Pathfinder Paper Minis—Kingmaker Adventure Path Part 2: "Rivers Run Red" PDF

4.70/5 (based on 6 ratings)

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As the Kingmaker Adventure Path presses deeper into the uncharted wilderness of the Stolen Lands, the threats intensify. Keep track of the mayhem with printable minis custom-tailored to Rivers Run Red.

This set contains the following miniatures:

  • Angry logger, human warrior (6)
  • Assassin vine (Large)
  • Bat swarm (Large) (2)
  • Blood caiman (Large) (2)
  • Cat (puma)
  • Caveweaver spider (6)
  • Centipede swarm (Large)
  • Charmed logger, male human warrior (2)
  • Corax, male human ranger
  • The Dancing Lady, female baobhan sith
  • Drake, forest (Large)
  • Ettercap (2)
  • Falchos, male satyr
  • Gnome explorer (Small) (9)
  • Grigori, male human bard
  • Grimstalker
  • Gyronna cultist, female human commoner (6)
  • Hargulka, male troll fighter (Large)
  • Hodag (Large)
  • Howl-of-the-North-Wind, male worg
  • Jubilost Narthopple, male gnome ranger/expert (Small)
  • Kargadd, male rock troll (Large)
  • Kundal, male human barbarian
  • Kundal, male werewolf barbarian
  • Leucrotta (Large)
  • Lizardfolk (3)
  • Lizardfolk brave (4)
  • The Lizard King's consort, female lizardfolk (3)
  • The Lonely Warrior, male cairn wight fighter
  • Mad Hermit, male old human rogue
  • Malgorzata Niska, female human cleric of Gyronna
  • Melianse, female nixie sorcerer (Small)
  • Munguk, male hill giant (Large)
  • Nagrundi, male two-headed troll (Large)
  • Narlmarch mugger (monitor lizard) (2)
  • The Old Beldame, female old human sorcerer
  • Old Crackjaw, male hookjaw turtle
  • Owlbear, giant (Huge)
  • Owlbear cub
  • Pony (6)
  • Rat swarm (Large) (2)
  • Rigg Gargadilly, male quickling rogue (Small)
  • Scarecrow
  • Scythe Tree (Huge)
  • Shambling mound (Large)
  • Skeleton (12)
  • Spirit of Stisshak, will-o-wisp (Small)
  • Tendriculos (Huge)
  • Tiressia, female dryad druid
  • Troll (Large) (3)
  • Trollhound (2)
  • Vesket the Lizard King, male advanced lizardfolk fighter
  • Violet fungus (3)
  • Will-o-wisp (Small)
  • Wolf (3)

Artwork by Crystal Frasier.

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4.70/5 (based on 6 ratings)

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Good became wondrous!


Before these were updated, they were nice, but not really complete. But now, geez, there's everything you could want for RRR. The whole set is wonderfully drawn, but my group found the owlbear cub a complete winner.

Great set!


The paper minis for KM #2 have been updated to offer all the monsters for this AP as do the other sets.
The new pdf is 14 pages including the front cover for a mere $6.
The artwork (cute owlbear cub!) and coloring is great. Especially the swarms and the plants are superb.
I am very happy with this set, as the paper minis are offering a real boon to my game and my players - as well as me - do like them a lot.

love this


I love this one so much. The trolls alone are worth the price, but heck toss the owl bear in and just solid gold. An amazing set of paper mini's I love crystal design

A standard has been set


What can I say?

The trolls, owlbear, lizardfolk, and werewolf are fantastic! The other figs are also very well done.

Crystal Frasier has become a gold standard for quality in this product field. I have yet to be disappointed with any of her work.

The camel and goat from the Kapeshi Caravan are equally brilliant.

I recommend this set to anyone looking for an excellent example of paper miniatures, whether you are using them for "Rivers Run Red" or not.

They Get better and better.


This has I think 5 pages of mini's! It is great every one is better and better. I can not wait for the next one! If you are running RRR get this! OR if you need some trolls or Lizard men it is great!

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Liberty's Edge Contributor

Feegle wrote:

I can't remember where I read it, but I believe about three weeks ago Crystal posted that Paper Minis were on an indefinite hiatus for some reason or another. They still plan to make more, but other projects are keeping them too busy to roll out new ones for the foreseeable future.

If you are referring to this post, I only meant to imply I cannot start any paper mini projects beyond those I already have (including the Kingmaker series). There was an abnormally long hiatus in updates due to licensing problems, but updates to the existing sets and brand new sets are on the way.

