Godhand (PFRPG) PDF

4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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Defy the Gods! Ride the Storm! Tame the Storm! BE the Storm!

“I need more POWER! I will not lose to the likes of you!” raged the Bjorne the warrior, the bloody stump where his arm once was now the perfect receptacle for the pact he craved. With a flourish he invoked the ancient blood magic of his people, his arm reforming before his very eyes as he charged down his foe in the arena. Comprised of clotted blood, bone spikes, and bathed in the light of hell itself—but he cared not for today he was to be crowned king...

Some people think it's a fantastic idea to bind things WAY out of their weight class to their bodies- you know, like minor deities, insanely powerful artifacts, or stuff of that ilk. Well, the godhand represents that with a fun chaotic risk/reward style of play that will have you smiling as you unleash the beast on your foes!


  • The godhand base class (for good and evil divine arms)!
  • 24 morphologies!
  • The magehand archetype (Bind insanely powerful artifacts to your form!)!

Pages: 12 pages (1 cover, 1 credit, 2 OGL, 12 content)
5 pieces of art
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Disclaimer: I purchased this product here on Paizo.com, mostly because I thought it would make an interesting encounter for a few of my games.

The Godhand is one of the most chuuni classes I have ever seen. That's not a typo, and I'll explain - chuunibyou is something of a Japanese phenomenon, and the best way to think of it is kids going over the top with their fantasies and yelling about stuff like the dark power sealed in their right arm. Watch the first two minutes or so of this to get a better sense for it.

The Godhand is very much an over-the-top class, and I don't think I could possibly allow a player to take it in a serious game. XD If you really like hamming it up with your roleplay, though, then you might enjoy what's being offered here. I mean, one of its class powers is literally named God Mode (although, thankfully, this does not confer invincibility - it just gives you more magical arms, and combos with certain class picks to let you really let loose with a series of attacks).

This class is a Full BAB class, focused mainly around the use of an abnormal limb. This limb can do quite a few different things - and in its most basic form, it does unarmed damage, complete with the Improved Unarmed Strike feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. That's not the only way to go, though, and various class choices allow things like conjuring weapons to use, changing the shape and size of the arm, and so on.

However, this class is also a bit like the Kineticist in that it's something of a challenge to use, because the Divine Arm actively opposes being used and requires near-constant will checks in order to maintain control of it. (Seriously, this is so chuuni... XD Which isn't necessarily bad, of course, and in fact, it might be exactly what some people are looking for...) Failure to make these will saves can really disrupt what you're doing, but risk it can hobble you. Basically, it's strong but not totally reliable, and this is 100% intentional. You will probably start buffing your will save as soon as you can.

One archetype is included with this PDF - the Magehand, which focuses on binding a powerful item or source of magical energy. This is rather magus-like, turning them into a 6th Level Prepared Caster, albeit based on Charisma instead of Intelligence.

Unfortunately, I did notice a number of typos throughout the document. It was mostly small stuff - extra spaces where there shouldn't have been, spelling "angel" as "angle" (although the idea of binding "a very powerful angle" to one's arm is actually kind of funny), that sort of thing. Having another person carefully proofread this before release would have been a good move, and it's something I encourage Little Red Goblin Games to do in the future. There were also a couple of wording choices that likely didn't go as planned. The Titanic Hand ability, for example, says it grants an additional 5 feet of reach... which gives a medium-sized creature a reach of 5 feet. This is probably meant to read 10 feet, but as-written seems largely useless until taken twice. Stuff like that is pretty obviously something a house rule can fix, but that shouldn't be necessary, and I do have to knock off a star for the stuff like that. My final verdict is 3.5/5, rounded up to 4. It's DEFINITELY not for every group, but it's worth considering as a unique villain if you tweak it a little.

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As a little update, Ian wrapped on the Godhand expansion last Sunday. I'll see when I can get it formatted and out the door.

Hooray! I'm looking forward to seeing the updated version. ^^ This is a funny class - so easy to make jokes with - so it has a special little place in my heart. XD

GM Rednal wrote:
Hooray! I'm looking forward to seeing the updated version. ^^ This is a funny class - so easy to make jokes with - so it has a special little place in my heart. XD

The dragonhand archetype we've got to look forward to really reminds me of Megaman Starforce.

