PathlessBeth |
Operation: Get Your Money has begun!
Wait, you mean all this time the entire tabletop gaming industry has just been one gigantic trick to get my money?!? Well I guess it worked...
For those that order between now and October 30th also get access to the 666 dances of seduction, by highly trained succubi.
Where do I get them? Or was that a succubus trick and I don't actually get them until 1000000 years after purchase:)

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Thanks for the review Mr. Davies! I hope that every other product you buy from Legendary Games exceeds your expectations.
I did want to mention something you brought up in your review, though, and that is about the lack of art and descriptive text for the creatures in the product (aside from the brand-new monster, the gulgerak demon, which of course got its own delightful illo by Colby Stevenson and a juicy chunk of description from Tom Phillips).
As you've pointed out, this isn't a typical bestiary, where you're getting all-new creatures (with the exception of the one new creature, obviously); it's a rules supplement providing exciting, fun, and complex stat blocks for mythic versions of familiar creatures. In devising this line of products, we looked at what already existed for the Pathfinder RPG. You've got bestiary after bestiary with fabulous artwork, and each monster has information on its ecology, biology, and society in varying degrees of detail. Everything you need to use that same monster as a mythic monster is already there... except the mythic stats.
That's what this product provides you, and it's not for the sake of speed that we chose this route. It was a decision to create a new and different kind of monster product.
Here's something you find in the preface to every Mythic Monsters product, and on the product announcements we posted on our site in announcing this line:
What you won't find inside this product are individual monster illustrations. You already have them. Fantastic, glorious illustrations for every monster in every bestiary. You also won't find descriptive text for these monsters. You already have that too. Every mythic monster could be an elder of its kind, specially blessed or cursed by the gods, a noble lord or powerful champion, the last remnant of a mightier primeval race, a singular being unto itself, or perhaps a newly evolved master race looking to supplant the ordinary beings of its ilk that came before. To repeat these narratives for every monster, with slight variations, would be redundant. You can create the perfect origin story and background for mythic versions of ordinary monsters that fits precisely with your world. What you need are the stats, 100% crunch, and that is what Mythic Monsters delivers.
For good or ill, our concept was to provide you with the tools you need to make the monsters you already have into mythic menaces. Repeating flavor text for each that would be essentially the same dozen tropes of "why is this monster mythic, but otherwise generally like regular monsters of its kind" and creating new illustrations for each (with the associated increased cost) seemed redundant. In the end, time will tell whether this is a product concept that turns out to be a winner.
We hope you get great use out of your purchase of Mythic Monsters: Demons and that you check out some of the upcoming products in this line and see whether you think they provide good play value at the table to you in your game.
Thanks again for taking the time to post a review!

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Jason Nelson wrote:Operation: Get Your Money has begun!Wait, you mean all this time the entire tabletop gaming industry has just been one gigantic trick to get my money?!? Well I guess it worked...
Dark Mistress wrote:For those that order between now and October 30th also get access to the 666 dances of seduction, by highly trained succubi.Where do I get them? Or was that a succubus trick and I don't actually get them until 1000000 years after purchase:)
It isn't October 30th yet.

Blitterbug |

Purchased and reviewed (as quillblade apparently, because my account likes to randomly determine my post name with a 1d2). Thoroughly enjoyed. Will definitely be using this in future!
My only wish is that there was more love around the place for the humble devil. Themes of temptation (and redemption) are favorites of mine, and devils are temptation tied up with ribbons. It's not that they aren't thoroughly evil and out to take your soul... it's just that they're so polite about it, and able to quote you an exact exchange rate for your soul - for your convenience, of course.

Tom Phillips Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4 |

Purchased and reviewed (as quillblade apparently, because my account likes to randomly determine my post name with a 1d2). Thoroughly enjoyed. Will definitely be using this in future!
My only wish is that there was more love around the place for the humble devil.
Thank you, Blitterbug/Quillblade for the kind review! This was my first solo project for Legendary Games, so I'm happy to see you liked it.
My only wish is that there was more love around the place for the humble devil.
I just turned over a bucket full of critters to Jam Master J[ason], which will soon be combined with monsters from the creative (and by that I mean "twisted") minds of Jonathan Keith, Jim Groves, and Jason himself. Alas, it's not a "devils" product, but it is full of rich gooey nastiness. One of the mythic powers I created is called unspeakable propagation. It's as fun as you think it is. And it's for a CR 23 monster. ;-)
I agree that devils need their time in the mythic sun as well. I'm sure Jason has them on his mythic radar.