Crystal Frasier wrote:
Feegle wrote:

I can't remember where I read it, but I believe about three weeks ago Crystal posted that Paper Minis were on an indefinite hiatus for some reason or another. They still plan to make more, but other projects are keeping them too busy to roll out new ones for the foreseeable future.
If you are referring to this post, I only meant to imply I cannot start any paper mini projects beyond those I already have (including the Kingmaker series). There was an abnormally long hiatus in updates due to licensing problems, but updates to the existing sets and brand new sets are on the way.

Miss Crystal you so made my Night!

Thanks you for clearing that bad rumor up! awesome!

Good news! Looking forward seeing new KM paper minis.

So, who is going to deliver faster? Crystal giving us an awesome Vordekai paper mini or Reaper with a 3D metal mini...

RuyanVe wrote:

Good news! Looking forward seeing new KM paper minis.

So, who is going to deliver faster? Crystal giving us an awesome Vordekai paper mini or Reaper with a 3D metal mini...

I am too broke and busy for a metal mini, plus I kinda love the pathfinder mini style and crystal art in particular. This should be a good set with undead cyclops and spriggans. Can not wait

Crystal Frasier wrote:
Feegle wrote:

I can't remember where I read it, but I believe about three weeks ago Crystal posted that Paper Minis were on an indefinite hiatus for some reason or another. They still plan to make more, but other projects are keeping them too busy to roll out new ones for the foreseeable future.
If you are referring to this post, I only meant to imply I cannot start any paper mini projects beyond those I already have (including the Kingmaker series). There was an abnormally long hiatus in updates due to licensing problems, but updates to the existing sets and brand new sets are on the way.

Your link is broken, but I do have a habit of misunderstanding posts, so that's quite likely what happened. You and Liz both have my apologies for starting untrue rumours.

Liz Courts wrote:
But they are far from dead, and I am always looking for new artists. I'll have two new sets by the end of the month as well, Serpent's Skull part two and an unannounced one that I can't wait to show off. :D

crossing fingers for Jade Regent...

chrids wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
But they are far from dead, and I am always looking for new artists. I'll have two new sets by the end of the month as well, Serpent's Skull part two and an unannounced one that I can't wait to show off. :D
crossing fingers for Jade Regent...

crossing fingers for carrion crown and please to god finish the one's they started!!!!

Sovereign Court

spacemonkeyDM wrote:
chrids wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
But they are far from dead, and I am always looking for new artists. I'll have two new sets by the end of the month as well, Serpent's Skull part two and an unannounced one that I can't wait to show off. :D
crossing fingers for Jade Regent...
crossing fingers for carrion crown and please to god finish the one's they started!!!!

Hey! Runelords was just finished! ;-)

ok than please to god for the other three that got started to finish up cause these are truly awesome and I do not want to go to plastic again.

Sovereign Court

If you needed more paper mini creators, I happen to know an enterprising young paper mini artist.

Battle! Tim Jenkins wrote:
If you needed more paper mini creators, I happen to know an enterprising young paper mini artist.

The ones you made for me look awesome. You should get into doing a whole AP with these guys LoL instead of just being the guy making the PC for it.

Grand Lodge

spacemonkeyDM wrote:
Battle! Tim Jenkins wrote:
If you needed more paper mini creators, I happen to know an enterprising young paper mini artist.
The ones you made for me look awesome. You should get into doing a whole AP with these guys LoL instead of just being the guy making the PC for it.

Tim gets my vote for next AP artist. I love how the detail on his mini's pop out when they are only an inch or so tall. He made a childlike halfling for my Wife's PC and the detail on her frilly dress is fantastic.

We start our Kingmaker tomorrow with custom PC's by Tim and bad guys by Crystal.

Keep those paper Mini's coming!

Any news on when/if this set is going to be updated?
Or are you expanding the series first, Crystal? *keeps fingers crossed*



RuyanVe wrote:

Any news on when/if this set is going to be updated?

Or are you expanding the series first, Crystal? *keeps fingers crossed*

It will be updated, but she just finished the remake of "Stolen Lands."

Just downloaded the pdf *smirks*

... and it's Christmas time... *hums softly*

Any chance we might see the updated paper minis before Saturday - my group's been good all year round, so I'd like to give them a treat.



RuyanVe wrote:

... and it's Christmas time... *hums softly*

Any chance we might see the updated paper minis before Saturday - my group's been good all year round, so I'd like to give them a treat.


Alas no.

Sovereign Court

RuyanVe wrote:

... my group's been good all year round, so I'd like to give them a treat.


No looting OR pillaging?


Grand Lodge

What about around the new year? (continues to chomp at the bit)

Liberty's Edge

Was wondering if there is an update as to when more mini's for this (Kingmaker) adventure path are going to be created? I'm suspecting by the looks of things, that the Serpent Skull series is going to be completed first.


