Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting (OGL)

4.50/5 (based on 25 ratings)
Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting (OGL)
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Note: Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide has replaced this volume as the main Pathfinder campaign setting book. The newer volume has been expanded and updated, and is designed for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. And the PDF is cheaper, too!

Golarion, the exciting world of the Pathfinder Adventure Paths and Pathfinder Modules, comes alive in this massive 256-page full-color hardcover tome primed up and ready to go for your new campaign! Detailed sections on more than 40 nations—from the frontiers of Varisia to the devil-tainted cities of Cheliax to the frigid Hold of the Mammoth Lords—provide a full picture of the world of the Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting, with new rules, new magic and spells, detailed descriptions of more than twenty gods and their religions, and a gorgeous poster map detailing the entire campaign setting. The Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting provides classic adventuring style and cutting-edge game design perfectly suitable for the world’s most popular roleplaying game!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-112-1

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Archives of Nethys

Written by (in alphabetical order):

Keith Baker
Wolfgang Baur
Clinton J. Boomer
Jason Bulmahn
Joshua J. Frost
Ed Greenwood
Stephen S. Greer
Jeff Grubb
James Jacobs
Michael Kortes
Tito Leati
Mike McArtor
Rob McCreary
Erik Mona
Jason Eric Nelson
Jeff Quick
Sean K Reynolds
David Schwartz
Leandra Christine Schneider
F. Wesley Schneider
Amber E. Scott
Owen K.C. Stephens
Todd Stewart
James L. Sutter
Greg A. Vaughan
Jeremy Walker
JD Wiker
Also included are essays on world-building written by Robert J. Kuntz and R.A. Salvatore.

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription.

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Print Edition:

Out of print

This product is out of print.


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Average product rating:

4.50/5 (based on 25 ratings)

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Fantastic! Bravo! The Bar Has Been Raised!


This book is fantastic. Buy it. Now. If you regret it, well, sure, feeding your kids was more important, but aside from that, there's NO WAY you can regret this purchase. This is a true masterpiece, akin to Ed Greenwood's Old Grey Box Forgotten Realms set, and you will cherish this purchase for the years to come.

Now, when can we have Pathfinder novels by Ed Greenwood or Elaine Cunningham? Paizo high ups? are you paying attention here? :)

Very Sincere Effort


Great lay-flat binding. Beautiful book on the outside. Iconics for classes are stunning. A couple of the ethnic portraits were below what I expect from Paizo.

I thought this book was a very sincere effort to honor the best of what has come before. It included tributes to what came first.

Next, the heart of many long-running games is in the heart and soul that the DMs have put into their own settings. This was also a worthy inclusion, although it understandably made a couple of regions seemed sort of Ravenloft pockets.

Also, I thought the product was well-timed. I am a new arrival and do not have the products mentioned by another reviewer.

Finally, as far as the accusation about being thin on material, I can't help but remember the paper stapled booklets from Lake Geneva -- just like those brown books that my mom thought were a rip-off price, this is a good start even at the premium price.

My God! it's made of stars!


The world of Golarion is a jigsaw of different genres, co-existing, and influencing each other. It has a delicious variety of settings on offer, which allow almost any type of campaign. The talent that was tapped for this product are a who's who of most of the best designers to ever work on D&D. The book gives you tools to make Golarion come alive. Almost every paragraph sparks the imagination. I could scarcely read a page without daydreaming about what I had read, and planning campaigns about it. It is a testament to the quality of the product, that I cannot think of a favourite region. Every two page spread had enough hooks and ideas for a year or two of gaming.

This is by far the best concieved fantasy world I have read yet. It is more dynamic than any other IP I can think of. I think it is richer than Star Wars, More colourful than the Forgotten Realms, More fun than Eberron, Gritter and wilder than Greyhawk, and the extraplanar cosmology opens things up more than the old Great Wheel did, making the relationships between different planes seem much more dynamic. the rethinking of the elemental planes, and the Onion Cosmology, is like a shot in the arm. It is as well wrought as the AD&D manual of the planes, and the third edition MoP too.

The layout is perfect. Chapters are well placed. Each region has a two, or four, page spread, which makes it very easy to find exactly what one is looking for, in a session.

My only complaint is, however, a serious one. Paizo stretched its staff too far on the editing front. It was a prodigous effort for them to get this printed on time, and a lot of spelling errors got in. The poster map itself, was labelled: "The Inner Sea Reigon"

I believe that there will be a reprint of this book next year, with Pathfinder RPG crunch in place of the 3.5 crunch. Charles Evans 25 has done a fantastic job of collating the errors in this book, for correction in the next printing. I will happily buy it again.

