Darren Al-Tei |

Tarren Dei wrote:That was the countdown for a kicked dog. Apparently he got scared away...Vic Wertz wrote:Is that the countdown for a lock?taig wrote:Sorry, I was wrong. I'm looking for a kicked puppy. You know where I can get one of those?3.... 2... 1...
Ah, sorry, I found a gold lamé bell-bottomed leg to hump. Got distracted.

KaeYoss |

taig wrote:Joshua J. Frost wrote:Isn't there a dead horse that roams these boards?Hey pres man,
We get it. You can stop now.
You called?
Yeah, threadcrapping like that will really shut him up. Good work!
That's one of the worst aspects here: People thinking they have to mock people in order to "restore order". You guys really don't have to help the moderators. Especially not if your idea of help is pissing people off.
Yeah, I know, I'm sorta contributing right now, but this needs to be said. Playing board police only makes things worse. Let sleeping dogs lie (that doesn't just apply to pres men, but to everyone else). If he really is being annoying, you're playing right into it. If he's not being annoying, you're annoying him, either driving him away from the boards, or creating a pissed-off poster.
So put your "cute" aliases away, burn the Boards Batman costume, and let it go.

taig RPG Superstar 2012 |

Dead Horse wrote:taig wrote:Joshua J. Frost wrote:Isn't there a dead horse that roams these boards?Hey pres man,
We get it. You can stop now.
You called?
Yeah, threadcrapping like that will really shut him up. Good work!
That's one of the worst aspects here: People thinking they have to mock people in order to "restore order". You guys really don't have to help the moderators. Especially not if your idea of help is pissing people off.
Yeah, I know, I'm sorta contributing right now, but this needs to be said. Playing board police only makes things worse. Let sleeping dogs lie (that doesn't just apply to pres men, but to everyone else). If he really is being annoying, you're playing right into it. If he's not being annoying, you're annoying him, either driving him away from the boards, or creating a pissed-off poster.
So put your "cute" aliases away, burn the Boards Batman costume, and let it go.
Guilty. I was expressing irritation (in a jokey way) with hearing the same thing over and over again. I was not, however, trying to police the boards. I know that's not my job. You're right, though--it's not going to change anything for the better.
At any rate, I am excited about receiving my poster sometime this wek.

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This poster looks amazing and I can't wait to get my hands on one. However I'm curious how long these will be around. Don't know when I'll be able to order one myself but I also don't want to miss out.
... stupid vacations making me penny pinch >_<
We still have plenty, so they should be around for a month or so at least. But no guarantees. :)

Tiger Tim |
During my time here I have tried to be respectful in all my posts, and while I read the boards a lot more than I post to them, I have spent a lot of time here. The fact is this poster is a little bit of a slap in the face to me (I don’t plan to go Pathfinder but stay standard 3.5).
Sure I can see that most people especially on these boards don’t see it that way and who am I to argue. My bigger concern is staff posts* to this thread. To my eye it looks like my view is ‘not allowed’. Sure, these are your boards and you can do what you will with them. But one of the reasons that I no longer bother with Wizards of the Coast is how they treat differences of opinion. They seem to have no problem with the love it or leave it approach. Are things different here or not?
* except Lisa, who just wants to make sure that anyone who does like and wants the poster has a chance to get one :)

Majuba |

I can see your point Tiger Tim. Your posts were respectful, you stated your point, and it was acknowledged and debated a bit.
Others (in this thread and generally) sometimes find the need to simply restate their opinion repeatedly, often with an increasing level of snarkiness.
Edit: Spoilered in deference to ending the topic.
Funny enough, Pres Man's 2nd to last post actually has a rather interesting counterpoint:
thrive - Def 3 : to progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances —often used with on <thrives on conflict>
To *progress* towards a goal. That would seem to indicate that something, like the 3.5 edition, can change and progress and not necessarily "not be 3.5" anymore.
Or from the opposite direction, it also could say that 3.5 thriving *does* change it, and you shouldn't expect the same game.

