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When it mentions an elven pantheon, is it referring to gods other than those found in the Campaign Setting?
Also, will Pathfinder have different subraces of elves? (in a similar way that Oerth has Grey, High, etc, and Faerun has Star, Moon, Sun, etc). Obviously, a drow subrace exists, so besides that.

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When it mentions an elven pantheon, is it referring to gods other than those found in the Campaign Setting?
Also, will Pathfinder have different subraces of elves? (in a similar way that Oerth has Grey, High, etc, and Faerun has Star, Moon, Sun, etc). Obviously, a drow subrace exists, so besides that.
James has mentioned in the chat that the Mordant Spire elves are grey elves. I don't know if we'll see other variants, but if they're in Golarion, this book'll outline 'em.

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Perhaps James or someone else could clarify: will there be subraces of elves specific to Golarion (and will they be introduced in this book?) For instance, are the elves of Mordant Spire like gray elves (mechanically and conceptually -like how FR Sun elf is like unto a Gray) or are they Gray Elves(crunch and flavor-wise)?
A similar question could be asked relative to the aquatic elves around Azlanti ruins.
*Also, I'm still very curious about an elven pantheon and how that works with the hitherto stated devotion to beings like Desna and the Savored Sting.

Seldriss |

Now you've confused me. Where are you seeing something about a delay? These already got shipped to a lot of subscribers.
Confusion is my middle name ;)
I meant the description of the book was mentioning the shipping time, something like "this product usually ships from our warehouse in 2 or 3 days", or something like that.Funny thing is that i don't see that line anymore now.
/double confused (Feeblemind ?)

Seldriss |

OK triple confused now...
Let me explain : When i go in the store Download page, in Paizo/Pathfinder Companion section, i see Elves of Golarion.
But when i add it to my cart, i then see Elves of Golarion Print Edition, with the shipping line (Usually ships from our warehouse within 3 to 6 business days) and the shipping & handling fee ($4.03)...

Seldriss |

The PDF isn't yet available for purchase to non-subscribers. IIRC, it will be on November 12.
All right. So my confusion is due to the fact that although the product appears in the Download section, it is not available as a PDF yet, and thus appears as the print version...Thank you.

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golem101 wrote:The PDF isn't yet available for purchase to non-subscribers. IIRC, it will be on November 12.Ooooo
All right. So my confusion is due to the fact that although the product appears in the Download section, it is not available as a PDF yet, and thus appears as the print version...
Thank you.
Sorry—we've been tweaking some display stuff, and it looks that that particular circumstance needs some more tweaking.

Jeff Quick Contributor |

yoda8myhead wrote:That was part of the stuff Jeff wrote so I can't say too much about it but I do recall reading a discussion of the elven pantheon in his draft.Hassan al-Sabah wrote:When it mentions an elven pantheon, is it referring to gods other than those found in the Campaign Setting?
Hal, you've probably seen it more recently than I have!
There's definitely an elven pantheon in the book, and we also address how/why Desna fits into the whole shebang.
It can be complex, but in general, elves are far more comfortable with ambiguity than humans are. =)

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Read most of the .pdf yesterday. I likee, although I'm not sure about the traits in that they appear to put elves, on first reading, in a rather better position than the other races. Or maybe they're swapped in for a feat; I didn't read it all that closely yet (I don't like doing a first thorough read on a .pdf, although I always scan through quickly if I get the pdf first (which as a subscriber, I now do, most excellently).

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Read most of the .pdf yesterday. I likee, although I'm not sure about the traits in that they appear to put elves, on first reading, in a rather better position than the other races. Or maybe they're swapped in for a feat; I didn't read it all that closely yet (I don't like doing a first thorough read on a .pdf, although I always scan through quickly if I get the pdf first (which as a subscriber, I now do, most excellently).
Traits are generally provided to PCs at the start of an adventure path in place of a bonus feat (details of which are in the Second Darkness companion) or gained by taking the Additional Traits feat, which grants two traits. Once other racial books have been released, I imagine we'll see equally powered traits that anyone can take, but for now, if you want to take a racial trait, you'd better be playing an elf.