Excellent stuff


This is excellent stuff right here, folks.

My ideal campaign setting


This book embodies the thing I love most about Paizo products; the readability. I've had this book for a month and I've referred to it numerous times and read it through twice, so it's one of very few setting books available that are as good for entertainment as they are for reference (indeed it's the only substantial setting book I've come across that I've read from cover to cover without skimming or skipping anything). Everywhere feels familiar, with places covering virtually every genre trope you can think of, plus plenty of obvious real-life and historical influences, but the details and plot-hooks showcase some incredibly fresh and imaginative work. For a book with so many contributors it also reads very consistently which speaks to the quality of the editing.

Every section has enough information to give you a solid feel for the subject, but the information is also drawn in quite broad brush-strokes and leaves a lot of questions unanswered. This is ideal for me as I find this really sparks the imagination gives lots of room to put in your own ideas, and means you don't get bogged down in the minutiae that can really kill how enjoyable an article is to read. Obviously though, this also means that if you're looking for a setting with the depth of Faerun, with every major NPC, event and small town described in detail, this book isn't really going to do it for you. Best to look again in a few years when the setting has really started to fill out.

It is pricey, but the amount of information packed in is far more than the page count implies (impressive as there's no compromise in layout, art or font legibility). If the price tag is too much, then I'd recommend the Gazetteer, as the information in both books is fairly similar.

My only real complain is the number of minor errors and typos, probably inevitable due to the Gen Con rush sadly. They don't detract too much though, and they're certainly not bad enough to justify dropping a star.

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I read a LOT of RPG-books in the past 18 years or so. And this is one of the best, probably THE best I´ve ever seen. I like Golarion, because it´s a wonderful blend of pretty "classical" fantasy and a lot of good new ideas.

The look of the book, the images, everything, is just awesome. It´s worth every single cent.

A new convert to the pathfinder setting and loading up my cart. Just curious is there a "complete"(all of continents) world map in this book or any other place?

Don't think so, the closest it has is the Inner Sea Regional map, and then more detailed maps of each of the countries.

I would expect that this kind of map would appear in the the book coming out next year to do with Golarion's cosmology.

I read that there was some typos in the first printing. By any chance do you plan to make another print with some "errata" ?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

shawn moore 477 wrote:
A new convert to the pathfinder setting and loading up my cart. Just curious is there a "complete"(all of continents) world map in this book or any other place?

It includes a map of the Inner Sea region, which is the only area we've really detailed in any way so far. We're keeping details on other areas of Golarion sparse, so there will be opportunities to reveal more good stuff for years to come.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

selios wrote:
I read that there was some typos in the first printing. By any chance do you plan to make another print with some "errata" ?

If this edition sells out, we'll probably make some fixes in the reprint (as well as an errata update for purchasers of the current printing, most likely) but that's a long way off.

Former VP of Finance

Vic Wertz wrote:
selios wrote:
I read that there was some typos in the first printing. By any chance do you plan to make another print with some "errata" ?
If this edition sells out, we'll probably make some fixes in the reprint (as well as an errata update for purchasers of the current printing, most likely) but that's a long way off.

James Jacobs is keeping a very detailed list of all the corrections and changes that need to be made. If you note anything, make a post in this thread.

Vic Wertz wrote:
shawn moore 477 wrote:
A new convert to the pathfinder setting and loading up my cart. Just curious is there a "complete"(all of continents) world map in this book or any other place?
It includes a map of the Inner Sea region, which is the only area we've really detailed in any way so far. We're keeping details on other areas of Golarion sparse, so there will be opportunities to reveal more good stuff for years to come.

May seem like a little thing but in a world were people can fly and teleport at higher lvls and having to go back and retcon whole pieces of geography and story make me cringe. Keep seeing references to an eastern culture and lands, which at least one of players will be interested in. I hate railroading players and alot of our game time over the years has been freeform, I hate haveing to hand wave things or try and railroad them. That being said this has been a complaint with most of our favorite fantasy worlds and just wondering if Golorian were any different. But other then that I'm loving the Pathfinder stuff!

Liberty's Edge

never said ho much i love this book :D

Liberty's Edge

Hi all,

It is indeed a good book and I definitely enjoy Golarion.