Blazej |

Sure I can see that most people especially on these boards don’t see it that way and who am I to argue. My bigger concern is staff posts* to this thread. To my eye it looks like my view is ‘not allowed’. Sure, these are your boards and you can do what you will with them. But one of the reasons that I no longer bother with Wizards of the Coast is how they treat differences of opinion. They seem to have no problem with the love it or leave it approach. Are things different here or not?
I would suggest that they are fine with people having the view, but the way it was originally presented.

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DiceHouse got its posters. Sweet! Now gearing up to do a Pathfinder RPG Day in September. Woohoo!
Why not August?
I was thinking of creating an adventure that uses bonus bestiary monsters only.
Anyways, let me know if you want help with this event.

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joela wrote:DiceHouse got its posters. Sweet! Now gearing up to do a Pathfinder RPG Day in September. Woohoo!Why not August?
Not a lot of time to get, then familiarize, oneself with the new ruleset.
I was thinking of creating an adventure that uses bonus bestiary monsters only.
Really? Huh. That's a diverse group. Contact me offline on how'd you do so.
Anyways, let me know if you want help with this event.
Will do. Appreciate it!

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joela wrote:DiceHouse got its posters. Sweet! Now gearing up to do a Pathfinder RPG Day in September. Woohoo!Why not August?
I was thinking of creating an adventure that uses bonus bestiary monsters only.
Anyways, let me know if you want help with this event.
What do you think about scheduling to run PFS games with the new ruleset at Gateway?

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DragonBelow wrote:joela wrote:DiceHouse got its posters. Sweet! Now gearing up to do a Pathfinder RPG Day in September. Woohoo!Why not August?
I was thinking of creating an adventure that uses bonus bestiary monsters only.
Anyways, let me know if you want help with this event.
What do you think about scheduling to run PFS games with the new ruleset at Gateway?
I think it's a great idea, and I am going to try to connect with the group that ran PFS Gamex.
I might try to do something separate as well, plus I am going to run my Terminator True20 game :)

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joela wrote:
Juan,What do you think about scheduling to run PFS games with the new ruleset at Gateway?
I think it's a great idea, and I am going to try to connect with the group that ran PFS Gamex.
I might try to do something separate as well, plus I am going to run my Terminator True20 game :)
Terminator True20? Sweet! Have you thought what time slot? I'll keep it open.
RE: PFRPG and PFS. Saw the folks at DiceHouse last night for our Savage World game. We're now seriously looking to replace D&D as the basis for our World of Warcrack rpg games and use Pathfinder RPG instead. Much more of a direct translation than 4th edition.

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New review:
Definitely an improvement over the original 3.5 books, and well worth getting if your group is looking for an improved version of the rules to continue running it. Well written, fantastic art, and a book big enough to stop bullets (it is near phone book thickness in size) make this a good buy for the money.There are enough changes to make it feel a revamp of the game, while still maintaining the same rules and feel.

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Gorbacz, I've run into a number of people who don't care for Wayne's art for Pathfinder, but it obviously does a good job of delineating the product line and defining the look-and-feel of Golarion. But Todd Lockwood, Jeff Easley, and Peter Whitley make good money doing the same thing for other games.
Of course, Wayne Reynolds is a versatile artist. He has done more realistic art for the Osprey Man-at-Arms series, and more stylized work for Blizzard Entertainment. So, complaints about "over-sized weapons and disproportionate bodies," if they're directed at anyone, ought to be directed towards the Paizo art director.
I find the insinuations in the review's first paragraph to be childish and outlandish. I disagree with the opinion of the reviewer. But I think it's a legitimate review, and at least he likes the game writing.

Stebehil |

Having an opinion and expressing it is of course okay, but I´m still offended by the language of the review, no matter how valid the review itself may be. Seeing that the poster has otherwise posted twice sometime last year honestly leads me to question the intent of this review - why does it appear right now, and why did the poster use this language ? To me, it looks like trolling.