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Traits are generally provided to PCs at the start of an adventure path in place of a bonus feat (details of which are in the Second Darkness companion) or gained by taking the Additional Traits feat, which grants two traits. Once other racial books have been released, I imagine we'll see equally powered traits that anyone can take, but for now, if you want to take a racial trait, you'd better be playing an elf.
Yeah, although the assumption is that you'll give everyone a bonus feat, but then (as mentioned in the Second Darkness companion) that's been a feature since RotRL; the bonus feat would have to be restricted to those regional feats, of course (again, as is the case in RotRL).
However and my main concern (the elves vs the rest thing), are there new racial books on the horizon? Will we get a lot more regional feats (there's one per nation at the moment in the Campaign Guide, if I recall).

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However and my main concern (the elves vs the rest thing), are there new racial books on the horizon? Will we get a lot more regional feats (there's one per nation at the moment in the Campaign Guide, if I recall).
They've said other places that their moving away from bonus feats and using the trait system from now on, at least for PCs, as it adds a bit more customization. James said in a chat that they would be doing other race books eventually, but whether a book is racial or regional in nature, most player-oriented supplements should contain more traits, some of which might be racial (if it's a dwarf oriented campaign, or gnome-heavy region) even if it's not exclusively a racial book.

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They've said other places that their moving away from bonus feats and using the trait system from now on, at least for PCs, as it adds a bit more customization. James said in a chat that they would be doing other race books eventually, but whether a book is racial or regional in nature, most player-oriented supplements should contain more traits, some of which might be racial (if it's a dwarf oriented campaign, or gnome-heavy region) even if it's not exclusively a racial book.
Oh, OK, so we should see something like that in the Osirion book that's upcoming? That'll be cool.

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Winterwalker wrote:It says at the top this is the Print Edition (which grants access to PDF as well.)Subscribers get free PDFs when their subscription copy of the print edition ships—that's the big subscriber perk. Non-subscribers do not get the PDF for free with purchase of the print edition.
When do subscribers get their PDFs? I been looking for the PDF for this book and the Gods book since Tuesday.

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Vic Wertz wrote:When do subscribers get their PDFs? I been looking for the PDF for this book and the Gods book since Tuesday.Winterwalker wrote:It says at the top this is the Print Edition (which grants access to PDF as well.)Subscribers get free PDFs when their subscription copy of the print edition ships—that's the big subscriber perk. Non-subscribers do not get the PDF for free with purchase of the print edition.
Once you recieve the email that they have shipped (or are going to ship), the 2nd email in the process, you can download the pdfs from your "My Downloads" page at the top of any Paizo.com page. If you got that email and the pdf's aren't there, you might need to post in the Customer Service forum or call or email Cosmo/Alison for assistance.

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grifter7 wrote:Once you recieve the email that they have shipped (or are going to ship), the 2nd email in the process, you can download the pdfs from your "My Downloads" page at the top of any Paizo.com page. If you got that email and the pdf's aren't there, you might need to post in the Customer Service forum or call or email Cosmo/Alison for assistance.Vic Wertz wrote:When do subscribers get their PDFs? I been looking for the PDF for this book and the Gods book since Tuesday.Winterwalker wrote:It says at the top this is the Print Edition (which grants access to PDF as well.)Subscribers get free PDFs when their subscription copy of the print edition ships—that's the big subscriber perk. Non-subscribers do not get the PDF for free with purchase of the print edition.
Thank you for the answers. Ughh I got to wait till I get a email. At least my order is not pending now like i was Tuesday.

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Eric Hinkle wrote:Will this be sold in a print edition, or just as a PDF?Id like to know too. I want to order a print edition myself :).
You're looking at the print edition. The PDF will be available for sale to non-subscribers after the product's retail release date, November 12.