I do have a few question regarding this book though and maybe someone can help...

1) what are the new powers listed in the entry of each described country ? Feats ? Something else ? Let's say my PC is from Geb, do I get the Necromantic Resistance automatically or do I have to pay for it somehow ?

2) The Secret of Steel Shattering Spirit is cool (see p.85).. You gain a pool of ki points to shatter things, but how do you replenish the pool when you have used them up ? Medidation ? Sleep ? Someone knows ?

I do have another question. I am new to D&D 3.5 and I just started to play as a GM a couple of weeks ago. I have started AP1 Burnt offering and my PCs are about to enter the Catacombs of Wrath. Sinspawns are a plenty down there, but I have a question regarding their attacks : how many have they ? 2 or 3 attacks each round : 2 claw attacks + 1 bite attack or 1 claw and bite attack ?

Thanks for the help !

Gunder Aergirsson wrote:

I have a few questions...

1) what are the new powers listed in the entry of each described country ? Feats ? Something else ? Let's say my PC is from Geb, do I get the Necromantic Resistance automatically or do I have to pay for it somehow ?

2) The Secret of Steel Shattering Spirit is cool (see p.85).. You gain a pool of ki points to shatter things, but how do you replenish the pool when you have used them up ? Medidation ? Sleep ? Someone knows ?

I do have another question. I am new to D&D 3.5 and I just started to play as a GM a couple of weeks ago. I have started AP1 Burnt offering and my PCs are about to enter the Catacombs

of Wrath. Sinspawns are a plenty down there, but I have a question regarding their attacks : how many have they ? 2 or 3 attacks each round : 2 claw attacks + 1 bite attack or 1 claw and bite attack ?

1) They are feats, not automatic.

2) Probably should be meditation following sleep, but it doesn't seem to be specified.

3) 2 and 1.

Liberty's Edge

I ordered this from my FLGS so I could support both Paizo and the brick and mortar. It was worth it! Fantastic setting well depicted but leaves me wanting more. As someone else mentioned we need additional secrets on the wild lands of Golarion. Something with some crunch. Perhaps it will be included in the bestiary?

I think this product is a great way to sell newcomers on the Pathfinder world. If I had the money I would donate a copy to my local library.
Since money to invest in pushing Golarion isn't in my budget, I did the next best thing- i requested the library to buy a copy to put into circulation. The request is pending. I will post again if they do get one. Then next year I will request the hardcover rulebook for the reference section.

"Come one come all and join the Pathfinder revolution in role-play."

Liberty's Edge

Didn't you used to date Drew Barrymore?

houstonderek wrote:
Didn't you used to date Drew Barrymore?


Some part of me so wants this to be true.

Liberty's Edge

Watcher wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
Didn't you used to date Drew Barrymore?

sure. if you say so


Some part of me so wants this to be true.

truth is so subjective anymore

and Drew was so cute back then.

Dark Archive

Wow, the book is awesome! the gazateer goes along with it great, and I would strongly recommend having both...Campaign setting for GM and gaz for each player. the flags, maps and art was great!

Yah, Wolf, I agree. So far I've bought three: one for me, one for the 29-year-old GM son, and one for the beginning-to-be-interested-in-gaming 26-year-old daughter. The book is beautiful!

Has anyone else had a problem with the front and back covers bowing? I keep it on the shelf with my other hardcovers, and none of them have shown this type of wear.

It kind of looks like this from the top...


Dark Archive

This really is a wonderful book, well done up with loads of information to really flesh out characters and reigons. It's a Top notch purchase, but for how long...

My concern is that there are parts that conflict even with the Beta; for example the sorcerers alternate class feature which replaces the familiar they don't get anymore. There aren't many instances of this since most of the information is indipendant of actual game play, and geared more towards fleshing and detail.

Does this mean there's going to be a full reprint / rerelease of this book, or maybe a web enhancement to deal with the changes?

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

houstonderek wrote:
Didn't you used to date Drew Barrymore?

Love her!

always have, always will... <3

I know where my next $50 of spending money is going. I might have that $50 sometime this year. Man, I'm po'.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Aestolia wrote:

This really is a wonderful book, well done up with loads of information to really flesh out characters and reigons. It's a Top notch purchase, but for how long...

My concern is that there are parts that conflict even with the Beta; for example the sorcerers alternate class feature which replaces the familiar they don't get anymore. There aren't many instances of this since most of the information is indipendant of actual game play, and geared more towards fleshing and detail.