The_Minstrel_Wyrm |

Hi all.
I just wanted to add that I purchased a copy of the poster for myself not too long ago (and have since received it in good condition I might add) so, if there is anyone out there that hasn't yet gotten one, I think that they (Paizo) must have copies left to sell. (And I've been thinking about getting a 2nd copy to have in my game room, after reading what others have done with their posters.) Either way, one is going up in my bedroom. :)
Another question I have, was there a promotional poster for the Bestiary, with the "The Monsters Are Coming" written in red, and similar advertising like the RPG promo poster. (And I'm serious when I ask this, I'm not looking to start something, I really do like Wayne Reynolds artwork and I have since Eberron.) IF the Bestiary has a poster, I'd be very interested in purchasing one (maybe two) of it as well. (And while were at it, if there happens to be a GameMastery Guide, AND Advanced Player's Guide promo posters based on Wayne's cover artwork, I'd be interested in those as well.)
Somehow though, I get the feeling that the RPG launch poster was the only promo piece done. :(
Any information on this would be appreciated however.
Dean; The_Minstrel_Wyrm

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The Core Rulebook poster is the only promotional poster we have done so far, but there will be others. I wanted to do a Bestiary one before that came out, but there simply wasn't time. I think an Advanced Player's Guide poster might be forthcoming.
You might also want to hunt down the Pathfinder Society poster. It's a bit smaller but features a really cool image of the iconic characters fighting vampires. We send piles of them to stores who run PFS events on site, and our coordinator still has some copies. Perhaps you could work with your retail store to figure out how to get your hands on one of those.

The_Minstrel_Wyrm |

The Core Rulebook poster is the only promotional poster we have done so far, but there will be others. I wanted to do a Bestiary one before that came out, but there simply wasn't time. I think an Advanced Player's Guide poster might be forthcoming.
You might also want to hunt down the Pathfinder Society poster. It's a bit smaller but features a really cool image of the iconic characters fighting vampires. We send piles of them to stores who run PFS events on site, and our coordinator still has some copies. Perhaps you could work with your retail store to figure out how to get your hands on one of those.
Erik thanks for the information. I didn't expect an answer this quickly. I'm excited to hear that an APG poster is a possibility.
The PFS poster you mention, is that the cover image of "Seven Days to the Grave" CotCT part 2? 'Cuz that was a GREAT cover. (Actually ALL of the AP's have had great covers.) :)
So, thanks again for the information. You made my night, err... day? (It's 1:00am here in PA.) Ugh... I need some sleep. ;)

Clark Whittle |
Can't wait to see the cover for the APG. I'm a huge fan of Wayne's "stylized realism" artwork and have no doubt it'll make a great poster as well.
Another piece of Paizo art/advertising that I absolutely love is in the back of Pathfinder AP 7 (Edge of Anarchy). It's the advert for the Guide to Korvosa done up to look like a travel brochure, with a "Visit Beautiful Korvosa" tagline and a gorgeously dark landscape of the city and castle in the backdrop.
Whoever at Paizo came up with this promotional idea is an absolute genius. Any chance that this could be made available in a larger poster size ? I'm guessing it would be a huge seller.

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Quick question for those that have actually seen this poster in person. Are the lighter areas of the poster light enough that a black sharpy pen would show up well? Say for instance if someone were to autograph it?
I'll take a closer look here later and post about it. Though mine is in a picture frame so might be skewed some but I'll still let you know my opinion on it.

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Marc Radle 81 wrote:Quick question for those that have actually seen this poster in person. Are the lighter areas of the poster light enough that a black sharpy pen would show up well? Say for instance if someone were to autograph it?
I'll take a closer look here later and post about it. Though mine is in a picture frame so might be skewed some but I'll still let you know my opinion on it.
looking at mine behind me on the wall... the gray areas would show a sharpie, but it wouldn't contrast too well.. the best place to sign would be between the dragon's wings. The pathfinder logo is a little higher than it is on the core rulbook, so you have room between his wings and below the logo. I would say that the best bet though, is to invest in a silver sharpie, as it will contrast better with the darkness of the art and show up better.

Malik Lucius |

pres man wrote:So does that mean that PFRPG is going back to the 3.5 ruleset, or that this is just meant to be a bit misleading?Hmmm...
I am going to assume that is a rhetorical question. I'm trying hard to read it in a tone that is not snarky, but I'm struggling.
Don't dance around the issue, if you've got something to say: say it.
I'd assume that is to mean that while Wizards made a very valid bid to exterminate 3.5 by stopping production of 3.5 products in favour of 4th, the game thrives regardless of their efforts.