Pathfinder Society Quest: Honor's Echo (PFRPG) PDF

2.60/5 (based on 8 ratings)

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A series of six Quests designed for 1st-level characters.

The grand Taldan Empire once controlled half of Avistan, but during the Even-Tongued Conquest, it could not manage an ongoing war with both its neighbor Qadira and the secessionist rebels in its outer provinces. As Taldor struggled to control its crumbling territories, its monarchs sought scapegoats for its failures, including the righteous war hero Countess Honaria Alcasti. Stripped of its nobility, her family has survived in obscurity for seven hundred years. However, her descendant Remaio has identified evidence that might redeem the Alcasti name and his ancestor’s honor. Can the PCs help exonerate her name and bring glory to Taldor once more?

"Honor’s Echo" includes six, 1-hour adventures that take the PCs from the verdant wilds of Andoran to the arid wastes of Qadira to the cultural heart of Taldor itself. Experience the adventures in any order to create a unique story.

This scenario is designed for play in Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild but can easily be adapted for use with any world. This scenario is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Written by Eleanor Ferron, Jenny Jarzabski, and Landon Winkler.

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Average product rating:

2.60/5 (based on 8 ratings)

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Bad for attracting new players


This quest set is completely unsuitable for players who don't know what to do with their characters, especially with pregens which are intentionally suboptimal.

While at higher levels it's acceptable to have a spellcaster at +2 levels, the power curve between 1 and 4 is so high that having a spellcaster at level 3 attack a party of 0-xp characters is more than double the power of the PC party.

And then you add another level 2 spellcaster and an animal companion who gets three attacks per round at +5.

Just not suitable for 0-xp play.

Killer quests are not a good recruiting tool


Paizo, I really don't care what your silly CR system says, a L3 Druid is really NOT a fair encounter for a group of L1 pregens.

With a group of 5 experienced players playing decent pregens we just lost 4 out of 5 characters in the first encounter. In an encounter that was virtually unavoidable.

Sure, there was a little bit of poor luck. But there was also something near cheating by the GM trying to stop a TPK :-).

I'm an experienced player with a new character so I don't care. But if I was a new player this would be my only Pathfinder encounter ever

Some good quests here


I ran this a lot at Gen Con 2016 and most all of the players had fun. This is split up into 6 quests, all different locations. I'll comment below trying not to add spoilers. I've found that 5 players are ideal for this.

Grove - my favorite part is when the druid talks to the tree and how the players react.

Basilica - nice "dungeon" crawl.

Blade - I really enjoyed the sword.

Homestead - no spoilers...FUN!

Breakdown - I wish there were more in the first 2 areas, kind of slow to start. The rest of the rooms are well done. E3, in every group, scared the players.

Cacophony - this is the toughest one to run. There is a good chance of no combat. Good roleplay but some skills are needed.

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Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

More quests!

Dark Archive

Is this slotted to be ran at Gencon? My schedule as GM has a lot of slots listed as "Hero's Echo."

Paizo Employee Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

Ryphus wrote:
Is this slotted to be ran at Gencon? My schedule as GM has a lot of slots listed as "Hero's Echo."

There will be several tables running this adventure's six parts as demos throughout Gen Con 2016. I suspect that your schedule does refer to this.

Dark Archive

John Compton wrote:
Ryphus wrote:
Is this slotted to be ran at Gencon? My schedule as GM has a lot of slots listed as "Hero's Echo."
There will be several tables running this adventure's six parts as demos throughout Gen Con 2016. I suspect that your schedule does refer to this.


Community & Digital Content Director

Updated with a product image!

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

That's a very pretty cover.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Very cool!

Paizo Employee Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Maps Appearing in Honor’s Echo:

  • Flip-Mat: Desert Ruin
  • Flip-Mat: Monastery
  • Flip-Mat: Noble Estate
  • Flip-Mat Classic: Dungeon
  • Flip-Mat Classic: Woodlands
  • Map Pack: Farmstead
  • Scarab Sages

    John Compton wrote:
    Ryphus wrote:
    Is this slotted to be ran at Gencon? My schedule as GM has a lot of slots listed as "Hero's Echo."
    There will be several tables running this adventure's six parts as demos throughout Gen Con 2016. I suspect that your schedule does refer to this.

    From a player perspective: To participate in these demos, are they run in the Dealer Hall, or the Sagamore Ballroom?

    Also, as I can't find any events in GenCon Event Registration for this, are they free to play, or will they require Generics?

    Back to Unavailable :(

    I was really hoping To pick it up as well as a couple season 8 scenario today.

    Andre Roy wrote:

    Back to Unavailable :(

    I was really hoping To pick it up as well as a couple season 8 scenario today.

    DOH! I noticed the same. Yesterday it said "available tomorrow" and I was excited to start picking up season 8.

    Do we know when this quest set (and the other season 8 sessions) will be available for purchase?

    Community & Digital Content Director

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Is now good? :)

    Chris Lambertz wrote:
    Is now good? :)

    I LOVE now!

    Thanks Chris!

    Chris Lambertz wrote:
    Is now good? :)

    Nom is perfect :)

    Good to have some more honorary free quests out there. ;)

    Questions about 'broken figurine of wondrous power (alabaster pegasus)']

    Question 1:
    The broken version is described like this:
    "When animated, this figurine has the statistics of a horse with a movement speed of 60 feet but can make no attacks."

    Which 'Horse' is this? Light, Heavy, Advanced, Summoned or Pony (since the 'original' "Ebony Fly" is medium)? Or is it optional?

    Question 2:
    The upgraded version is described like this:
    "Other than its appearance, this figurines functions identically to a figurine of wondrous power (ebony fly)."

    The 'figurine of wondrous power (ebony fly)' is described like this:
    "When animated, an ebony fly is the size of a pony and has all the statistics of a pegasus but can make no attacks."

    This specifies a size of a pony, Medium. Does that mean that the upgraded (unbroken) version of 'alabaster pegasus' is also Medium? Or does 'appearance' also potentially cover size?

    If it has been specified, I can't find it anywhere.

    Thanks :)

    Liberty's Edge

    Are 1st level characters that are not pregens allowed for this scenario?

    Silver Crusade

    Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
    William Ronald wrote:
    Are 1st level characters that are not pregens allowed for this scenario?


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