Does this mean there's going to be a full reprint / rerelease of this book, or maybe a web enhancement to deal with the changes?

We won't print another run of this book until we sell out the first run, which probably won't happen before the Core Rulebook comes out in August.

Once the Pathfinder RPG rules are finished, we'll take another look at some of the rules bits in this book and see if we need to make any changes. If changes do need to be made prior to a second printing, we'll probably address that via a web supplement.

I need help figuring out the PF calendar.

The year has 52 weeks of 7 days each.
The year has 12 months and 4 seasons.
Each season is made up of 3 months.
The solstices and equinoxes are each put in at the start of a season.

So winter solstice is the day before month 12 (the first winter month); is that correct? Does this mean that each month has 30 days and that the solsctices and equinoxes are 4 days entirely appart from the months and seasons?

As I see it a year is made up of:
1-30 Abadius + Calistril
1 Vernal Equinox
1-30 Pharast + Gozran + Desnus
1 Summer solstice
1-30 Sarenith + Erastus + Arodus
1 Autumnal Equinox
1-30 Rova + Lamashan + Neth
1 Winter Solstice
1-30 Kuthona

Asuming that my previous asumtions are correct, I conclude that the Swallowtail festival (occuring on the autumn equinox) and the start of the Rise of the Rune Lords is the day between 30 Arodus and 1 Rova. Is this a correct asumtion?

A number of holidays and festivals are mentioned on p.238. Where can I find more information on them? Would you consider publishing a headline description for those days?

Erik Mona wrote:

If changes do need to be made prior to a second printing, we'll probably address that via a web supplement.

That is a relief. The book is quite good and have it completely redone just to meet the changes of the beta would not be cool.

I am looking forward to the PFRPG web supplement though :)

Noob here, trying to get upto speed. :)

Love what I have read so far.

Is this the master book for the entire Varisia world?

Will any potential 2nd edition contain updated material, i.e., be reconciled with the new Corebook to be released in August 2009 or will it be an exact re-print of the existing book?

Larger question - is there a plan to update/correct existing products in light of the new corebook?


Erik Mona wrote:
Aestolia wrote:

This really is a wonderful book, well done up with loads of information to really flesh out characters and reigons. It's a Top notch purchase, but for how long...

My concern is that there are parts that conflict even with the Beta; for example the sorcerers alternate class feature which replaces the familiar they don't get anymore. There aren't many instances of this since most of the information is indipendant of actual game play, and geared more towards fleshing and detail.

Does this mean there's going to be a full reprint / rerelease of this book, or maybe a web enhancement to deal with the changes?

We won't print another run of this book until we sell out the first run, which probably won't happen before the Core Rulebook comes out in August.

Once the Pathfinder RPG rules are finished, we'll take another look at some of the rules bits in this book and see if we need to make any changes. If changes do need to be made prior to a second printing, we'll probably address that via a web supplement.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Basilforth wrote:
Is this the master book for the entire Varisia world?

Well, it's the main book for the entire Inner Sea region, which is the only region we've really explored. One day, there may be books that cover other regions, but this, for now, is the master book you're looking for.

Basilforth wrote:

Will any potential 2nd edition contain updated material, i.e., be reconciled with the new Corebook to be released in August 2009 or will it be an exact re-print of the existing book?

Larger question - is there a plan to update/correct existing products in light of the new corebook?

As books sell out, the ones with sales string enough to justify reprinting will probably be updated. However, A) we don't plan on having to reprint this especially soon; B) such changes will be very minor; and C) we'll do our best to make such changes available (possibly in PDF form) to those who have previous editions.

In short, there's no need to wait for a reprint—this will not be obsolete in a year.

And welcome!

Sweet! Thank you! I ordered the book at my FLGS today. Hoorah! Support the home team!!

While ordering the store owner told me that he planned to carry the new Corebook after Gencon and openly mulled the probability that he would carry more Pathfinder products! Woot!!

Vic Wertz wrote:
Basilforth wrote:
Is this the master book for the entire Varisia world?

Well, it's the main book for the entire Inner Sea region, which is the only region we've really explored. One day, there may be books that cover other regions, but this, for now, is the master book you're looking for.

Basilforth wrote:

Will any potential 2nd edition contain updated material, i.e., be reconciled with the new Corebook to be released in August 2009 or will it be an exact re-print of the existing book?

Larger question - is there a plan to update/correct existing products in light of the new corebook?

