Starfinder Critical Hit Deck

5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)
Starfinder Critical Hit Deck

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Do you want your critical hits to deal more than double damage? Want your arc rifle to have options beyond arcing to a new target? Think setting things on fire should be the beginning of what a flamethrower can do, rather than the only possibility? After you score a critical hit, draw a card and apply one of four different effects based on attack type. These cards are designed to work with the Starfinder Roleplaying Game and can be used by players and GMs alike. Even if your weapon already has critical hit effects, firing off that perfect shot has never been more fun!

ISBN: 978-1-64078-096-5

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop

Note: This product is part of the Starfinder Accessories Subscription.

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Imaginative Effects


I know not every gamer likes them, but I always find critical hit tables/decks add a fun element of randomness to an encounter. The Starfinder Critical Hit Deck is 50+ cards, each of which has a special effect depending on if the attack is an energy attack, a kinetic attack, or a spell (all crits still do double damage as normal--this is something special in addition to the extra damage). The special effects are listed as either "crit effects" (which means the player gets to choose to use the card or a special crit effect the weapon might already have) or "bonus effects" (which means the card special effect happens *in addition* to the weapon's special crit effect). It's a smart way of ensuring that a player doesn't feel disadvantaged by drawing a card. In addition, each card has an "Extreme" category that only applies if the damage type of the attack matches the listed damage type (like electricity), providing a further option the player can use. The cards have a lot of fun and interesting special effects. I've used the deck in a long campaign, and though I wish the text was laid out differently (for quicker reading), I think they're a pretty cool addition to the game. The instructions also give three different options for how GMs want to treat NPCs/bad guys using the deck, and this is of course a choice the GM should announce to the players at the beginning of the campaign.

Scarab Sages Webstore Coordinator

Announced for December! Image and description are provisional and subject to change prior to release.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yes! This is exactly what I've been missing from my Starfinder games! I was hoping you guys would make this!

Dark Archive

Will these cards show things like these:

-Injection DC +2
-Severe Wound

-Lost eye
-Severed leg
-Severed hand
-Vital organ hit
-Brain damage

Do we know how these cards will work? Will it bring back some level of crit-confirming, or will it just be you roll a 20? Draw a card!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Will this be available as purchase in PDF format so I can port it to Roll20, or will I be able to purchase it on roll20 directly for that matter?

Dark Archive

I'm not sure this is a good idea for Starfinder, as critical hits are already very powerful due to not needing confirmation and often already having an additional effect for most weapons.
This was fun for Pathfinder and sold very well there, but i don't think it will work here.
Maybe i'm wrong, we'll see.

I for one wish to have it so.. Im sure it will sell well enough but we will see :)

Dark Archive

The box art says 52 cards, the description says 53 - which will it be?

I've been using the Starfinder condition cards to good effect, but i'm not really hot for these (yet).
Some sample art would be nice.

Marco Massoudi wrote:

The box art says 52 cards, the description says 53 - which will it be?

I've been using the Starfinder condition cards to good effect, but i'm not really hot for these (yet).
Some sample art would be nice.

If it's anything like the ones for Pathfinder there really won't be much artwork. Each card for Pathfinder has a bunch of different effects depending one what weapon you're using to deal the crit with so much of the card space is filled with text.

Dark Archive

Aunders wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:

The box art says 52 cards, the description says 53 - which will it be?

I've been using the Starfinder condition cards to good effect, but i'm not really hot for these (yet).
Some sample art would be nice.

If it's anything like the ones for Pathfinder there really won't be much artwork. Each card for Pathfinder has a bunch of different effects depending one what weapon you're using to deal the crit with so much of the card space is filled with text.

The descriptive text says "lavishly illustrated", but who knows?

It certainly makes sense to tie the cards to certain weapons, even if there are mostly ranged weapons in SF.

Personally i'd like to see some gruesome illustrations of burning aliens, sniper headshots or Han Solo frozen in carbonite after being hit by a cryo weapon. ;-)

Dark Archive

Cute box art! :-)

Is this on pre-order at the moment, or has it come out for actual sale and shipping?

John Demko wrote:
Is this on pre-order at the moment, or has it come out for actual sale and shipping?

They're packing them for preorders right now, so if you order today you should get it very soon after those go out. Official street date is December 12.

Alledisil wrote:
John Demko wrote:
Is this on pre-order at the moment, or has it come out for actual sale and shipping?
They're packing them for preorders right now, so if you order today you should get it very soon after those go out. Official street date is December 12.

Cool, thanks.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

These cards are the Starfinder Accessory subscription shipment for December. I have a deck on its way to me now.

I just wish Paizo could use Paypal. My bank freaks the hell out when Paizo is involved for some reason, so I can't actually buy anything.

Scarab Sages Starfinder Design Lead

Aunders wrote:
Do we know how these cards will work? Will it bring back some level of crit-confirming, or will it just be you roll a 20? Draw a card!

No confirmation roll.

Some things are just alternate crit effects--use your attack's normal critical effect, or the one on the card.
Other things are bonus effects--do your attacks normal critical AND the bonus crit effect.

Each card has crits for energy attacks, kinetic attacks, spell attacks, and one extreme effect you must match exactly (such as acid damage) in order to apply.

Dark Archive

I took a look at the cards and decided that this product isn't something for me.

On the other hand, i would really love a "starships stats" card pack, "spells cards" pack, "Alien Archive" & a double-sized "Armory" pack! ;-)

Will there be an Android app for this?

Chief Operations Officer

Mortificator wrote:
Will there be an Android app for this?

Hey Mortification, Unfortunately we do not have any internal plans to create apps for our deck products nor do we have any current licensees interested in creating them. We'd love to have them but we just don't have the time for our tech team to create them.

RE: "lavish illustration"
There are no illustrations on the cards, save for the one on the back which you see on the box.

Dark Archive

Could we get a PDF option for this product? I currently GM Starfinder on Roll20 and I could easily turn a PDF into a usable deck in that application.

Leahcim wrote:
Could we get a PDF option for this product? I currently GM Starfinder on Roll20 and I could easily turn a PDF into a usable deck in that application.

Same, need a PDF version because my players are all over the country

Paizo Employee Webstore Coordinator

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Deranged Stabby-Man wrote:
Leahcim wrote:
Could we get a PDF option for this product? I currently GM Starfinder on Roll20 and I could easily turn a PDF into a usable deck in that application.
Same, need a PDF version because my players are all over the country

Digital option now available! :)

Are these cards, and the Fumble Card, cover in the Open Game Content?
I just finished creating roll tables for Foundry VTT and want to know if this is something I can publicly share.

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