going to be playable by 1 person who is piloting, which seems like a weird choice. It is not a very long section however, so not a major drawback. First, Ayoka the skittermander has the cutest character art you could ever set eyes on. Second, I like scenarios that have first contact and some extraplanar creatures, and this one has both. The quests are a bit disconnected from each other story-wise, so normally I would rate this one 4 stars, but it really didn't deserve the 1 star review so I'm bumping my score a tiny bit to balance out the average. I have to give this one top marks. I think it's my favorite SF Society scenario out of 2 years of playing these. It's memorable, and just as moving and heartfelt as some other reviewers have praised it for. I teared up a bit. Interestingly, I played in a party where there was some arguing about how to resolve the conflict, since not all characters were as swayed as I was about the life form we encountered. ;) So be prepared for some debate, potentially. This is a really epic scenario and the first big one I played at an online con. I credit this one for making me really love SF Society play. The story regarding the temporal anomaly was moving and even better with the audio files played during online play. It's been a while since I've played this scenario, but I'm rating it highly because I think the Strix are cool and this gives good ideas on how to play one in society play. Also, there are some traps that are really innovative and made players sweat because the party got split and we had to think of a way out of the situation. I also think the shady history of IRL anthropology is interesting to explore in Starfinder, and it rewards the players for thinking differently than a typical looter/shooter adventure. I really enjoyed playing this one, even more than other year 5 scenarios so far. There was a lot of roleplay and investigation in this one, and I played on low tier with a pretty highly skilled party, including a mystic, envoy, 2 mechanics, and a solarian. We uncovered many hints revealing what was happening, but there was still tension in the game as we decided not to reveal that we knew what was going on until the very end of the scenario. Also, we were able to skip a large combat due to careful stealth and skill usage, though there will be more combat play for parties that don't take the skill approach in the endgame confrontation. I also appreciated that the starship combat section was quite short, which I attribute to being over level 6 and having 2 gunners. Looking forward to story threads from this scenario coming up later! Great fun and good intro to Starfinder. Lots of fun abilities with level 5 Envoy and the Operative. Soldier is also very strong. Mystic is good support but maybe a little boring if a player expected to deal damage with that one (he does have a pistol with a merciful fusion, but is a pacifist there for heals and daze/wisp). Livestream chat was a fun aspect of the scenario and helped fill players in on what was happening next. Especially the big finale. |