As books sell out, the ones with sales string enough to justify reprinting will probably be updated. However, A) we don't plan on having to reprint this especially soon; B) such changes will be very minor; and C) we'll do our best to make such changes available (possibly in PDF form) to those who have previous editions.

In short, there's no need to wait for a reprint—this will not be obsolete in a year.

And welcome!

This book is a solid piece of work. The Paizo people did a good job creating a coherent world book. Thanks to the team and keep up the good work.

tetsu okami wrote:
This book is a solid piece of work. The Paizo people did a good job creating a coherent world book. Thanks to the team and keep up the good work.

Picked it up from the store today. Read a bunch, paged through a bunch. Drooling over the map. Awesomeness.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I was just reading through the Campaign Setting hardcover when I noticed something peculiar. In the Religion chapter, the book lists all the additional open gaming content domains from the SRD that are not, for example, in the D&D Player's Handbook. All of these have been assigned to the deities of the Pathfinder Chronicles pantheon, and thus have also been converted to the Pathfinder RPG. But wait! Not actually all of them. The Creation domain is listed, but it is not assigned to any of the gods, neither to any of the 20 main deities nor to one of the listed minor gods, archdevils, demon lords, empyreal lords or archdaemons. It is also missing from the Pathfinder RPG Beta.

So... is this by design, or maybe an oversight? And, will we get a Pathfinder RPG conversion of the Creation domain some day?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Zaister wrote:

I was just reading through the Campaign Setting hardcover when I noticed something peculiar. In the Religion chapter, the book lists all the additional open gaming content domains from the SRD that are not, for example, in the D&D Player's Handbook. All of these have been assigned to the deities of the Pathfinder Chronicles pantheon, and thus have also been converted to the Pathfinder RPG. But wait! Not actually all of them. The Creation domain is listed, but it is not assigned to any of the gods, neither to any of the 20 main deities nor to one of the listed minor gods, archdevils, demon lords, empyreal lords or archdaemons. It is also missing from the Pathfinder RPG Beta.

So... is this by design, or maybe an oversight? And, will we get a Pathfinder RPG conversion of the Creation domain some day?

The Creation domain snuck in there into the PFRPG. It won't be in the PFRPG, since none of the core 20 deities grant it. It (and others, like the SRD's Scalykind and Gods & Magic's Void domain) is likely to be part of a later book down the road.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
The Creation domain snuck in there into the PFRPG. It won't be in the PFRPG, since none of the core 20 deities grant it. It (and others, like the SRD's Scalykind and Gods & Magic's Void domain) is likely to be part of a later book down the road.

Thanks for the information!

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Okay, I've finally found a few people willing to try Pathfinder and was looking at what books would be handy... and what books to wait on... So I have a question...

Is it worth it to purchase the .pdf today? Or trudge through until the Aug release of the RPG? Is there sufficient material in this book that won't be covered in the RPG release? I understand that a large amount of "crunch" and options that we haven't seen in the Beta releases will be in the official release, but how much fluff will be there?

If there's material in this book that won't be in the RPG book (which I'm guessing is yes...) should I wait until August? I know you (paizo) will only reprint it if it sells out... but is there any plans on "errata-ing" the .pdf? If so, should I wait until then, or will .pdf purchasers be allowed to download post-changed versions?

I'm in a situation where I can afford the .pdf and the RPG subscription, but it'll be tight, and I'd like to avoid spending money twice if need be.

Notsonoble wrote:

Is it worth it to purchase the .pdf today? Or trudge through until the Aug release of the RPG? Is there sufficient material in this book that won't be covered in the RPG release? I understand that a large amount of "crunch" and options that we haven't seen in the Beta releases will be in the official release, but how much fluff will be there?

If there's material in this book that won't be in the RPG book (which I'm guessing is yes...) should I wait until August? I know you (paizo) will only reprint it if it sells out... but is there any plans on "errata-ing" the .pdf? If so, should I wait until then, or will .pdf purchasers be allowed to download post-changed versions?

I'm in a situation where I can afford the .pdf and the RPG subscription, but it'll be tight, and I'd like to avoid spending money twice if need be.

This book is the campaign setting for Pathfinder's Golarion world...the rules for playing are not in this book, the PFRPG rules (or the 3.5 DMG/PHB) are what's needed in this crunch-lite book. So...

