CLASSifieds: The Pyromancer (PFRPG) PDF

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The Pyromancer: The discovery of fire is hailed by many as one of the most important discoveries in all the worlds. Those arcane practitioners who “find the fire within” are known as pyromancers. The burning desire to delve further into the pyromantic arts consumes many; stories tell of wild, undisciplined practitioners whose star burned bright and short, quite literally. Yet others channel the burning inferno of magical potential into a focus rivaled by few.

Whether through study or self-discovery, a pyromancer’s power grows with time. Like a natural fire, that power goes through bright spots of discovery followed by a tamer period of refinement. Eventually, a pyromancer becomes deceptively deadly, like embers amongst the ashes.

Role: A pyromancer is a gifted spellcaster of firebased magic. Eventually, a pyromancer becomes so exceptional at casting fire based magic that they become a destructive, yet necessary force, unto themselves.

The CLASSified product line from Fat Goblin Games is devoted to bringing you a new and exciting base class for your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. CLASSified: Pyromancer includes complete rules for a single class or archetype and an assortment of other rules to bring your characters to life.

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Blazing magic of the Great swamp


The Pyromancer is a rework of the 2011 class of the same name and publisher. In this version several unique class features remain but are improved this time around. The Pyromancer receives a d6 hit die, ½ Base Attack bonus and good progression of Will saving throws. The Pyromancer is a full spellcaster that eventually receives access to 9th level spells. The Pyromancer has the sorcerer’s spell progression and is a spontaneous caster. The Pyromancer can now cast spells off the Wizard/Sorcerer spell list, which is much needed considering the original edition has a custom spell list of evocation fire spells. Though when casting spells with the cold descriptor those spells take up 2 spell slots. The Pyromancer in its original concept was about dishing out as much dps as possible using fire magic and this rework builds upon those core features. The 1st class feature we receive is Fire Within (Ex): Any time the Pyromancer does fire damage they add their CHA mod to the damage dealt. Considering the few ways one has to add static damage to spells I really enjoyed this class feature in both the original and reworked editions. Though now at 9th level the Pyromancer can as a standard action, emit an Aura similar to a fire elementals burn ability that does 2d6 + 1 fire damage/ two levels for nonconsecuative rounds equal to their Pyromancer level. Since this is fire damage this should also proc the Fire Within CHA to damage. At 11th level this ability works on manufactured weapons and acts as the heat metal spell, dealing 2d6+2/ two levels. At 1st level we also get 5 fire resist that stacks with other fire resist from items or spells. The amount of fire resistance goes up by 5 for every 5 levels afterwards.

At 2nd level, a Pyromancer gains the ability to devastate a foe with a beam of pure, scorching fire. A Pyromancer may target anything within a30-foot radius as a ranged touch attack. The ray deals1d8 points of fire damage for every 2 Pyromancer levels and an additional 1 point of fire damage for every 2 Pyromancer levels. This ability may be used a number of times equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier . At 4th level the Pyromancer can control whether flames magical or non-magical can be extinguished and at 5th level the Pyromancer receives a 20 foot burst centered on them for 1d6/ level fire damage reflex for half. There is a typo that says “once per day as a standard action.” And “She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.” Editing and clarification are needed. Also it is un stated whether the Pyromancer at the center of the burst takes any fire damage or has to make a save. I personally would say no but the ability needs to be clarified. At 7th level the Pyromancer can manipulate light from fire sources as a move action, improving to 11th level as if casting the pyrotechnics spell. Also at 7th level the Pyromancer gains the burning spell meta magic feat. At 9th level the meta magic feat only improves the spell by 1 spell level, which improves further at 13th level to not increasing spell level times per day equal to CHA mod. At 11th level, any use by a Pyromancer of an extraordinary ability, spell, or spell-like ability that deals fire damage penetrates all fire resistance and hardness, treating affected creatures or objects as having half their normal resistance or hardness. At 13th level the Pyromancer’s Fire within improves further dealing 2x Cha mod as damage when dealing fire damage. This used to be a feat chain in the original. At 15th level the Pyromancer pierces all fire resistance and immunity and ignores any hardness under 20. At 17th level the DC’s of all their spells spell like abilities and extraordinary abilities are increased by half their level when it comes to putting out targets set on fire. At 19th level when casting fire spells the Pyromancer gains a + to Caster level. Yep Spells with the fire descriptor are cast at level 21 and the Pyromancer gains + 2 to counter spell, dispel or pierce spell resistance with these spells. At 20th level, the Pyromancer becomes an outsider gaining both the outsider and fire subtypes, but not becoming vulnerable to cold. The Pyromancer no longer ages, can be flanked and can speak any language originating from the plane of fire. Included are favored class options for both standard races and races from the Shadows Over Vathak campaign setting.

Included are 3 archetypes for the Pyromancer. A healing cauterize Archetype, a hell fire Devilish Archetype and a Flame Artisan crafting Archetype. All three are an interesting take on the Pyromancer but I won’t be explaining them here.

Included are three feats. The first Extra burn gives you an extra use of any class ability that deals fire damage per day. Intense fire lets you add +1 bonus damage to any fire damage. Master of fire doubles any bonus fire damage for class abilities that use the Pyromancer’s Cha mod for bonus damage. Potentially Master of Fire could apply to Fire Within and Improved fire within. I would enjoy some clarification, so by RAW the issue could be clear.

