Rage of Elements errata

Rules Discussion

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With the recently released errata I was hoping that Rage of Elements would be included, but there was no mention of errata to it. There are still impulses like Roiling Mudslide without area, Rain of Rust without a duration and Wooden Palisade without a range.

Is there any timeline for this?

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In theory, the 2/year errata cycle should be starting up. The need for the Remaster itself kinda threw a wrench into that initially.

And Rage of Elements didn't need errata for compatibility with the Remaster like the other books did because RoE was written with the Remastered rules in mind.

Sovereign Court

Is there a procedure for flagging things to be considered for a future errata?

The Diplomat wrote:
Is there a procedure for flagging things to be considered for a future errata?

Not anymore. We used to have a FAQ button in PF1, but that vanished for PF2.

Now we typically try to make a thread and encourage folks to all respond in that thread so we can collate as much info as we can in one specific spot.

Paizo deliberately cultivated a culture of "rules interpretations" for PF2 that does not depend on "an official word from Paizo" since that sort of thing is rarely given (mostly when it's absolutely needed since like, Roiling Mudslide implied but did not specify an area of effect in RoE).

For the most part the way this should work is "the GM makes a call" and if the GM isn't sure their call was the right one, they can talk to other people who had to make similar calls.

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