Lucent |

I don't think half-lycanthropes can exist because lycanthrope is a curse, not a bloodline. How is it that NO ONE ELSE has said this yet?
Vampirism isn't a bloodline either. In fact it even states in Blood of the Night that their organs are useless and dead and they do not reproduce biologically. Some dhampir probably get the "Blade" treatment, where they are created when a vampire feeds on a pregnant woman. Also magic, likely.
Were-creature blooded races would make sense in the same vein. Pregnant woman bitten by lycanthrope. Child partially infected. Half-curses, weird magic gone awry, sunspots, fickle whims of capricious Elder Gods, rule of cool, etc.

Foghammer |

Foghammer wrote:I don't think half-lycanthropes can exist because lycanthrope is a curse, not a bloodline. How is it that NO ONE ELSE has said this yet?Vampirism isn't a bloodline either. In fact it even states in Blood of the Night that their organs are useless and dead and they do not reproduce biologically. Some dhampir probably get the "Blade" treatment, where they are created when a vampire feeds on a pregnant woman. Also magic, likely.
Were-creature blooded races would make sense in the same vein. Pregnant woman bitten by lycanthrope. Child partially infected. Half-curses, weird magic gone awry, sunspots, fickle whims of capricious Elder Gods, rule of cool, etc.
Fair enough. I was looking at half-lycans in a vacuum, outside of the discussion of dhampir and unintentionally ignoring half of the conversation.
Looking at it in more detail now, as I often do when I'm corrected, I am surprised that I never noticed that vampirism isn't a condition that applies a template, it just is a template applied under certain circumstances. Lycanthrope, on the other hand, is curable. It is interesting just how the vampire template works: create spawn raises the victim from the dead, then changes the creature type to undead (augmented)... so it kills them again, kind of. The interesting thing about this is that casting resurrection on a vampire seems as if it would restore the vampire, not the being it was before the template, because resurrection does not remove templates, and the template is added to living creatures, so it appears to be recursive. A resurrected vampire loses its undead status and comes back to life, but then immediately becomes an undead again as the template kicks in...
Am I missing something, or is that right?

Berselius |

Anyone think that if the following stuff had been added this book wouldn't have been so limited (?):
Also called "Lunar Vampires"; these vampires are less physically strong than most other vampire strains and lack the negative energy drain ability that the Moroi strain possesses with their slam attack. In return however, they gain several potent abilities such as being able to use their dominate ability on any being they manage to use their blood drain on (this domination is particularly potent and lasts until the Strigoi is destroyed or the effect is dispelled via break enchantment or similar magic). Furthermore, they possess a particularly powerful form of regeneration that functions only when they (or their remains) are exposed to moonlight. Even if the a Strigoi is reduced to nothing but ash, if those ashes are exposed to moonlight the Strigoi can return to unlife. While they lack the sheer physical prowess of the Moroi they ironically are far more physical attractive (with the oldest Strigoi having flesh the color of perfect porcelain. Furthermore, a Strigoi's flesh becomes flushed after feeding and can easily pass for human in such a state.
Vampires of any strain who persist for centuries or even millennia eventually undergo a state of vampiric apotheosis, becoming a far more powerful (and malevolent) form of undead. These "Vampire Lords" each gain a set of general abilities (such as increased resistance to channeled energy) as well as a unique ability allowed only for vampires of their particular vampiric strain).
Lesser Bestial Transformation
The Dhampir gains the ability to transform into a specific animal form for a limited amount of time.
Lesser Swarm Form
The Dhampir gains the ability to transform into a specific swarm form for a limited amount of time.
Lesser Gaseous Form
The Dhampir gains the ability to transform into a gaseous form for a limited amount of time.
Undead Lore (Ex): A vampire hunter adds her Wisdom modifier on Knowledge skill checks in addition to her Intelligence modifier, when making skill checks to identify the abilities and weaknesses of undead creatures. Furthermore, she may always take 10 on Knowledge checks regarding the undead, even when rushed or threatened. This ability replaces monster lore.
Hunter of the Dead (Ex): A vampire hunter receives a bonus equal to 1/2 her inquisitor class level on all Perception, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks against undead creatures. This ability replaces stern gaze.
Detect Undead (Sp): At 2nd level, a vampire hunter can use detect undead at will. This ability replaces detect alignment.
Sun Strike (Su): At 5th level, a vampire hunter can infuse a single weapon she wields with the searing light of the sun as a swift action for a number of rounds per day equal to her inquisitor level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. While a weapon is infused with the sun, it deals +3d6 points of damage to any creature that is susceptible or vulnerable to sunlight, including many types of undead (particularly spectres, vampires, and wraiths). This additional damage also applies to oozes and fungus-based monsters. A weapon infused with sun strike sheds illumination as if it were a sunrod. This ability replaces discern lies.
Death Dodger (Ex):At 6th level, a Vampire Hunter dodge bonus equal to 1/3 her Inquisitor class level (minimum 1) against undead. This ability replaces the bonus inquisitor teamwork feat gained at 6th level.
Sealed Life (Su): At 9th level, a vampire hunter gains a bonus equal to 1/3 her Inquisitor class level (minimum 1) on saves against all death effects (both magical and mundane). This ability replaces the bonus inquisitor teamwork feat gained at 9th level.
Positive Energy Burst (Su): At 14th level, once per day a vampire hunter can unleash a 60-foot burst of positive energy as a standard action. Any undead within the burst must make a Reflex save (10 + ½ the Vampire Hunter’s level + the vampire hunter’s charisma modifier) or take 1d6 points of damage per two levels of the Vampire Hunter. A Reflex save halves this damage and negates the blindness. This ability replaces exploit weakness.
Spurn Death’s Embrace (Su): At 17th level, a vampire hunter becomes immune to an undead’s create spawn ability (she instead treats her death as normal and can be raised or resurrected via regular means). Furthermore, this ability even prevents the vampire hunter’s corpse from being animated as an undead (via arcane or divine magic). This ability replaces slayer.
True Death (Su): At 20th level, any undead with the rejuvenation supernatural ability that is slain by the vampire hunter is reduced to burnt ash and is truly destroyed (it will never return to haunt the world or the Planes again). In the case of a Lich, the phylactery itself is automatically destroyed (no matter what spells are upon it). This ability replaces true judgment.
Ammunition (Firearms): Pellets, Silver
These pellets are fashioned from alchemical silver and allow gunslingers to take out entire groups of lycanthropes or vampires.
Ammunition (Firearms): Bullet, Hardwood
These custom made hardwood bullets with lead cores force vampires hit by them to make a save or be rendered helpless for 1 round.
Adrian Draclau
Male Dhampir Magus (Myrmidarch) 12
Agatha Burnback
Female Human (Mwangi) Rogue (Investigator) 3/Bard (Detective) 9
Abraden Hellsinger
Male Human (Chelexian) Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) 5/Fighter (Lore Warden) 7
Darlia Azurecloak
Female Dhampir Inquisitor (Kinslayer) 12 of Pharasma
Father Corvin
Male Human (Taldan) Cleric (Divine Strategist) 12 of Pharasma
Sophia Delmont
Female Human (Ulfen) Inquisitor (Vampire Hunter) 12 Iomedae
Reinhart Magnus
Male Human (Uflen) Paladin (Holy Gun) 12 Iomedae
Female Aasimar Paladin (Undead Scourge) 12 Iomedae
Artorius Helmwood
Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 6/Cavalier (Strategist) 6

