Pathfinder #4 ( Exclusive)

Our Price: $3.99


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Cover by Jorge Fares
Story by Jim Zub
Interior Art by Andrew Huerta

Paizo’s incredible award-winning fantasy world, fiction line, and tabletop RPG is now the ultimate fantasy comic from Dynamite Entertainment!

The Pathfinder adventurers have trekked deep into the Mosswood, overcoming dangerous creatures and perilous terrain to reach their goal. With victory so close, the brutal defeat to come will be even more bittersweet...

Includes 6 pages of character profiles and Pathfinder RPG game statistics, plus an EXCLUSIVE removable, playable tactical map and poster!

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Webstore Gninja Minion

Cover image added!

Woohoo! Thanks Liz - been hanging out for any information. :)

Liberty's Edge

Hahaha mad props for the reference!

I have to ask, is there a planned end to the series, or will it be ongoing? Is it a miniseries, maxiseries, or something like that?

Silver Crusade

Prefect parody cover.

Zaharias, Jim Zub just posted that he had started work on the second storyline. It's an ongoing as long as sales say it is.

And it sure deserves to run a long time!

Heck, we need more series running at the same time. Bring on some Pathfinder Tales comics!

I get that it's a Spiderman reference, but since I don't follow comics, I don't really GET it. I actually like the Eric Jones cover more.


Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Itchy wrote:

I get that it's a Spiderman reference, but since I don't follow comics, I don't really GET it. I actually like the Eric Jones cover more.


For it to really work out there should be a garbage can in the cover bristling with discarded adventuring gear.

Sovereign Court

I didn't understand the lightning cover either.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

GeraintElberion wrote:
I didn't understand the lightning cover either.

The lightning cover on issue #3 is a riff on Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns: Book One.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Joe Wells wrote:
GeraintElberion wrote:
I didn't understand the lightning cover either.
The lightning cover on issue #3 is a riff on Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns: Book One.

The problem is that what I caught first, was the title which is a riff on "Spiderman No More". The pose on the central character I'm pretty sure is a dead ringer for Peter Parker's on the cover of that book.

Sovereign Court

Maybe someone at Paizo should do an explanatry link for each one:

reference for no.4

reference for no.2

Silver Crusade

Anther no More cover!!!.

he he he

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

Pathfinder Comic # 4 has arrived in the warehouse this afternoon and we will be shipping next week to subscribers. Check out the subscription thread in Customer Service for more details.

I have my screen resolution set to "everything ridiculously tiny", and I was like "how/why is Amazing Spider-Man #50 the most popular item for sale right now?"


Grand Lodge

On page 14 (not including cover or inside cover) Harsk asks Merisiel to scout ahead.

Unfortunately the "Certainly!" word bubble is coming from Seoni, not Merisiel.

I can see the resemblance, though :)

Grand Lodge

I just wondered is there any plan to issue these in PDF format too?

Webstore Gninja Minion

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Pathfinder Comics are available digitally at Comixology.

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