mcathro |
Well, something to keep in mind is that we plan to release a print version using the OBS POD option very soon. (We need a back cover for print books where PDF doesn't require one!) This will be the very first book I've released under the OBS print program so I'm not sure exactly what the price will be yet, but we'll try to keep it as reasonable as possible.
mcathro |
So basically this is a guide to create anthropomorphic races?
Is it similar to the chapter of Savage Species?
Is it more balanced?
As much I like that book, the racial bonuses were ridiculously too high.What is OBS POD?
OBS= One Book Shelf or RPGNow/DriveThruRPG.
POD= Print on Demand. OBS worked out a deal with the same POD company that does Amazon's Create Space books to make print versions easily available.Yes, it is a guide to creating anthropomorphic races, but I'm not familiar with Savage Species so I'm not sure how this one compares to that. Hope that helps!
wothbora |
You can view the first 25 pages or so at the PRGNow sales listing. (I prefer to show the whole book but their preview chokes on anything over 30 pages.)
But be sure to come back here to buy your copy! :-)
Checked it out on and came back... Bought it, downloaded it, and have just quickly gave it a thorough skimming. I think it does what it says it will do. And it does it in a very very concise way, with just enough options to make it "bite-sized" and still feel like you are getting your bang for your buck.
What is nice is that it is written in such a way that I can easily convert to FATE, HeroQuest or WordPlay because of the uniformity throughout the document.
Any book that includes an Order named Lovecraftia and "ponies up" with "Lovecraftia anthros have a predator’s dispassion, and care little for mortal life nor do they fear their own eventual deaths," is awesome in my view...
wothbora |
Do the options seem balanced with one another Wothbora? I am really tempted to get this but I don't want to end up with another savage species.
For me they do... I'm mainly looking for descriptions as that's the way we roll when RPG-ing. An example from the 85 Minor Racial Traits:
23. Expert Swimmer24. Fast Breeder
25. Fast Metabolism
26. Freakishly Tough
27. Grassland Hunter
28. Grappling Tongue
29. Glide Wings
30. Heraldic Beast
31. Hibernation Trance
A clip from 31. Hibernation Trance (EX) 1 point
"You can enter a death like trance state at
will, during which you requires no food, water
and only trace amounts of oxygen. Before
entering the trance, you must designate a trigger
(such as suffering damaging, being touched, or
hearing a specific sound or smelling a specific
scent) or designate a specific time to awaken."
"You can maintain the trance state for a
number of weeks equal to its CON modifier
(minimum one week). Awakening from the trance
is a full round action."
There are 64 Major Racial Traits, a small sampling:
41. Phoenixborn
42. Pincers
43. Pounce
44. Powerful Build
There are 65 Disadvantages which I really enjoy as it gives you the ability to create some really interesting situations with a disadvantage like "Mating Frenzy" ...
Again, I'm not sure how well it all fits into a d20 realm as I am more into story gaming, but this really got me thinking of making some new encounters with what I could whip up from the book... I will definitely get a lot out of it, but am not sure what the savage species is... You have a link?
Chris Field |
Erik, I'm glad you liked it. For a fox anthro, I'd pick Canis Minor myself, but a reskinned Felis Minor or even Rodentia might work.
I saw a few of you guys asking about balance. Character generation is pretty open, so while I've tried to keep things balanced, I'm sure a true power gamer could come up with some thing pretty impressive. Honestly, I don't really have much problem with that- I've always preferred niche protection and giving everyone at the table an area they can excel in rather than perfect, zero-sum balance.
Char-gen works like this. First you pick an order, which determines your ability score bonuses, some skill bonuses and whether or not you have low light vision. Most Orders allow you to choose your size, but a few require you to be at least Medium- these are the Dinosaur, Elephant, Bear, Bull, ect orders- big animals.
Then you've got 4 build points with which to buy racial traits. Racial traits are grouped into major and minor traits, with minor traits having more roleplaying application than tactical use. Of course, clever players can figure out all sorts of cool uses for minor traits, of course. Traits cost between 1 and 4 points, based on utility. Your choice of order gives you a discount on Major traits. If it fits your anthro's basic theme, you get it cheaper. It's easier for a bird anthro to buy up flight abilities, or a dragon anthro to buy up breath weapons, for instance. Players can also play against type and buy abilities as they see fit- even without a discount from your order, you've got enough points to buy one cool ability.