Pendagast |

Your stuff is too powerful, specifically Dhampir Racial feats and the Vamp hunter, although the book SHOULD have included a revised vampire hunter archetype for the inquisitor (one that is compatible with kinslayer so you could take both archetypes) and a Vamp slayer prestige for non inquisitors would have been nice too.

Eric Hinkle |

This hopefully isn't too OT, but in books four and five of Way of the Wicked from Fire Mountain Games (which can be found right here on Paizo) there are a pair of very well done articles covering how to have a PC become a vampire and stay a PC (though adnmittedly WotW is a rather odd campaign). It takes five feats to do it (and only one to become a lich), which might be a bit much for some folks.
It also has some more feats, spells, and magic items for anyone who wants to get into more vampire action in their game.

Steven Constant |

Hey guys! Okay, I apologize for the hijacking attempt, but I think you all would enjoy checking out this kickstarter. Bite Me! The Gaming Guide To Lycanthropes contains themes similar to Blood of the Night, helping to create a more dynamic (and possibly more terrify) adventures for you and fellow players.
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/962794554/bite-me-the-gaming-guide-to-l ycanthropes
I am personal friends with Dawson Kriska and his creativity is amazing. Backed by Christina Stiles, I bet you'll be impressed. This book contains all new ways to create ANY type of lycanthropes, along with plenty of other additional materials and creativity. I've been playing Pathfinder since the original Pathfinder CRB Beta and if I'm going to bump any project on Kickstarter, this would be it.

Azure_Zero |

Hey guys! Okay, I apologize for the hijacking attempt, but I think you all would enjoy checking out this kickstarter. Bite Me! The Gaming Guide To Lycanthropes contains themes similar to Blood of the Night, helping to create a more dynamic (and possibly more terrify) adventures for you and fellow players.
I am personal friends with Dawson Kriska and his creativity is amazing. Backed by Christina Stiles, I bet you'll be impressed. This book contains all new ways to create ANY type of lycanthropes, along with plenty of other additional materials and creativity. I've been playing Pathfinder since the original Pathfinder CRB Beta and if I'm going to bump any project on Kickstarter, this would be it.
Made a Link

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I know I'm having this discussion in another thread but I just want to canvas opinion from the "vampire lobby" :-)
What abilities (i.e. those things described in its template) do you think a vampire loses when it changes shape into a wolf or a bat (according to the rules, any based on "form")?
(Note, BTW, that it doesn't get a bat's blindsense, so we have to assume that Darkvision (which is anyway based on type) is *not* lost).