Pathfinder Adventure Path #138: Rise of New Thassilon (Return of the Runelords 6 of 6)

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #138: Rise of New Thassilon (Return of the Runelords 6 of 6)
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Sins of the Past

Varisia has been destroyed! Runelord Alaznist's alteration of the past has thrown the frontier nation into chaos, devastated cities, resurrected demon lords, and worse. The Runelord of Wrath is now primed to seize control of a ruined realm, so that she can remake it into a New Thassilon with herself as its furious queen. Only one desperate plan can set things right—a band of heroes must discover a method to travel back in time and repair the damage their enemy has wrought on history, but can they make the sacrifices necessary for victory? This adventure allows the heroes to reach the absolute height of power, but even the potent options gained at 20th level may not be enough for the party to survive the furious might of Runelord Alaznist in her seat of power!

This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path concludes the Return of the Runelords Adventure Path and includes:

  • "Rise of New Thassilon," a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 17th-level characters, by Greg A. Vaughan.
  • A brief exploration of how the Return of the Runelords Adventure Path will change Golarion in the future, including the first-ever map of the empire of Thassilon as it stood before the devastation of Earthfall, by James Jacobs.
  • A bestiary of monsters, including undead salamander forgemasters, living landslides, the mysterious hallowed lynxes used by runelords as pets and guardians, a planar dragon from the tumultuous Maelstrom, and the immense Great Old One Mhar itself, by John Compton, Andrew D. Geels, Lyz Liddell, Luis Loza, and David Schwartz.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-106-1

The Return of the Runelords Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure Path and Chronicle sheet are available as a free download (1.5 MB PDF).

DriveThruRPG: This product is available as print-on-demand from DriveThruRPG:

Print on Demand

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription.

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Average product rating:

5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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Best PF 1 Adventure Path


I ran this AP for my home group and they really enjoyed it. This Adventure Path ties into many previous APs, especially Rise of the Runelords and Shattered Star. There are rules that involve the heroes of these previous APs, and the players appreciated seeing their other characters have one more role to play. The time travel mechanics were interesting, and the PCs are treated as the important high level heroes that they are. I also like that this AP takes the characters to level 20. The story was great, the time travel rules were cool (and reminded me of the Sliders tv series), and the adventure was epic. Thank you Paizo for this enjoyable gaming experience!

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This product is now available in Print on Demand.

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