Finally, you can pick a disadvantage and get some extra build points.
I'd consider the various anthro builds mostly equivalent to the Pathfinder core races, but again, depending on what you buy, you may get a bit more powerful.
It's a pretty wide open system, so let me know what you manage to create with it.
Frerezar |
Erik, I'm glad you liked it. For a fox anthro, I'd pick Canis Minor myself, but a reskinned Felis Minor or even Rodentia might work.
I saw a few of you guys asking about balance. Character generation is pretty open, so while I've tried to keep things balanced, I'm sure a true power gamer could come up with some thing pretty impressive. Honestly, I don't really have much problem with that- I've always preferred niche protection and giving everyone at the table an area they can excel in rather than perfect, zero-sum balance.
Char-gen works like this. First you pick an order, which determines your ability score bonuses, some skill bonuses and whether or not you have low light vision. Most Orders allow you to choose your size, but a few require you to be at least Medium- these are the Dinosaur, Elephant, Bear, Bull, ect orders- big animals.
Then you've got 4 build points with which to buy racial traits. Racial traits are grouped into major and minor traits, with minor traits having more roleplaying application than tactical use. Of course, clever players can figure out all sorts of cool uses for minor traits, of course. Traits cost between 1 and 4 points, based on utility. Your choice of order gives you a discount on Major traits. If it fits your anthro's basic theme, you get it cheaper. It's easier for a bird anthro to buy up flight abilities, or a dragon anthro to buy up breath weapons, for instance. Players can also play against type and buy abilities as they see fit- even without a discount from your order, you've got enough points to buy one cool ability.
Finally, you can pick a disadvantage and get some extra build points.
I'd consider the various anthro builds mostly equivalent to the Pathfinder core races, but again, depending on what you buy, you may get a bit more powerful.
It's a pretty wide open system, so let me know what you manage to create with it.
Thanks very much for the breakdown, it really sold me on the product.
Frerezar |
Frerezar wrote:
Thanks very much for the breakdown, it really sold me on the product.
Glad you picked it up. Hope the product lived up to the summary. Let me know what you think.
The base forms seem balanced and flavorful enough, however some of the additional abilities (specially the major ones)seem somehow too strong. Specifically talking about the pounce and Dr/adamantine ones, among others.
However, the disadvantages in general (combined with the minor advantages) are a very neat subsystem that I can see myself using with other races and characters in general.
Eric Hinkle |
Just wanted to say that I like the new spell on page 90 -- but that name? "Trans-fur-mation Ritual"? Grooooan!
More seriously, though, it seems like a spell with fiendish potential in-game. It can be used to make a beast-person out of any "willing, unconscious, or helpless target" and is a 2nd level Druid/3rd level Sorceror/Wizard spell (though I'd make it also available to Witches from the APG too), which makes it rather easily available. It sounds like a nasty way to get rid of someone important who you don't want to or can't kill by turning them into a beast-person. After all, who's going to believe the anthropomorphic vixen or whatever when they tell you that they're really the lost countess, and can you help them get their old body back?
And while it doesn't say what spells can be used to "cure" the transformed, I'm guessing that something suitably high level like Brea Enchantment would work?
Eric Hinkle |
Hm, aren't PC of all the standard PC races already "anthropomorphic characters", considering that the word anthropomorphic means "human-shaped"?
Here "anthropomorphic" is being used in the sense of "an animal with a human-like form, including a bipedal stance and full sentience".
Maybe we need a new word for "nonhuman animal-like humanoid"?
Twin Agate Dragons |
Also, check out my Wildling race and Unrestrained base class. You can play furfolk using those for free. Also look here for the Extra Quintessence feat.
FenrysStar |
Seldriss wrote:So basically this is a guide to create anthropomorphic races?
Is it similar to the chapter of Savage Species?
Is it more balanced?
As much I like that book, the racial bonuses were ridiculously too high.What is OBS POD?
OBS= One Book Shelf or RPGNow/DriveThruRPG.