This book: Setting
PFRPG book: Mechanics

Getting this book is money well spent, IMHO. :)

Notsonoble wrote:

Okay, I've finally found a few people willing to try Pathfinder and was looking at what books would be handy... and what books to wait on... So I have a question...

Is it worth it to purchase the .pdf today? Or trudge through until the Aug release of the RPG? Is there sufficient material in this book that won't be covered in the RPG release? I understand that a large amount of "crunch" and options that we haven't seen in the Beta releases will be in the official release, but how much fluff will be there?

If there's material in this book that won't be in the RPG book (which I'm guessing is yes...) should I wait until August? I know you (paizo) will only reprint it if it sells out... but is there any plans on "errata-ing" the .pdf? If so, should I wait until then, or will .pdf purchasers be allowed to download post-changed versions?

I'm in a situation where I can afford the .pdf and the RPG subscription, but it'll be tight, and I'd like to avoid spending money twice if need be.

I think you are confused a bit, it happens same name after all. The setting is 3.5 but is very crunch light. You can use it with almost any system, people use it with 4e and other systems.

It is a setting book, with details of the setting world, it is not a pathfinder RPG book, but can be used as such. It is a game setting not the rules

Edit: Ninjaed by the Demon mistress of cookies it seems.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Notsonoble wrote:

Okay, I've finally found a few people willing to try Pathfinder and was looking at what books would be handy... and what books to wait on... So I have a question...

Is it worth it to purchase the .pdf today? Or trudge through until the Aug release of the RPG? Is there sufficient material in this book that won't be covered in the RPG release? I understand that a large amount of "crunch" and options that we haven't seen in the Beta releases will be in the official release, but how much fluff will be there?

If there's material in this book that won't be in the RPG book (which I'm guessing is yes...) should I wait until August? I know you (paizo) will only reprint it if it sells out... but is there any plans on "errata-ing" the .pdf? If so, should I wait until then, or will .pdf purchasers be allowed to download post-changed versions?

I'm in a situation where I can afford the .pdf and the RPG subscription, but it'll be tight, and I'd like to avoid spending money twice if need be.

The Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting is a whole different animal from the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. The former is a campaign setting, while the latter is a set of rules. They don't overlap in any meaningful way, but they do complement one another nicely. You can use the Campaign Setting without the Pathfinder RPG (it's designed for 3.5, but experienced GMs won't have problems converting it for use with any rules set), and you can use the RPG with any campaign setting you like.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Okay... I think that answered my actual question which was worded rather poorly... I knew this book was (almost) entirely the fluff for the world, and system independent... I suppose what I should have asked is "How much of it would be repeated in the RPG book?" Aside from a little bit of FR most of my non generic/greyhawk roleplaying has been in free publications where if they had a specific rule system they created, then they made one "book" that had fluff and crunch all in one...


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

None of it will be repeated that I am aware of. The rule book is being designed as stand alone, world neutral. Ok I think they will be using their worlds gods as example gods and a few things like that so say maybe 5% of the book will be "repeat" info if that much.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Basically one table in the Core Rulebook lists the gods and their domains, and we use them as examples a couple of times in the book. In terms of wordage, I'd guess that it's less than 1% of the book. And even then it's not really "repeated" from the Campaign Setting, as it's just a list of gods and their domains for the dozen or so "core" gods (there are lots more gods in the Campaign Setting, and a HUGE amount of additional detail).

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Notsonoble wrote:
I know you (paizo) will only reprint it if it sells out... but is there any plans on "errata-ing" the .pdf? If so, should I wait until then, or will .pdf purchasers be allowed to download post-changed versions?

Paizo is very good about notifying via e-mail when a PDF you have purchased changes. You can always redownload files you've purchased from Paizo (with rare exceptions relating to 3rd party licenses.) I have received updates about non-paizo PDFs as well.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Erik Mona wrote:
Basically one table in the Core Rulebook lists the gods and their domains, and we use them as examples a couple of times in the book. In terms of wordage, I'd guess that it's less than 1% of the book.

More like less than .1%!

Adding to the last poster, though, we don't really have any plans to update the Campaign Setting anytime soon, as there's really not that much that needs to change. However, when it does go back to press—which at the current rate is projected to be sometime in 2011—we will update those few things, and we'll make those changes freely available.

I need help figuring out the Golarion calendar.

The year has 52 weeks of 7 days each.
The year has 12 months and 4 seasons.
Each season is made up of 3 months.
The solstices and equinoxes are each put in at the start of a season.

