Undead Monster

truehyena's page

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Well, RPG now had the "racial guide to catfolk" (here's a link http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=98142 ), so I to wondered if there was Catfolk in some book or adventure I hadn't seen yet.

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Yay, first post!
Fursona (well actually the first version of it) is what got me into Pathfinder.
While I totally understand the need to have an actual book in your hands, one solution is an E-book reader (and i say that working in a book bindery); most of them are lighter than your average laptop, and can scan for words so you don't have to flip pages looking for that one passage.
On the down side, you sometimes lose stuff, at least on my early Nook (my trusty Nookronomicon).

Anyway, I've been working on a character idea which is branching into a full blown story at this point. It started out with the "Earthborn" template, with a guy from our modern world being plucked out and reborn as this "furry monstrosity". It's been fun to play around with the system, to get the attributes just right, but that's what attracted me to the product in the first place; i love to tinker.