POD= Print on Demand. OBS worked out a deal with the same POD company that does Amazon's Create Space books to make print versions easily available.Yes, it is a guide to creating anthropomorphic races, but I'm not familiar with Savage Species so I'm not sure how this one compares to that. Hope that helps!
Please do put this as PoD soon. I bought the PDF but I really want a print version. I need to write a review as I bought the pdf via DriveThruRPG and while it's a very good system, an actual book is something I can take to a convention and show furries that there is a patch for them to play their personae in Pathfinder. Fur Fright is a Halloween themed convention in CT in October; I want to make PCs for the Carrion Crown AP using this system and then run the AP at the convention. Let us know if you do make this, and a lot of the other stuff as well like Black Tokyo, into a PoD. I know I want a hard copy, and somehow I don't think I'm the only one.
Eric Hinkle |
One thing I wonder about though now that I think of it, is how would this fare in your typical Pathfinder setting. For instance I build an order Lycos ranger and have him become a follower of the Green Faith and especially Erastil. How would others of the faith look at him?
While everyone should run their campaign however they prefer, I'd figure on "furries" being viewed as at best odd or unusual in any remotely normal Pathfinder campaign. Even in a multi-racial society in which people like dwarves, elves, gnomes, and halflings are acceptable, some folks will still get looked at as being Just Plain Weird.
After all, in the game, the most common "beastfolk" are the nearly-always Chaotic Evil gnolls and usually evil werebeasts. True, there are the bestial agathions, but I'm not too sure how many normal non-adventuring people would know about them.
That said... people who get to know a "furry" would probably start to view them with fondness, especially if said "furry" helped them out or protected them. I'd love to make an Earthborn Lycos for a Kingmaker campaign, for instance, who helps to build a new nation in the Stolen Lands. He might start out being viewed as something bizarre, but after the kingdom starts to rise, they may well take pride in their bestial king so long as he doesn't act like a monster. "Look at King Grizzlefang, he works so hard to build up the kingdom! Kind of makes the place stand out too; how many other folks have a warg for a king?"
So I guess I'm saying that in the end... they should react to him however you & your DM wish. Maybe they like and respect him as a child of nature who's been gifted with a human mind and form. Maybe they despise him as a mockery of the noble wolf he once was. But since Erastil is a god of hunting, I doubt they'd be too harsh so long as he doesn't try eating his fellow worshippers.
FenrysStar |
FenrysStar wrote:One thing I wonder about though now that I think of it, is how would this fare in your typical Pathfinder setting. For instance I build an order Lycos ranger and have him become a follower of the Green Faith and especially Erastil. How would others of the faith look at him?While everyone should run their campaign however they prefer, I'd figure on "furries" being viewed as at best odd or unusual in any remotely normal Pathfinder campaign. Even in a multi-racial society in which people like dwarves, elves, gnomes, and halflings are acceptable, some folks will still get looked at as being Just Plain Weird.
After all, in the game, the most common "beastfolk" are the nearly-always Chaotic Evil gnolls and usually evil werebeasts. True, there are the bestial agathions, but I'm not too sure how many normal non-adventuring people would know about them.
That said... people who get to know a "furry" would probably start to view them with fondness, especially if said "furry" helped them out or protected them. I'd love to make an Earthborn Lycos for a Kingmaker campaign, for instance, who helps to build a new nation in the Stolen Lands. He might start out being viewed as something bizarre, but after the kingdom starts to rise, they may well take pride in their bestial king so long as he doesn't act like a monster. "Look at King Grizzlefang, he works so hard to build up the kingdom! Kind of makes the place stand out too; how many other folks have a warg for a king?"
So I guess I'm saying that in the end... they should react to him however you & your DM wish. Maybe they like and respect him as a child of nature who's been gifted with a human mind and form. Maybe they despise him as a mockery of the noble wolf he once was. But since Erastil is a god of hunting, I doubt they'd be too harsh so long as he doesn't try eating his fellow worshippers.
I may have to restart carrion crown soon. I may even try to run it with this version instead of what I was doing. I know Erastil has a presence in Ustalav, but a Lycos ranger who favors him? Yeah, he'll get a lot of odd looks. Although when they find out his favored enemy is undead...
