
Ringtail's page

Organized Play Member. 2,455 posts (3,492 including aliases). 19 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 16 aliases.


Frerezar wrote:
Do the options seem balanced with one another Wothbora? I am really tempted to get this but I don't want to end up with another savage species.

For me they do... I'm mainly looking for descriptions as that's the way we roll when RPG-ing. An example from the 85 Minor Racial Traits:

23. Expert Swimmer
24. Fast Breeder
25. Fast Metabolism
26. Freakishly Tough
27. Grassland Hunter
28. Grappling Tongue
29. Glide Wings
30. Heraldic Beast
31. Hibernation Trance

A clip from 31. Hibernation Trance (EX) 1 point
"You can enter a death like trance state at
will, during which you requires no food, water
and only trace amounts of oxygen. Before
entering the trance, you must designate a trigger
(such as suffering damaging, being touched, or
hearing a specific sound or smelling a specific
scent) or designate a specific time to awaken."

"You can maintain the trance state for a
number of weeks equal to its CON modifier
(minimum one week). Awakening from the trance
is a full round action."

There are 64 Major Racial Traits, a small sampling:
41. Phoenixborn
42. Pincers
43. Pounce
44. Powerful Build

There are 65 Disadvantages which I really enjoy as it gives you the ability to create some really interesting situations with a disadvantage like "Mating Frenzy" ...

Again, I'm not sure how well it all fits into a d20 realm as I am more into story gaming, but this really got me thinking of making some new encounters with what I could whip up from the book... I will definitely get a lot out of it, but am not sure what the savage species is... You have a link?

mcathro wrote:

You can view the first 25 pages or so at the PRGNow sales listing. (I prefer to show the whole book but their preview chokes on anything over 30 pages.)

But be sure to come back here to buy your copy! :-)

Checked it out on and came back... Bought it, downloaded it, and have just quickly gave it a thorough skimming. I think it does what it says it will do. And it does it in a very very concise way, with just enough options to make it "bite-sized" and still feel like you are getting your bang for your buck.

What is nice is that it is written in such a way that I can easily convert to FATE, HeroQuest or WordPlay because of the uniformity throughout the document.

Any book that includes an Order named Lovecraftia and "ponies up" with "Lovecraftia anthros have a predator’s dispassion, and care little for mortal life nor do they fear their own eventual deaths," is awesome in my view...

Would it be possible to throw up a PDF Preview of the Table of Contents and a page or two?
