Dungeons & Dragons RPG: Player's Handbook Hardcover

4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

List Price: $49.95

Our Price: $44.96

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Everything a player needs to create heroic characters for the world’s greatest roleplaying game.

The Player’s Handbook is the essential reference for every Dungeons & Dragons roleplayer. It contains rules for character creation and advancement, backgrounds and skills, exploration and combat, equipment, spells, and much more.

Use this book to create exciting characters from among the most iconic D&D races and classes.

Dungeons & Dragons immerses you in a world of adventure. Explore ancient ruins and deadly dungeons. Battle monsters while searching for legendary treasures. Gain experience and power as you trek across uncharted lands with your companions.

The world needs heroes. Will you answer the call?

Pages: 320

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D&D is back. Yeah, baby!


Dungeons and Dragons comes surging back looking much more like the game I've always wanted.

*This is D20 boiled down to the essentials with a smattering of the best rules from prior editions. It runs fast and doesn't introduce too much "processing overhead," letting the DM keep the focus on the story.

*Concentration reins in both complexity and caster power.

*Raises the bar on art (most of it, anyway; see Cons) and graphic design.

*Lightly armored, dex-focused melee is finally a viable option from the start.

*Plenty of race and class variety right out of the gate. All the important bases are covered. *cough* gnomes *cough*

*The halfling art. It's just not good in a creepy, giant-head sort of way.

*Zero PDF/eBook availability (at least at the time of this writing) is a MAJOR disappointment.

*Price. $50 is a bit steep. The PHB should be subsidized a bit to lower barriers to entry. In my opinion, $40 would have been ideal. At the very least, $50 should have included a nice, saddle-stitched binding.


Picked this up yesterday and have only thumbed through it so far.

Just getting into the combat rules today, but I like the write ups of the races and classes.

Will spend the next few days really digging into it, but I like what I've see, fluff-wise, so far.

Now for the crunchy bits.

Anyone else picked this up? What do you think so far?

Laruuk wrote:

Picked this up yesterday and have only thumbed through it so far.

Just getting into the combat rules today, but I like the write ups of the races and classes.

Will spend the next few days really digging into it, but I like what I've see, fluff-wise, so far.

Now for the crunchy bits.

Anyone else picked this up? What do you think so far?

Is this the one that's Volume ONE of three, and you have to buy the other two hardback volumes at the same price to get all the races and classes, that we could get previously in one book? :(

There are the traditional 3 volumes planned as with all previous editions of D&D.

Player's Handbook, Dungeonmaster's Guide and Monster Manual.

I doubt you'll see any more races and classes in the DMG or MM. For now they will all be in the PHB, although they may expand the options later with additional content.

I didn't play 4th Edition, but I understand that had 3 "Player's Handbooks", but books 2 & 3 would be the equivalent of your Advanced Race Guide or Advanced Player's Guide for Pathfinder. They were expansions rather than a necessary part of the core rules.

In other words you only need the PHB, DMG and MM to play. If you have those 3 books you don't need to purchase anything else, and if you're a player you only need the PHB.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I thought it was too simplistic and kind of boring for a rules set. I do like what I've seen from the magic rules and I liked the references to their older worlds.

Also, I do not like their art style.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Great book. We converted our D&D Next playtest campaign over and are playing with 5E at 15th level.

Unlike 4E, this book has all the races from previous editions and most of the classes (the warlord of 4E is absent).

Art is amazing, really top notch. Graphics are great. Humorous art is back in places, if you liked that in 1E.

Game uses bounded accuracy so plusses and abiltiy scores have caps to keep things manageable. Casters have to cast spells at higher levels to get improved effects.

Game is designed first and foremost to run adventures that feel like D&D. That is hard to explain but two years of playtesting went into it and it works. Second but very important are rules not too complex but with options that work. Playtest covered that goal well as well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

To me the rules complexity starts at around the level of the PF Beginner Box, which is ideal. I like the more complex PF but at the table, and with my players, this is better. Pick up the free basic rules PDF (which has everything you need for the core 4 classes and races) if you want to see how it works. It plays really well at the table.

Shadow Lodge

Any indication when the non-Forgotten Realms material will be out?

I'm not really at all interested in Forgotten Realms, the Tyranny of Dragons, etc, . . . but I'm interested in giving it a try.

I haven't actually gotten a copy of the PHB yet, but I read the basic rules and liked some of the concepts presented.

Anyone who has gotten the book, from the basic rules I have the impression that this game has taken steps to move away from the Christmas tree effect, is this true?

How does the new warlock compare to its 3.5 counterpart?

Are there any other "optional" rules present in the phb like the multiclassing and feat rules in the basic pdf?

Having just looked through for the first time....

the art is fantastic. I really like some of the 'group/party' art especially. Gone are silly boobs and cartoon oversized weapons for example, which have/do plague some d20 art

Kenjishinomouri wrote:

I haven't actually gotten a copy of the PHB yet, but I read the basic rules and liked some of the concepts presented.

Anyone who has gotten the book, from the basic rules I have the impression that this game has taken steps to move away from the Christmas tree effect, is this true?

How does the new warlock compare to its 3.5 counterpart?

Are there any other "optional" rules present in the phb like the multiclassing and feat rules in the basic pdf?

The "better" magic items like Gauntlets of Ogre Power and Ring of Protection require attunement, and you can only have 3 items attuned at any time. Disposable items don't require attunement of course and bunch of magic items like Sword +1 and Boots of Striding and Springing also don't require attunement.

You could fill up quite a few slots with magic items. I don't think you could get half of what you could in 3.5 though, but magic items are not assumed or worked into the CRs for encounters.

Warlocks are kind of a mix between the 3.5 and 4th edition Warlock.

No major set of optional rules in the PHB that isn't in the Basic rules. I believe the DMG is supposed to have most of that stuff.

Hi Paizo

Is there any way for you to tell whether you're shipping 2nd printings of this yet? (In fact, will you ever be able to tell?)

Liberty's Edge

Steve Geddes wrote:

Hi Paizo

Is there any way for you to tell whether you're shipping 2nd printings of this yet? (In fact, will you ever be able to tell?)

Are there any major changes between the first and second printings?

Yeah, they've included the errata (though you can also download them).

EDIT: I believe so, anyhow. I haven't actually managed to track down a copy yet.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

We don't have any in our warehouse. We order it on demand from our supplier so finding out the printing is unfortunately not something I can check.

No worries, Sara. That's kind of what I was expecting.

Dark Archive

we have a few players who are from the Philippines, their native lang is Tagalog, and my linguistics isnt cutting the mustard. (yes thats a joke) does anyone know where i can get a players handbook written in Tagalog? or even a PDF?


1 person marked this as a favorite.

How do I add the book to my cart so I can buy it? Currently it won't load to my cart.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Please let me know when I can try to purchase this book. Your website refuses to add it to my cart so I can purchase it.

Marketing & Media Manager

Tigercat wrote:
Please let me know when I can try to purchase this book. Your website refuses to add it to my cart so I can purchase it.

Please email customer service for support.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

If Paizo is no longer selling D&D 5th edition books, you need to quit advertising them for sale.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I thought it was the usual bug of you being unable to add anything to your cart until I reproduced it. I don't recall seeing this bug before.

Changing browser from Chrome to Edge, clearing cookies per the stickied thread in Website Feedback, and going into incognito mode in Chrome all fail to clear up this problem. In the past, any of these would have worked.

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