Eric Hinkle |
I may have to restart carrion crown soon. I may even try to run it with this version instead of what I was doing. I know Erastil has a presence in Ustalav, but a Lycos ranger who favors him? Yeah, he'll get a lot of odd looks. Although when they find out his favored enemy is undead...
And now I have this mental image of a Lycos chasing skeletons and liches just so he can bury their bones for later. ;)
FenrysStar |
FenrysStar wrote:I may have to restart carrion crown soon. I may even try to run it with this version instead of what I was doing. I know Erastil has a presence in Ustalav, but a Lycos ranger who favors him? Yeah, he'll get a lot of odd looks. Although when they find out his favored enemy is undead...And now I have this mental image of a Lycos chasing skeletons and liches just so he can bury their bones for later. ;)
Not as far fetched as you might think, although in some cases he would find the marrow rotten from the magic and/or how much time has passed since it was animated.
Ross Byers RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |
FenrysStar |
Still waiting for the print version. I paid Fed-Ex more money than I should have to make a print version but I still want a print version. I don't often say this, but for simplicity's sake I like this better than my own custom races. Among other things I want to be able to purchase copies of this in print and give them out to potential players in the furry community. Now this just my not os humble opinion but if I combine this with the Golarion books, then as far as I'm concerned, I've just gotten the materials to redo Iron Claw the way I want it done. If anyone from Skortched Urf is listening, I am telling you this seriously, Sanguine puts out a ton of books that do fairly well in catering to the furry community. They sell fairly well at Anthrocon every year. Make this a print book and you could walk into any furry convention around the world and expect to sell a lot of material and maybe even sell out. Fursona as a furry patch for regular Pathfinder play blows Iron Claw and Jade Claw away hand paws down in my opinion. I'm one furry gamer but I've been playing games for over 20 years. You have some thing really good here, it need to be in print so it will reach more people.
FenrysStar |
OK, I now officially annoyed. You keep saying the print version is coming soon and yet you feel the need to put out an addendum PDF to this rather than actually make the book available as a print on demand? I am close to being offended and wanting to organize boycott. If the print book, IF it becomes available, includes this additional material I will be inclined to be forgiving. Otherwise, I will be encouraging my fellow furries for whom this book seems designed to cater to, to boycott you company. I am severely annoyed, Skortched Urf. Right now I feel like I have been virtually slapped in the face. I am trying to be civil but my patience only goes so far.
Realmwalker |
OK, I now officially annoyed. You keep saying the print version is coming soon and yet you feel the need to put out an addendum PDF to this rather than actually make the book available as a print on demand? I am close to being offended and wanting to organize boycott. If the print book, IF it becomes available, includes this additional material I will be inclined to be forgiving. Otherwise, I will be encouraging my fellow furries for whom this book seems designed to cater to, to boycott you company. I am severely annoyed, Skortched Urf. Right now I feel like I have been virtually slapped in the face. I am trying to be civil but my patience only goes so far.
So they should put everything on hold for one print book...You do realize that most third party publishers have dozens of products in different phases of being complete many waiting on just one or two things to come in. Should these have to sit on the back burner when they are done or require little work to complete?
Tobias |
OK, I now officially annoyed. You keep saying the print version is coming soon and yet you feel the need to put out an addendum PDF to this rather than actually make the book available as a print on demand? I am close to being offended and wanting to organize boycott. If the print book, IF it becomes available, includes this additional material I will be inclined to be forgiving. Otherwise, I will be encouraging my fellow furries for whom this book seems designed to cater to, to boycott you company. I am severely annoyed, Skortched Urf. Right now I feel like I have been virtually slapped in the face. I am trying to be civil but my patience only goes so far.
So let me get this straight...
A very small third party publisher makes a massive and detailed book dedicated to furry characters.
He hasn't taken the time to arrange for it to be print on demand, something that frankly, very, very few third party publishers do.
There's nothing here or on blog where he promises to make it PoD.
All furries should boycott him and the product because it's only available in pdf.
... ... ...
Um, why should he abandon all his other products when this is the kind of reaction this topic gets? Especially when you can probably get the whole thing printed off for less than 15 bucks?