Overall I love the update to this class. I love the original copy due to its potential for lots of damage. The specific class spell list was the only thing holding me back from using this class in a four man adventuring party (as it was only evocation and dps type spells). Now that the Pyromancer receives more spells per day, and can now use the Wizard/Sorcerer spell list, this is a solid alternative if someone wants to play a blaster sorcerer but didn’t like the blood line abilities. In fact, due to the fire penetration class features this is most likely stronger. There are several levels where no new class abilities are gained (4,6,8,12,14,18) that could have had some class features shifted around. A few typos and dead levels hold this product back from being a 5 star review.

I’m giving this product a solid 4 stars, it encompasses and encapsulates the original product bringing the strengths and unique class features of the original into the modern world, while improving on archaic design ideas from the 3.5 era. The rework of the Pyromancer captained by Kiel Howell, is a solid buff to the original fire wielding class released in 2011. Pick it up and Flame on!

Community Manager

Now available!

Thanks Liz!

Some of you are going to ask "Hey... they sold this a few years ago? So this is an update and I should get it.. .right?"

Actually, other than the art, this is a complete re-write of the product. There were numerous issues with the old product and the reviews that it got were less than stellar. Using those reviews and customer comments we rebuild this beast from the ground up. More feats, more spells, more archetypes, more awesome.

I cannot wait for you to see the awesome that Kiel Howell put into this!

Troy Daniels
Fat Goblin Games Project Manager
The Janitor

Silver Crusade

As this is a rewrite, I'm assuming it took new classes like the kineticist into consideration. Does this product take changes like that into consideration, and does it have a way to get through the ever present fire resistance that everything post CR 5 seems to have?

Nice to see this attributed to you Kiel!!!

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This class is so HOT right now!

I am going to be honest, I purchased the original product, thought it was pretty subpar, and now I find myself on the fence regarding whether or not I should purchase this product. In the end what really decides it is the price point. It seems to costly for a product with only 1 base class (that's also a rewrite of an existing one). As an incentive you might want to offer a discount for those with the original? Honestly, I find the cost of some of the 3rd party publishers to be a bit prohibitive lately which has resulted in my purchases being few and far between.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Volvogg wrote:

I am going to be honest, I purchased the original product, thought it was pretty subpar, and now I find myself on the fence regarding whether or not I should purchase this product. In the end what really decides it is the price point. It seems to costly for a product with only 1 base class (that's also a rewrite of an existing one). As an incentive you might want to offer a discount for those with the original? Honestly, I find the cost of some of the 3rd party publishers to be a bit prohibitive lately which has resulted in my purchases being few and far between.


As stated above, this product is not an update. It is a rewrite, redesign of a class we released when the company was still in its infancy. It would be unfair not to give Kiel his credit for working on this NEW product.

As for cost. We strive to bring our customers the best quality in design, art, and content. The price point reflects the time and energy put into our products. We understand not all our customers feel comfortable with our prices, and we run sales at various times during the year (often for charity or the like) to allow everyone to enjoy the fruits of our labor.

I hope you give this new offering a chance, but understand if you have reservations. I'm sure others will comment and review this new Pyromancer CLASSifieds (and maybe Kiel will stop in to discuss) and hopefully, we can change your mind.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

First off, THANKS LIZ!!!!!!!

@N. Jolly - I took a lot of the new stuff into consideration but I'll say that Occult Adventures was only JUST released and I did not own it, so I had to wait till it hit the PRD. After having looked at it, there are certain similarities but the classes are wildly different in concept and execution. And YES...getting past fire resistance was one of the first things I addressed. And as a sneak preview...there are ways to bypass at least part of fire immunity!

Thanks Oceanshieldwolf! Keep your eyes peeled...I got lots of stuff on the burner!

@Volvogg - Hey I recognize that name from reviewing some of the Flying Pincushion stuff! You might possibly remember me from some of those offerings! So I totally get your concern. This release also includes 3 archetypes (including a pyro focused healer!), a bunch of spells, some items, some feats, pure fire material crafting, and a few other things. You're getting a base class and that is the bulk of the matter, but there's a whole bunch more, approximately 20 pages of actual material.

Keep the discussion coming folks!!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks a million for putting this back out, guys. I've been playing one of the originals for almost 2 years and this really shores up what was missing there.

I will note that there seems to be a typo on page 15.

Fire Dart says "it deals 1d3 points of fire damage per caster level to a maximum of 10d6." when it should probably just be dealing 1d3 points of fire damage as a cantrip. In the least, the 10d6 is a typo.

Again, thanks a ton for the new product and when I've had a chance to chew on it a bit I'll be sure to put up a review.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Thanks Skaldi! Glad you liked this.

Thank you for pointing out the fiery dart typo! I'll make sure we get that corrected!

Thank you SACplayin for the review!

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Thanks SACplayin! I appreciate you taking the time to review!

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

This class is on FIRE!

There's a good number of fixes that have made it better overall but...was there a particular reason that being able to outright ignore Fire Immunity was cut?

At best the new Pyromancer is doing half damage with just about every spell/ability against those with Immunity, while other spellcaster optimized towards blasting are doing more better (circumventing one Immunity by changing the spells Element for example)...which in ways, only makes it worth a short dip for Fire Within.

theheadkase wrote:

Thanks Skaldi! Glad you liked this.

Thank you for pointing out the fiery dart typo! I'll make sure we get that corrected!

I think you may have nipped only half the typo. The spell still reads "1d3 points of fire damage per caster level" as a cantrip. Is your intent to make a cantrip that's leagues ahead of any other and, at higher levels, better than most damaging level 1 spells?

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