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Thanks for the review quillblade! Posted and linked on our website!

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Thanks for the review, Endy!
The reason to not include everything is twofold. In the first place, this was a new kind of monster product, and we frankly could not be 100% sure that it would be a winner. By producing a product of a certain size, we can provide a substantial product with a lot of great stuff but without taking a huge gamble on an unproven concept.
Secondly, this is a product concept that has essentially unlimited potential for expansion. There are TONS of demons in the Pathfinder-verse, with more coming out seemingly all the time, and we could keep making demon products for ages, but it also seems like a better idea to try a good sampling of lots of creature types rather than totally focusing on one genre and doing it to exhaustion.
That said, there is every chance we will revisit demons in a future Mythic Monsters product... and perhaps even something much, much bigger and more comprehensive, if things align. :)

Endzeitgeist |

Yeah, As mentioned, I understand that and hence also the high rating - personally, I would have been all over the "exotic" demons. Oh well, perhaps there'll be no 2 some day...or even a bestiary-compilation? I don't have the other mythic monsters-books, but judging from the Demons-installment, there's more than potential here... ^^

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Thanks for the great review, Endy. Posted and linked on our website to your review site and the various sales outlets!

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Purchased and reviewed (as quillblade apparently, because my account likes to randomly determine my post name with a 1d2). Thoroughly enjoyed. Will definitely be using this in future!
My only wish is that there was more love around the place for the humble devil. Themes of temptation (and redemption) are favorites of mine, and devils are temptation tied up with ribbons. It's not that they aren't thoroughly evil and out to take your soul... it's just that they're so polite about it, and able to quote you an exact exchange rate for your soul - for your convenience, of course.
You should be very happy very soon...

Monkeygod |

I just checked out the mythic Marilith and while cool, it doesn't have any really special abilities, not like the demons here, or heck even the Vampire, or Lich also in the book.
Is there any chance a minor PDF could be released that adds nifty abilities akin to what the demons in this book possess, but for the demons already in the mythic adventures book?
To be clear, I am not asking for them to be reprinted whole, rather come up with a few cool powers for each, and that's it. I would gladly pay a few bucks for this.

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Don't let your mythic demons get lonely! Pick up Mythic Daemons too!

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Our very first Mythic Monsters product, released shortly after the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Mythic Adventures rulebook itself had debuted, was the legendary Mythic Monsters: Demons! The only complaint we ever had about that book (which you can pick up this week for just 2 bucks as our TWO$DAY product of the week!) was that it just didn't have enough demons in it. The time to rectify that situation has come, with Mythic Monsters 35: Demons Too!
Our initial release covered almost all of the classic demons, but there are oh so many more within. Now, thanks to the combined talents of Jason Nelson, Alistair J. Rigg, Steven T. Helt, Todd Stewart, Jim Groves, and Nic Logue, we are proud to present the 35th installment in our magnificent Mythic Monsters series debuting this Friday in wide release. What lies within? BEWARE!
Mythic Monsters: Demons Too brings you an awesome array of abyssal adversaries ready to bring pain, torment, destruction, and woe upon the world and your heroes. These dastardly demons range from CR 3 to 23, including some of the lowliest of demonkind, the disgusting dretch and the half-breed cambion, as well as the savage footsoldiers of the Abyssal armies, the spiteful schir with their hewing halberds and the goat-horned brimoraks with their fiery hooves and burning blades. Truly hideous horrors lurk in the foul places of the Abyss, from the filthy and pestilential gibrileth to the foul and bestial kithangian, or even the lowly and loathsome abrikandilu who seek nothing but the wrecking of all things beauteous and fair. The seductively sinister coloxus conceals its insidiously insectile nature beneath a cloak of possession, while the deadly derakni revels in the company of the vilest vermin of the nether pits. The mightiest fiends are agents of death as often for their own kind as for others, as the prowling shemhazian preys upon all things weaker than itself while the subtle seraptis cultivates despair like a crop of death, leaving suicide and hopelessness in its wake, as does the warmongering gallu, lord of bloody battle. As if a dozen existing monsters were not enough, the brand-new skrekalga brings the spirit of absolute obsession and corruption to all it encounters. Add to that a delightfully disturbing piece of demonic fiction by Todd Stewart and you'll be ready to unleash truly exquisite evil upon your heroes.