It's happened to every Game Master. You spend hours setting up the perfect encounter, your players are out for blood, the swords are drawn—and then you realize that you've forgotten to build statistics for the enemy characters. Or perhaps your players go left when you expect them to go right, leaving you without any encounters prepared.
Such problems are a thing of the past with the NPC Codex. Inside this tome, you'll find hundreds of ready-made stat blocks for nonplayer characters of every level, from a lowly forest poacher to the most majestic knight or ancient spellcaster. Whether you're planning out future adventures or throwing together encounters right at the table, this book does the work so you can focus on playing the game.
Pathfinder RPG NPC Codex is a must-have companion volume to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook and Pathfinder RPG Bestiary. This imaginative tabletop game builds on more than 10 years of system development and open playtests featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.
The 320-page Pathfinder RPG NPC Codex includes:
Statistics for more than 300 characters, including at least one for every level of every class in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook.
Tactical suggestions for every character, ensuring that you get the most out of each individual's gear and abilities in a fight.
Tons of flavorful names and backgrounds to give characters personality, plus ideas for using them in both combat and roleplaying situations.
Statistics for characters with lower-powered NPC classes to help populate your world with ordinary people, as well as characters with specialized prestige classes.
Animal companion statistics for druids and rangers, from level 1 through level 20.
Multiple versions of each Pathfinder iconic character, perfect for pregenerated player characters.
Encounter groups for conveniently crafting battles on the fly.
... and much, much more!
ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-467-2
Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:
Short Version: Unless you use an alternate way to build NPCs, grab this.
Building NPCs in Pathfinder can be one of the most time-consuming types of preparation. No book can contain all the NPCs you could ever want, but this one takes care of a broad swathe of them.
This is one of the first books I'd suggest for a new GM, up there with the Bestiary. Particularly for groups that wander off the rails, and frankly that's almost all of them, having a slate of prebuilt NPCs to pull from can be a lifesaver.
A perfect resource for easily assembling quality NPCs. Some take a bit more work, such as the arcane classes, but for the most part I can simply use the given stats for any NPC I need.
I just wish it was updated to include newer classes, but that doesn't lessen the quality of what is here, which is fantastic.
My only complaint is that I would have liked to see 2-3 levels of many of the NPCs represented. I love the tactics info and would love to see the PFS pregens get a tactics section.
The best book hands down for Gamemasters. Perhaps one of the most valuable books ever made for GMs across all systems. Great source of ideas for players as the well. Even if you dont GM the art in this book is worth the cost alone. Get it!
This is in my opinion Paizo's best work so far. The culmination and amalgamation of dozens of previous awesome work, finally used as they should be, and used to build the most fascinating monster encounters.
Not only are the goblin gangs and hobgoblin patrols well assembled, but the book goes beyond and presents new and amazing feats, archetypes and magic items for these monsters. Finally the PCs can quake in their boots at fell magic that they are not prepared for, and the meaning of "you see five orcs, roll initiative" has now gained a whole new meaning.
But hide armor has a movement rate of 20 ft, so wouldn't Fast Movement only bring her back up to 30 ft? If not, I've been doing it wrong this whole time
Sorry if this has been pointed out already but how exactly is Amiri able to wield a LARGE bastard sword? Also, and again sorry if it's been mentioned before, but the Iconics don't seem to be built on a 20-Point Buy at all. Many of their ability scores don't make sense to me. Am I right on this or am I just seeing things here?
Sorry if this has been pointed out already but how exactly is Amiri able to wield a LARGE bastard sword?
From the Core Rulebook:
Inappropriately Sized Weapons: A creature can't make optimum use of a weapon that isn't properly sized for it. A cumulative –2 penalty applies on attack rolls for each size category of difference between the size of its intended wielder and the size of its actual wielder. If the creature isn't proficient with the weapon, a –4 nonproficiency penalty also applies.
So their letting Amiri slide past the the "Inappropriately Sized Weapons" rule because technically she can treat a bastard sword as a one-handed weapon and therefor a large-sized bastard sword is in fact still considered a two-handed weapon to a medium-sized creature who is proficient with it?
So their letting Amiri slide past the the "Inappropriately Sized Weapons" rule because technically she can treat a bastard sword as a one-handed weapon and therefor a large-sized bastard sword is in fact still considered a two-handed weapon to a medium-sized creature who is proficient with it?
So their letting Amiri slide past the the "Inappropriately Sized Weapons" rule because technically she can treat a bastard sword as a one-handed weapon and therefor a large-sized bastard sword is in fact still considered a two-handed weapon to a medium-sized creature who is proficient with it?
Nope...I'm pretty sure she's taking the -2.
She is. BAB is +1, STR modifier is +4, but she's +3 with the Large-sized bastard sword.
When I said Inappropriately Sized Weapons I meant the rule that says you can't wield a large weapon that you'd treat as more than two-handed. You know, the rule that basically makes the Titan Mauler archetype not plain work whatsoever?
When I said Inappropriately Sized Weapons I meant the rule that says you can't wield a large weapon that you'd treat as more than two-handed. You know, the rule that basically makes the Titan Mauler archetype not plain work whatsoever? that case, you're right. As a medium creature, she has the option to wield it 2-handed (instead of 1-handed), but should probably use the 1-handed damage die.
I'm not familiar with the Titan Mauler archetype. Wow.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
I think I found a minor error in the "Black Ice" gnome shadowdancer on p. 238, aka Skal Wistalvak. It looks like he took Spell Focus (illusion) and Greater Spell Focus (illusion) as his two bonus wizard feats, but these are not in the legal list of "metamagic, item creation, or Spell Mastery".
Not that I would be against these being legal wizard bonus feats, but I can't find anything that says that they are.
This is a bit of a thread necro, but the NPC Codex is now available for Fantasy Grounds. If you already have the PDF here, you get $9.99 off your purchase at the link below after syncing.