clockwork dragon familiar in combat

Rules Questions

so the entry for the clockwork familiar is stated as a raven and specifies that a similar creature with an alternate movement would just replace the fly speed with whatever ... burrow, swim ect.

question ...

if the familiar is based off a dragon, would it only have the bite or would it also get the claws?

Familiars on AoN
Clockwork Familiar with lots of chat, sample creatures, and augmentations.

The clockwork familiar is an Improved Familiar (not a basic one so it requires the feat to get). Secondly it has to be crafted... the Familiar reference moves the crafting to 12th level from the feat's 7th level requirement.

Clockwork Mon Subtype in place of a simple template.

SO - it is going to take work by your GM (as the process isn't exactly clear other than HD) to convert a pseudodragon CR:1 or faerie dragon CR:2 into a clockwork AND that's more than a raven(simple animal) CR:1/6 which translates into costs more money and not free with the feat. It analogous to wanting a Homunculus with more hit die.
If you want it just from taking Impvd Famil feat (at 7th+) and the ritual choose a regular animal familiar (about CR:1/6) as the base form. If your PC is below 7th then you'll have to make do with a regular familiar or chose an Impvd Famil that you can get at a lower level, then pay the cost and redo the ritual when you're 7th.

Magic item body slots. Then the ability to have hands(fine manipulations), hold items and wield weapons, activate wands and cast spells are deeper issues.
see Magic Item Body Slots @ AoN and PF1 Org Play FAQs on Anml Cmpn & Famil crafting, body slots, weapons, magic item activation

Dark Archive

gourry187 wrote:

so the entry for the clockwork familiar is stated as a raven and specifies that a similar creature with an alternate movement would just replace the fly speed with whatever ... burrow, swim ect.

question ...

if the familiar is based off a dragon, would it only have the bite or would it also get the claws?

only the bite. it can look like whatever, but its stat block shouldn't change

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