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I don't see a subscription here. Do you get the subscription from the magazine's site? Is it correct that you can only buy individual copies here on Paizo?
That's 100% correct, you can get a subscription at the koboldquarterly.com site. If you subscribe this week, you also get a free copy of the Havenmine Gauntlet mini-adventure.
You can get individual copies here at Paizo, either PDF or print.
Subscriptions might be offered here someday, but there's no plan for it yet.

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That's 100% correct, you can get a subscription at the koboldquarterly.com site. If you subscribe this week, you also get a free copy of the Havenmine Gauntlet mini-adventure.
Wolfgang, is there any other way to get Havenmine Gauntlet?
I guess I could just subscribe...

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Wolfgang, is there any other way to get Havenmine Gauntlet?
I guess I could just subscribe...
Subscribing is certainly my preferred option :), but you can also get the adventure directly from Highmoon Media Productions over at RPGNow (alas, not available through Paizo).
Saurstalk, I've definitely given it a lot of thought. I would very much like to feature some Pathfinder content down the road, but given the momentum that Paizo has with the setting and adventure paths, I'm not sure what a Pathfinder article would look like. But yes, I'd consider it.
For 4E, I'll go there if fans want it and the GSL allows it. The KQ readers seem split, and I'm not sure yet that the GSL will allow a periodical to function. So 4E support may not appear for some time yet.

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Saurstalk, I've definitely given it a lot of thought. I would very much like to feature some Pathfinder content down the road, but given the momentum that Paizo has with the setting and adventure paths, I'm not sure what a Pathfinder article would look like. But yes, I'd consider it.
For 4E, I'll go there if fans want it and the GSL allows it. The KQ readers seem split, and I'm not sure yet that the GSL will allow a periodical to function. So 4E support may not appear for some time yet.
Thank you for your honesty.

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So if I order a print edition here...do I also get a PDF edition like I do with pathfinder stuffs?
Oddly enough, no. I'm not quite sure how to set that up here, like the watermarked Pathfinder downloads.
However, if you subscribe at Kobold Quarterly, the print+PDF subscription gets you both.
Radavel: Yes, subscriptions ordered now start with issue #4. It would be silly for me to ask new subscribers to wait a couple months for their first issue.

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Grüß dich Wolfgang!
For now I am buying KQ individually at Paizo.
I'd like to change to a subscription, but I am currently facing these problems:
- pdf subscription:
Only available on your site. You know the trouble I had with Paypal when I tried to donate to OpenDesign. Besides I'd had to visit one more site to get my download and I am pretty keen of Paizo's feature that you can re-download the files whenever you wish.
For this reason I'd really appreciate if Paizo offered a subscription to KQ.
- pdf and print subscription:
There is the additional topic of postage. Postage to Europe easily surpasses the issue price of a magazine. For this reason I love Paizo's offer to combine orders to a monthly shipment.
For this reason I would love even more to be able to subscribe to KQ at Paizo.
Didn't you give the topic any deeper research so far (I know that you are pretty busy with all the different projects you are doing!) or isn't Paizo interested in offering a subscription of KQ?
Thanks in advance for your reply!
...and although this posting probably sounds like a grumbler's one, I'd like to express how much I like the products you are creating. Your name on a product always proves to be a mark of high quality content.
Liebe Grüße

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For now I am buying KQ individually at Paizo.
I'd like to change to a subscription, but I am currently facing these problems: *snip*
Günther, vielen Dank für die Fragen!
I may not have a solution, but here's some things to consider.
1) As a subscriber, you can re-download issues of KQ from the KQ.com site just as you could from Paizo.
2) Subscribers do get additional PDF freebies no available with single-copy sales.
3) The European postage is a killer, I agree. Unfortunately, I can't do much about the price of postage.
I have spoken about subscriptions with Paizo, but it hasn't come together yet. There's a lot of other projects floating around (such as the Pathfinder RPG, which surely devours lots of Paizo time), and so it's not available yet. I fear with the con season starting, it may be a while before this is set up.
So for now, you may have exactly the right solution!