So now I'm wondering how many people made Godhands who are androids with blue armor.

Because thinking about it, an arm that changes configuration for different powers, that's totally megaman.

Probably too late to suggest an archetype that consumes the souls of dead opponents to replace morphologies with their abilities...

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For what it's worth, I feel like the base concept here makes it really easy to come up with different ways to expand it. I don't know how well this product sells, or whether or not the creators think that further expansions are worth considering, but it's certainly got mechanical potential. XD

It sold well enough that making an expansion seemed feasible, so if more support shows up I imagine it would depend on how well the expansion sells, or until they're sick of it over at LRGG.

Whichever comes first. :)

It sold decently but there is more to determining if we should expand a product than "how well did it sell". Things like community engagement and feedback, what kind of ideas we have for future content, and reviews. For example: Tome of Ethical Necromancy sold REALLY well but I don't think Ian has said "yeah- I got an idea for 4 more of those" (though I could see him writing "Tomes" along the same vein on other topics) and there hasn't been a desire for more.

We actually sent out a year end survey on Facebook and Patreon and used that pretty heavily to determine our production schedule for the first part of this year.

Little Red Goblin Games wrote:
It sold decently but there is more to determining if we should expand a product than "how well did it sell". Things like community engagement and feedback, what kind of ideas we have for future content, and reviews. For example: Tome of Ethical Necromancy sold REALLY well but I don't think Ian has said "yeah- I got an idea for 4 more of those" (though I could see him writing "Tomes" along the same vein on other topics) and there hasn't been a desire for more.

Considering Martial Magic floated the idea that Necroknight was the necromancy equivalent of the cresting that Shujaa get I'm kind of surprised to hear that you don't actually have active plans for the other schools of magic.

But some things just seem to scream for more options, in my experience.

I like necroknight, I wouldn't say no to more necroknight material, but it didn't make me go "Oh! Oh! Oh! You could do this with it or this or this or this" like say the Godhand.

Although since there's already a pseudo-ghost archetype I could see a bunch of archetypes for other undead types, a deadly gaze pseudo Bodak for example seems like a fun idea...

But to make this more appropriate for this book, why I was just thinking of a few more Godhand options the other day like a Stray Spell Godhand who goes even more Mega Man, consuming spells/magic items to change their godhand, or an Arma "Living Weapon" archetype.

We actually talked about what cresting looks like for other schools of magic. I won't go into it too much, as we have plans based on it, but just know that it's not a topic that has escaped our view ;-)

You keep teasing us! ....And I'm okay with this. XD All the more stuff to look forward to.

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Well, one thing I have in my own little headcanon is that worldshaper from Alt. Path Magic is almost a transmutation crested character and I probably would have written it as such (and a bit differently) if we'd had cresting back then. La Rosa from Alt Path Divine feels a lot like how we'd probably address a divination crested character. (The mystic seeker prestige from Alt. Path Martial could probably fit that slot too.)

It'll be interesting to see how things shape up in Pathfinder 2. We have a blank slate to kind of re-introduce classes and concepts that kind of developed all helter-skelter since we started. Like I know we want to codify that "cosmic" power source (aka "kashun") we've explored (we actually do that in the upcoming Alt. Path Magic 2 which just finished playtest and initial editing). I REALLY want to take another crack at things like battle chef, davatti, and multiman. We did davatti and multiman as Starfinder conversions but haven't released them yet (it's a big process and Starfinder sells... ok) and that just made me want to do them all over again.

We've toyed with couching our content in a broadly accessible setting like we did with Red Sector in Starfinder. It's the kind of "here is some flavor specific to the setting but the class/content itself is super setting neutral. If you want to fit it in, here is how that'd look."

We've toyed with establishing a few "core" races for LRGG. Probably stay spells, maybe gaoth and some stuff from Racial Guide 4, and we'd probably toss wug in there because we love it so damn much.

Lot's upcoming. We've, for sure, got the Godhand support (probably launching today), Alt. Path Magic 2, probably a pure "culture" book, and more. We've talked internally about the next Alt. Path after Magic 2 and it's looking like it'd either be Ascetic 2 or a skill-focused Alt Path book (focused on rogues, bards rangers, etc with new ways to use skills and the like).

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Just saying...
The Expanded Godhand

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