Tome of Secrets (PFRPG)

3.00/5 (based on 13 ratings)

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Adamant's first release for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game!

The Tome of Secrets is a collection of advanced and optional rules for players and game masters of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

    This 192-page rulebook features:
  • 8 new classes, including the Artificer, Knight, Priest, Shaman, Spellblade, Swashbuckler, Warlock and Warlord
  • 3 new races, including the Half-Ogre, Ratkin and Saurian
  • Rules for character occupations (what your heroes did before they were heroes)
  • A system for character drawbacks, fleshing out your heroes with flaws
  • New rules for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, including Chases, Morale, Stunts, and more!
  • Game Master tools including a random adventure generator, a monster modifier, and a generator capable of creating over one million magic items!

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3.00/5 (based on 13 ratings)

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Some fine executions amid an otherwise flawed book


I dove into this and while reading had the same impression of dismal reads in the early 3.0 era. The book strives to raise few bars.

The font is gigantic. The classes are cobbled together from mechanics already in other classes in the PFRPG. 60 pages of the book are for chases and morale; I don't know who would use such overkill for their game. Lots of PFRPG text is simply cut and paste into this book.

There are references to rules that don't exist, very poorly worded powers and abilities and an overall feeling that little true care was used in putting it together.

Character Flaws and Occupations are good, so it's obvious there is some worth, but overall I was very disappointed.

Takes some mining, but good ideas inside.


All in all, I rate this book a solid 3.5 stars. The 3.5 crunchy bits that snuck past editing, when mixed with the incomplete editing and the ‘blah’ nature of some of the races keep it from being a 4. This is a good first offering for the Pathfinder RPG, and definitely has some ideas worth modifying/creating. The writers just need to tighten up the mechanics and editing.

Great ideas but needs lots of refining and development


I was very excited to pick this book up at GenCon, both for the new classes and races I could use in my PFRPG games, but also to support 3pp's who were willing to make content for my new system of choice. Sadly, the result of my eagerness was that I got a subpar product.

I like the idea behind just about everything in the book, from the three new races, to the new base classes, to the random adventure/monster/magic item generators. But when I was reading through everything, there are tons of balance issues. Some class abilities are incredibly broken, and rarely on the underpowered side. Races and classes are especially unbalanced as far as I can tell, some more than others. Many of the drawbacks are also rather unbalanced compared to one another.

I then look on the forums here and see that some of the major departures from the PFRPG design goals, like tying BAB/HD together, are being corrected in the main print run to release in a few weeks. Makes me think I should have waited to get the book then instead of supporting the publisher on release date. I still need to get the free pdf promised on the last page of the book, and hopefully any errata and changes will be updated in that document over time.

I will probably include many elements from this book into my games, but will have to thoroughly houserule most of it to maintain balance. I'm not opposed to doing this, but it would have been nice to have a sourcebook that would be more modular without the extra work to keep it balanced, though.

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Grand Lodge

kevin_video wrote:
A revised edition is coming out? That makes me happy.

sometimes reprint doesn't mean revised :(

Grand Lodge

GarnathFrostmantle wrote:
kevin_video wrote:
A revised edition is coming out? That makes me happy.
sometimes reprint doesn't mean revised :(

Then I won't be buying it until I know 100% for sure. If it's not, then they've got one heck of a new errata to come up with.

Liz Courts wrote:
Update from the publisher: There is an expected reprint of this product, but no firm dates yet.

That'd be interesting. I got this when it first came out and provided a fair bit of errata (as in editing stuff, not balancing) to Gareth-Michael... he even mentioned that I could do editing freelancing! Either way I'd be interested to see how it comes after a bit more experience with PFRPG (Ari Marmell's APG for 4E had similar problems with lack of system experience).

And G-M Skarka, I'm happy to do proof reading any time :D

Shadow Lodge

Does anyone know if they ever updated or tweaked the classes to be more in line with those in pf? I'm really hoping for a beefed up version of the swashbuckler and maybe the priest that are more in line with the pathfinder standard.