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Guennarr wrote:For now I am buying KQ individually at Paizo.
I'd like to change to a subscription, but I am currently facing these problems: *snip*
Günther, vielen Dank für die Fragen!
I may not have a solution, but here's some things to consider.
1) As a subscriber, you can re-download issues of KQ from the KQ.com site just as you could from Paizo.
2) Subscribers do get additional PDF freebies no available with single-copy sales.
3) The European postage is a killer, I agree. Unfortunately, I can't do much about the price of postage.I have spoken about subscriptions with Paizo, but it hasn't come together yet. There's a lot of other projects floating around (such as the Pathfinder RPG, which surely devours lots of Paizo time), and so it's not available yet. I fear with the con season starting, it may be a while before this is set up.
So for now, you may have exactly the right solution!
Hi Wolfgang,
thanks for this detailed answer!
Rest assured that I purchase all KQ issues - be it directly from your site or from Paizo (my current choice).
Unfortunately I already purchased KQ4 at Paizo.
But if they don't offer a KQ-subscription any time soon, I am quite tempted to subscribe directly to you (and be it the pdf only variant for now due the shipping issue).

Razz |

I am liking this magazine a lot, but I have one problem with it...the artwork. It has its hits and misses.
What I mean is, when I went to check out the artwork for the Mithral Dragon in Kobold #4, I get a 5-year old's pencil drawing (apologies to the artist). But I turn back to Kobold #3 and see this wonderful art piece of Prince Arbeyach.
I was rather disappointed on the Mithral Dragon art...kinda wish it could be redone or something. I don't think I could ever show that piece to my players should they encounter a mithral dragon without them losing all seriousness of the event as they mock the art for about 10 minutes.

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I am liking this magazine a lot, but I have one problem with it...the artwork. It has its hits and misses.
What I mean is, when I went to check out the artwork for the Mithral Dragon in Kobold #4, I get a 5-year old's pencil drawing (apologies to the artist). But I turn back to Kobold #3 and see this wonderful art piece of Prince Arbeyach.
I was rather disappointed on the Mithral Dragon art...kinda wish it could be redone or something. I don't think I could ever show that piece to my players should they encounter a mithral dragon without them losing all seriousness of the event as they mock the art for about 10 minutes.
Then get your friends to subscribe.
More subscribers = more money for KQ = larger art budget.
In any event, you have to admit the cover for KQ #4 is gorgeous.

TConnors |

Thank you Hewligan for your kind remarks about Adriel, Angel of Hope in KQ #4. My wife and I really enjoyed writing it, and it was (I must confess) a welcome respite from internet research on devils. Let me tell ya, if I never read another death metal band's lyrics with Belphegor's name in it, I can die happy. I'll tune my mind into heroism, hope, and salvation any day! Here's hoping the Way of the Taper leads you, me, and all the KQ readers safely home!

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I hear ya Razz, and trust me, I wish I could do nothing but Lockwood/Frazetta/Brom art all the time.
Unfortunately, the reality is that KQ is a small magazine with very limited funds. Right now, I'm spending the money to expand the page count.
The solution really is to have more subscribers, so that every article gets the best possible art treatment. Bigger magazines can do things that small ones can't.
I'll keep trying to improve the look every issue, and I already know that issue #5 takes a small step in that direction.

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Do you have any feel, at this point, as to if / when KQ will be shifting to D&D 4th Edition?
First of all, it's more a matter of if KQ will shift rather than when.
The original plan was to print material for both editions. Clearly the GSL won't permit that, according to what we've heard from WotC spokesfolks.
The new plan is to wait until I see the GSL, actually get to play 4E, and hear from the subscribers.
That's a bit of a dodge, but only just. I can't imagine that the magazine will go 4E if the majority of its subscribers don't want that. I'd be happy to serve as a 3E rallying point, but I'd be a fool to ignore the 4E audience if the game is a hit. Too soon to tell.
Issue #5, #6, and maybe #7 are all 3E issues. After that it gets more complex. Might continue with heavy Pathfinder/3E/True20 support. Might not.

