Pathfinder #8 ( Exclusive)

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Story by Jim Zub
Interior Art by Jake Bilbao.

The mysterious monster known as Black Fang has taken refuge near Sandpoint and the Pathfinder adventurers must brave a treacherous dungeon to hunt it down. Are they ready for the deadly battle to come?

The hit comic series based on Paizo’s incredible award-winning fantasy world, fiction line, and tabletop RPG continues, featuring exclusive Pathfinder bonus materials!

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Webstore Gninja Minion

Cover has been updated!

Are the maps returning to the comics this quickly? Given the current comments surrounding number seven, it might be worth amending the product description of future issues if not.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I second what Steve just told you because if it states it is in there and it winds up not being in there, it will just make people mad. People are going to expect it to be there if it states it. We are just trying to save you a bunch of grief. A lot of us were mad that the map didn't show up in issue 7.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Thanks for the poke; the description has been updated. There is no map in issue 8.

I've read the first 6 issues, will the iconics slowly gain levels has the comics go forward?

AWESOME cover!!! Too bad there is no map included or I would have bought a few copies. Think I'll pass until they come back. On a side note, what kind of slacker meat shield is Val? He is letting the casters go in front. I enjoy having the soft corpse of a finger waggler to stand on as much as any other tank, but bad form Val.

The Exchange

Why is this not showing up on the next 3 months worth of subscription shipments? Is the release date still TBD?

Not seeing anything for June, July, or August, nor is there any listing for #9 or goblins #1.

Thanks for any info anyone may have... is it showing for any of you?

I think it must be imminent. Dynamite's site says it was available May 29, although that is presumably incorrect.

#9 is showing a release date of June 26 and #10 on August 28. Perhaps Issue 8 will release in June, Issue 9 in July and Issue 10 in August?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

The only date I'm reasonably confident on is that Goblins #1 should ship in August.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

I'm told that issue 8 will probably ship in early July.

Are we no longer getting iconic parody covers on the exclusive editions? After Jaws, Dark Knight, Spider-Man No More, Attack of the 50 Foot Woman and Ghostbusters (and one more...TMNT?) I haven't receognized the last couple of covers as referencing anything.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Dynamite took a break from the homage covers, but they will return.

Need maps..just sayin...

Dark Archive


Bring back the maps!

I really enjoyed the maps and find it disappointing that they have been taken away from us. I have bought all other issues and will probably by this issue but i think its just a matter of time before I stop purchasing
these comics if the maps/encounters do not return.

Please bring back the maps its what made this comic special.

Dark Archive

It's been said before but please bring back the maps. Charge me an extra buck if you need to but the maps were excellent.

Joining the choir in saying that I hope the maps will make it back.

I will also say that for those of us who play VTT and buy the electronic version of these comics, it'd be great if the map included did not already have tokens on them - it makes it hard to put them in play.

For instance the map in Pathfinder #6 already has four demons on it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hope there is more game content in this one then the last. I was going to cancel last issue but there was discussion on having more game content. If not, won't continue.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

4 Pages game content, 3 fluff on a couple of dragons in the Varisian Hinterlands (Sandpoint). 1 page stat block on old age black dragon. No additional game product.

Their going up against a Dragon? Okay, with or without the iconic cleric and the dwarf ranger? If there's six of them, they should have an easier time (especially if the female cleric is there [pardon me for not remembering her name]).

Her name is Kyra :)

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

There has been some movement on the map front. Keep the faith and stay tuned!

Sovereign Court

Berselius wrote:
Their going up against a Dragon? Okay, with or without the iconic cleric and the dwarf ranger? If there's six of them, they should have an easier time (especially if the female cleric is there [pardon me for not remembering her name]).

They are all in. And Kyra brings the awesome.

GeraintElberion wrote:
Berselius wrote:
Their going up against a Dragon? Okay, with or without the iconic cleric and the dwarf ranger? If there's six of them, they should have an easier time (especially if the female cleric is there [pardon me for not remembering her name]).
They are all in. And Kyra brings the awesome.

So very much awesome in her shining moment here.

Paizo Employee Developer

Yeah, Kyra has quickly become the star of the series. Sarenrae be blessed.

Erik Mona wrote:

There has been some movement on the map front. Keep the faith and stay tuned!

I hope you aren't just teasing us, I need my map fix, I'm in a bad way. If you bring back the maps I will even go back and buy all of the issues I am currently skipping because of them not having maps.

So, our intrepid band of adventures features the following then:

Valeros the Human Fighter

Harsk the Dwarf Ranger

Merisiel the Elf Rogue

Seoni the Human Sorcerer

Ezren the Human Wizard

Kyra the Human Cleric

Am I correct in this?

Also, will we be getting new stats for these six in this second chapter? Finally, will we be seeing previews again of the comic (I believe the former previews appeared every Sunday or am I wrong on that)?

Grand Lodge

Berselius wrote:

So, our intrepid band of adventures features the following then:


Am I correct in this?

Not entirely. At least one more iconic character appears at least once in the Pathfinder Comics I've read so far.

Is it Lem?

Liberty's Edge

No I believe TerrorTigr is refering to

. About whom it has been said that that Iconic was just a cameo appearance.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It takes time to plan a proper entrance, you know.

Indeed it does. Forgive my ignorance musician o'great renown! I look forward to your stunning entrance, fantastic performance, and subsequent plethora of hilarious jokes made at Alain's expense. ^_~

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