Grand Lodge

doc the grey wrote:
Does anyone know if they ever updated or tweaked the classes to be more in line with those in pf? I'm really hoping for a beefed up version of the swashbuckler and maybe the priest that are more in line with the pathfinder standard.

Nothing's gotten tweaked as of yet.

kevin_video wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
Does anyone know if they ever updated or tweaked the classes to be more in line with those in pf? I'm really hoping for a beefed up version of the swashbuckler and maybe the priest that are more in line with the pathfinder standard.
Nothing's gotten tweaked as of yet.

Is tweeking it in the works? I love the priest class, btw.

Grand Lodge

Spiral_Ninja wrote:
kevin_video wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
Does anyone know if they ever updated or tweaked the classes to be more in line with those in pf? I'm really hoping for a beefed up version of the swashbuckler and maybe the priest that are more in line with the pathfinder standard.
Nothing's gotten tweaked as of yet.

Is tweeking it in the works? I love the priest class, btw.

No idea, but if the reprint is true, I'd like to see everything boosted as well.

I have a question about the Warlock and school abilities that can only normally be used a certain number of rounds a day(by a wizard). How long do they last? Elemental Manipulation, for example.

Adamant Publishing:

Please update the warlock, so many people want to use this class, it just needs some clearer wording and it could be golden.

PLEASE update this book

Personally I would rather see some expansion of third options on domains for the Priest, or perhaps an archatype or two.

I wish I could hotlink this to Adamant publishing's page. We need an update!

"At 1st level, the warlock may select two school abilities; he also gains new school abilities at higher levels (see the warlock table).

School abilities come from the arcane school lists. In addition, the warlock may learn additional school abilities listed in this section. The warlock does not gain any specialist bonuses or bonus spells. The warlock may only take a school ability less than or equal to his warlock level. He may also take a cantrip in place of a school ability. For example, a 2nd level warlock gets a new school ability. Since he is not yet fourth level, he must select a 1st level ability or cantrip.

The warlock does not need to take a lower level school ability in order to select a higher one. For example, a 4th level warlock can select summon monster even if he doesn’t have acid dart."

This imply's that there are more then one 1st lvl ability, even naming one that does not exist. any errata on this or do I need to homebrew a fix?

Grand Lodge

Reddevil wrote:
This imply's that there are more then one 1st lvl ability, even naming one that does not exist. any errata on this or do I need to homebrew a fix?

This is the only errata that exists, which the pdf will already have in place. However, what that ability is referring to is the wizard arcane schools. Acid dart is the 1st level ability you get when taking the Conjuration wizard school specialization. It's not explained very well, but basically it combines what's in the Core Rulebook with what's presented here in Tome of Secrets. They just didn't reprint the abilities.

As another example, you wouldn't need to take the 6th level Energy Absorption ability from the Abjuration school in the Core book in order to take the 12th level Break Enchantment ability in Tome of Secrets.

Ah so the updates should be in the pfsrd which is where I was getting the class. I differently missed the fact you can take wizard school abilities.

Grand Lodge

Reddevil wrote:
Ah so the updates should be in the pfsrd which is where I was getting the class. I differently missed the fact you can take wizard school abilities.

Yes. Checking it out myself, they directly link to the wizard schools, as it should. That definitely helps. I’d actually forgotten it was up on there.

About the only thing I’d truly houserule is adding one of the universal capstones as the warlock doesn’t have one, much like how the cleric, wizard, and witch don’t, but got it added in with the final book release that discussed Alternative Capstones.

Grand Lodge

Another thing I’d add, because I did in my game, is revise The DR. Damage reduction doesn’t defend against elemental damage so it’s pointless to choose any of those. Instead have the DR only be DR/silver or DR/cold iron 2, and let them also have the choice of gaining Resist 2 for cold, fire, or electricity. They’ll only ever gain one DR, but they could gain all three energy resistances. And it wouldn’t be game breaking that if one increases, they all do. At 19th level the PC might have DR 4/silver (or cold iron), Resist cold 4, electricity 4, fire 4. Not that much in the grand scheme.

Yea when I read it i was thinking to myself they mean resistance fire, cold and electric right...

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