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i admit i suscribed mostly tog et this 2 books (gods and magic included) physically and being able to read the PDFs while i wait for them :)
yes i am impatient, and i want them now...
err.. actually i am reading them now :D
both are beautiful, art is excellent and the narrative is simply gorgeous, can hardly wait to have them physically on my claws :D

Jeff Cosby |
I've read the Elves of Golarion pretty closely and I have to say I'm pretty disappointed. Art not withstanding, I'm not buying a coffee table picture book; I’m buying a book to add to my Pathfinder resources for elves.
On the second note I was doubly disappointed. I was disappointed in the lack of crunchy bits, and when there were crunchy bits I was disappointed to see they were still printing material that used the 3.5 rule set.
This is the first book that I've ever bought from Piazo that I wouldn't recommend to friends to buy. (Ok, the second, the Map Folio for Rise of the Runelords just isn't worth the cost either.) I was really hoping for a book that would completely flesh out elves for the Golarion setting and give Elves something special... This book completely fails on those two points.
Sorry, but as a BIG Piazo fan I'm really disappointed in this book.

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Jeff the description of the book says it was still 3.5 so i don't understand why are you dissapointed...
i have read onlyaprt of the book but i am already in love with it, not only for the art but for the background... what Paizo sells you mostly is a good story... the rulesbooks, you don't need many... but great stories are far and between...
but the deep of the elves left me in love with them, their views in honor, in how they see the world, their search for perfection... etc... all of those are wonderful
i still need more to read... but the little crunch i receive is good... what i need to translate to pathfinder i do, the rest mostly can be used as given.

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I was disappointed in the lack of crunchy bits, and when there were crunchy bits I was disappointed to see they were still printing material that used the 3.5 rule set.
The Pathfinder RPG is currently in beta, and very much in flux; we don't feel it's ready for use with published products yet. We'll be using 3.5 for all of our products until August 2009, when the finished Pathfinder RPG is released.
The Pathfinder Companions are intended to be a mix of flavor and crunch. You and I may well have different definitions of what constitutes crunch, but in this 32-page book, you've got 2 pages of traits, 2 pages of combat items, 2 pages of divine pacts, 2 pages of magical foods, and a 2-page prestige class. That's almost a third of the book, and that's not even counting sidebars like the items derived from the flora of Kyonin or the Queen's magic circlet.
To be frank, if this mix isn't right for you, Pathfinder Companion may not be right for you. (I'm not saying that to be snarky—I'd just hate for you to have ongoing expectations that aren't usually going to be fulfilled.)

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I think the book was ok, but I think that may have been the size of the book (seems really thin when you compare it to other Pathfinder (not including the adv path books). That said, I think the info inside was very informative. Hated seeing reprinted stuff in it thou, but I like the traits section + other the other stuff that that Vic mentioned.
I will say thou, if I do start dropping subscriptions, I think Companion will be the first on my list to be dropped, hopefully Osirion will change that thought of thinking.

Disenchanter |

Hi! did Elaine Cunningham contribute to this book?
I did not see her name in the credits, and I did just check specifically for that name.
Sorry, but as a BIG Piazo fan I'm really disappointed in this book.
I'd have to concur.
I guess it is because I have grown accustomed to the products (apparently) being made just the way I like them, when the rare product falls short of expectations - it really falls short.
I have no complaints about the book. But I feel... ... Shorted, somehow.

Hal Maclean Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 |

On the second note I was doubly disappointed. I was disappointed in the lack of crunchy bits, and when there were crunchy bits I was disappointed to see they were still printing material that used the 3.5 rule set.
The crunchy bits came from me for the most part so sorry if they didn't work for you. Think you could expand a little on what your expectations were for the book before you started reading? Maybe that might help for future projects.
I had to use the 3.5 rule set since Pathfinder is still getting road tested on these boards.