Starship crew quarters

General Discussion

Under "other systems" Crew Quarters are listed and there's a table for their costs but I don't see any indication of size.

How many Good crew quarters do you get for that costs of 2BP?

Would think enough to house up to the maximum crew size as determined by the Frame of the ship you are building. Alternatively, maybe if you have a few small crew members you could house more than that number if you pack them in (if you gaming group is more than the crew maximum).

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Pax Rafkin wrote:

Under "other systems" Crew Quarters are listed and there's a table for their costs but I don't see any indication of size.

How many Good crew quarters do you get for that costs of 2BP?

See the paragraphs above the table on page 298. Luxurious quarters hold one person, while good quarters hold up to two people (since they have up to two beds).

Then again, the guest quarters on page 299 have common/good/luxurious quarters for 6/4/2 people each, but the power and BP costs are completely different for guest quarters vs. crew quarters.

David knott 242 wrote:
Pax Rafkin wrote:

Under "other systems" Crew Quarters are listed and there's a table for their costs but I don't see any indication of size.

How many Good crew quarters do you get for that costs of 2BP?

See the paragraphs above the table on page 298. Luxurious quarters hold one person, while good quarters hold up to two people (since they have up to two beds).

Then again, the guest quarters on page 299 have common/good/luxurious quarters for 6/4/2 people each, but the power and BP costs are completely different for guest quarters vs. crew quarters.

It says Good quarters consist of dormitory-style ROOMS that can hold up to two people. Also include one or two shared bathrooms and dining space for a galley. It just doesn't say how large this dormitory can be. As in, how many dorm rooms?

Guest quarters take up an expansion slot, crew quarters don't.

I'd say it's likely up to GM discretion. It doesn't seem unreasonable for an adventurer group's ship to have enough quarters for each PC/2 PCs per room depending on quality. A larger ship might have more crew quarters for example but I haven't seen the CRB yet so I don't know how ships work exactly.

My two quatloos: for crew quarters, think less like starship Enterprise and more like naval aircraft carrier Enterprise. Think cramped. For the dorm room comparison, two people in a 10x20 room, with bunks and clothing storage. It isn't a lot of space.

Jared Kincaid wrote:
Would think enough to house up to the maximum crew size as determined by the Frame of the ship you are building. Alternatively, maybe if you have a few small crew members you could house more than that number if you pack them in (if you gaming group is more than the crew maximum).

Actually, I believe that the medium and larger ship frames comes pre-equipped with the crew quarters needed for the maximum listed crew size and putting additional crew quarters (or guest quarters) in expansion bays ups the maximum number of crew a ship can carry. I can't find anything to support this in the CRB, but the AP has an example ship we can look at:

Dead Suns 1 of 6: Incident at Absalom Station:
The first chapter of the Dead Suns AP contains both a stat block and a floor plan (inside front cover and inside back cover, respectively) for the Sunrise Maiden, a medium explorer. The CRB says that the explorer frame has four expansion bays and a maximum crew capacity of six. The floorplan for the Sunrise Maiden clearly shows four expansion bays (a recreation suite, escape pods, and two cargo holds) as well as a captain's quarters and crew quarters for six (in addition to a galley, a dining room, two lavatories, a crew storage area, and main engineering) within the central portion of the ship.

I realize this doesn't answer the original question (how many crew quarters in an expansion bay), but I think that most ships of medium size or larger won't need to put crew quarters in expansion bays at all.

Figures that you would only need to use expansion bays for quarters if you are hauling passengers or marines.

Makes sense that the ship has enough crew bunks for its expected crew and then you can use expansion to add on extra crew/passenger space/troop capacity.

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