The artist's plate is awfully full, but she has been working on them between freelance assignments.

The lizardfolk look *awesome*.

Liberty's Edge

Awesome!!! Thanks for the heads up :-)

Liberty's Edge

Not to be a pest and all, but now that the Serpent Skull Path is complete, any idea if Kingmaker is going to see any more releases soon?

Gimme, gimme, gimme! Need a drunken hill giant paper mini!


Baraccus wrote:
Not to be a pest and all, but now that the Serpent Skull Path is complete, any idea if Kingmaker is going to see any more releases soon?

I certainly hope so!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Just figured I'd add my voice to the choir of people who are REALLY looking forward to the Rivers Run Red getting the shiny update that Stolen Lands did.

And the rest of the books to get done :)

Count me in on the bandwagon too!

Our Fathers & Sons & Daughters group just started Kingmaker and I'm hoping the other sets will update & release before we get to them...

Any suggestions for encouragement and/or bribes?

More people chiming in certainly helps!


There was a sighting of an egregiously cute owlbear... The set update is very large, and rest assured, it will be fantastic when it's finished. :)

Thanks for posting, Liz! Looking forward to the update!

Shadow Lodge

Adding my voice to the chimes, I LOVE the stolen lands set, and we'll be jumping into RRR very soon so I'll be getting it next week. Hope you guys can have VV out by then :) Great job and keep up the good work.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any more updates on when the third installment is happening or how far along it is?


All of the figures are done, now they're entering the coloring & inking stage.

So cool! Thanks for the good news, Liz!
And thanks to Crystal for returning to the Stolen Lands! Huzzah!
And after that, on to the Nomen Heights, eh? *grins*



RuyanVe wrote:

So cool! Thanks for the good news, Liz!

And thanks to Crystal for returning to the Stolen Lands! Huzzah!
And after that, on to the Nomen Heights, eh? *grins*

I'm really keen to see Crystal's take on you-know-who from that adventure.

Big V's gonna be awesome, I'm sure!


Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Great to see this is going on! I'm through part 3 in the mean time, so I'll be missing out on the Big V paper mini, but I had the extraordinary luck that board member Scharlata, a player in one of my other groups, who is an excellent miniature artist, painted the Reaper Big V mini for me.

Looking forward to the paper minis for parts 4-6.

Liberty's Edge

Liz Courts wrote:
All of the figures are done, now they're entering the coloring & inking stage.

Well that is good news indeed! :-) About how long does that take?


Kevida wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
All of the figures are done, now they're entering the coloring & inking stage.
Well that is good news indeed! :-) About how long does that take?

Depends on how much the artist surpasses the DC for their Craft (artist) check.

Sovereign Court

Liz Courts wrote:
Kevida wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
All of the figures are done, now they're entering the coloring & inking stage.
Well that is good news indeed! :-) About how long does that take?
Depends on how much the artist surpasses the DC for their Craft (artist) check.

Wouldn't that be Profession?


Callous Jack wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Kevida wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
All of the figures are done, now they're entering the coloring & inking stage.
Well that is good news indeed! :-) About how long does that take?
Depends on how much the artist surpasses the DC for their Craft (artist) check.
Wouldn't that be Profession?

Nah, that comes after the art side is finished. :D

Liberty's Edge

Liz Courts wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Kevida wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
All of the figures are done, now they're entering the coloring & inking stage.
Well that is good news indeed! :-) About how long does that take?
Depends on how much the artist surpasses the DC for their Craft (artist) check.
Wouldn't that be Profession?
Nah, that comes after the art side is finished. :D

Tee hee hee hee hee :-D

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any news on the progress?
*adding virtual cookies (loads of them, with chocolate chips, all chewy on the inside, all crispy on the outside)*



Nothing new, sorry!

i need an "old crackjaw," stat! :)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

:( I'm now up to book 4. My campaign started around the time book 1 came out, so this makes me a sad panda.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

After about 8 months of asking about these, I'm beginning to get the impression that this line is at an end for a very long time to come. :-( I'm hoping that this is not the case, but I am no longer optimistic.

It's times like these, that let me cheer up a little over my group's slow progression in taming the Stolen Lands.
Then again it is sad to see all the more recent APs getting their complete sets of paper minis before this one.
Sorry to propose, but I think a change of artist would help, although I really like the mini's style. *sigh*

Any news about how the coloring is progressing, Liz?



There are some updates about this set here—I hope you'll feel that they are worth the wait!

Liz Courts wrote:
There are some updates about this set here—I hope you'll feel that they are worth the wait!

Great to hear! I'm currently looking to put together a new group to start playing Kingmaker and having the rest of the paper miniatures will be great for the AP.

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