So winter solstice is the day before month 12 (the first winter month); is that correct? Does this mean that each month has 30 days and that the solsctices and equinoxes are 4 days entirely appart from the months and seasons?

As I see it a year is made up of:
1-30 Abadius + Calistril
1 Vernal Equinox
1-30 Pharast + Gozran + Desnus
1 Summer solstice
1-30 Sarenith + Erastus + Arodus
1 Autumnal Equinox
1-30 Rova + Lamashan + Neth
1 Winter Solstice
1-30 Kuthona

Asuming that my previous asumtions are correct, I conclude that the Swallowtail festival (occuring on the autumn equinox) and the start of the Rise of the Rune Lords is the day between 30 Arodus and 1 Rova. Is this a correct asumtion?

A number of holidays and festivals are mentioned on p.238. Where can I find more information on them? Would you consider publishing a headline description for those days?

From what I've read, the PF Campaign setting is compatible with the new PF RPG.

Are there any plans to reprint a newer edition?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Hairball wrote:

From what I've read, the PF Campaign setting is compatible with the new PF RPG.

Are there any plans to reprint a newer edition?

The book is relatively light on mechanics, but the few stats present are for 3.5. We'll update them if we reprint, but we expect our stock of the current edition to last at least another year or so.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Hairball wrote:

From what I've read, the PF Campaign setting is compatible with the new PF RPG.

Are there any plans to reprint a newer edition?

The book is relatively light on mechanics, but the few stats present are for 3.5. We'll update them if we reprint, but we expect our stock of the current edition to last at least another year or so.

How about a quickie PDF update? I want an official PF Holy Warrior cleric variant...

Also, I really like the map that has the PF adventure locations on it. Any thoughts on keeping something like that updated somewhere?

The Exchange

I just can't seem to stop reading this book. So many ideas spring to mind for adventures/campaigns at even just a casual read. And I'm loving the Beyond the Inner Sea chapter. Hopefully Casmaron, Tian Xia and the other continents can be detailed in similar books in the years to come (would definately like to see Casmaron done next... Campaign Setting II perhaps?).

And I'll add my vote for an up to date version of the adventure location map, might work well as a page for the website here, so that people can easily see which books are best to get to complement their own ideas in the various regions of Avistan and Garund.

Liberty's Edge

I also would LOVE to see other areas done.

Except at Gencon at the Q & A session for the adventure paths I think they were saying that they didn't want to do it because they would limit themselves or something along those lines.


The Exchange

thenorthman wrote:

I also would LOVE to see other areas done.

Except at Gencon at the Q & A session for the adventure paths I think they were saying that they didn't want to do it because they would limit themselves or something along those lines.


Can't remember which thread he said it in now, but James Jacobs stated that they do plan on doing an Adventure Path which would take players to Tian Xia at some point in the future, which I'd imagine would involve a trek over the Crown of the World battling ice creatures... which would be awesome.

Hopefully they won't do a 3E FR and give some details on other continents and then never follow up on them.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Brakkart wrote:

Can't remember which thread he said it in now, but James Jacobs stated that they do plan on doing an Adventure Path which would take players to Tian Xia at some point in the future, which I'd imagine would involve a trek over the Crown of the World battling ice creatures... which would be awesome.

Hopefully they won't do a 3E FR and give some details on other continents and then never follow up on them.

The AP you're thinking of is called "Jade Regent" and is still planned for sometime in the future. It was going to be the one following Kingmaker, but would require more support material, like new classes and a large setting book for Tian Xia that it was pushed back to allow them the time to get the ducks all in a row before committing to it.

Liberty's Edge

Brakkart wrote:
thenorthman wrote:

I also would LOVE to see other areas done.

Except at Gencon at the Q & A session for the adventure paths I think they were saying that they didn't want to do it because they would limit themselves or something along those lines.


Can't remember which thread he said it in now, but James Jacobs stated that they do plan on doing an Adventure Path which would take players to Tian Xia at some point in the future, which I'd imagine would involve a trek over the Crown of the World battling ice creatures... which would be awesome.

Hopefully they won't do a 3E FR and give some details on other continents and then never follow up on them.

I forgot about that as well they also brought it up during the Q & A. So yes your right. I think this is where they started talking about multiple campaign settings books.

More than likely I am wrong and misunderstood that they didn't want to do more campaign settings. After all I had been up nearly 30 hours to that point with the flight from Anchorage and the first day of events.


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