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Chris Mortika wrote:Do you have any feel, at this point, as to if / when KQ will be shifting to D&D 4th Edition?First of all, it's more a matter of if KQ will shift rather than when.
The original plan was to print material for both editions. Clearly the GSL won't permit that, according to what we've heard from WotC spokesfolks.
The new plan is to wait until I see the GSL, actually get to play 4E, and hear from the subscribers.
That's a bit of a dodge, but only just. I can't imagine that the magazine will go 4E if the majority of its subscribers don't want that. I'd be happy to serve as a 3E rallying point, but I'd be a fool to ignore the 4E audience if the game is a hit. Too soon to tell.
Issue #5, #6, and maybe #7 are all 3E issues. After that it gets more complex. Might continue with heavy Pathfinder/3E/True20 support. Might not.
Or, you could just create and publish TWO magazines, concurrently to...
Ok ok, you have to sleep sometimes too.

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Well, to be fair, Wolfgang, you're asking about 3rd vs. 4th Edition sentiment on the bastion of 3rd Edition fans. Odds are good that asking on the Wizards boards would skew you a different demographic.
Oh, by the way, I wanted to tell you that you shattered my image of you at Paizo-Con.
For years --years I tell you-- whenever I'd read anything you'd written, my interior "Wolfgang" voice was pretty close to Arnold Schwarzenegger's.

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Well, to be fair, Wolfgang, you're asking about 3rd vs. 4th Edition sentiment on the bastion of 3rd Edition fans. Odds are good that asking on the Wizards boards would skew you a different demographic.
Indeed. I'll echo the 3E Sentiment (as well as the KQ = fantastic sentiment), but take that with a grain of salt when heard on these boards!
Regardless, I think you're doing a great job, and I would respect whatever decision you made as far as edition support.

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Well, to be fair, Wolfgang, you're asking about 3rd vs. 4th Edition sentiment on the bastion of 3rd Edition fans. Odds are good that asking on the Wizards boards would skew you a different demographic.
Yeah, but it's also a bastion of print magazine readers. I don't know, I think I'll wait until I play a little 4E and hear more reactions from fans. KQ was supposed to be a little 'zine, and now it's big enough that I actually worry about making the "right" decision about editions and readership.
Maybe I should just go back to writing whatever I want, printing it at the shop down the corner, and calling it a magazine. :)
Oh, by the way, I wanted to tell you that you shattered my image of you at Paizo-Con.
For years --years I tell you-- whenever I'd read anything you'd written, my interior "Wolfgang" voice was pretty close to Arnold Schwarzenegger's.
I ken do zeh Ahnold voice, if eet helpz, ja?

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That was the funniest chain of posts I've seen in a LONG time. Thanks, guys, I needed the laugh. :)
Toss me in for another vote for 3.5/3P support going forward; I'm subscribed until issue 10, I belive, and I have no real intention of going 4e either. If they'd figured out some way to not invalidate my 3e library (which has a face value of over $5,000 and grows to this day) I'd consider converting. At this point, I'm letting WotC go their way as I go mine.

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Hi Wolfgang,
I just took the plunge and subscribed - print and PDF option (It's great to get the PDFs, especially since there appear to be some cool PDF extras, but for me, it's all about an actual high quality printed product in my hands!)
Anyway, I can't wait to get issue 4! Are the first three print issues available for purchase still? I know I'm late to the party, but I'd like to have all the issues - when I subscribe, I go all out :)
Of, Wolfgang ... I sent an e-mail to your customer service address, but I figure I'd try to get you here as well. I mis-typed my zip code when I subscribed today. Can you PLEASE be sure my correct zip code is entered before the print issue goes out? I would hate for it to go to the wrong address!!!!
Last thing ... Wolfgang, don't know if you remember me, but we exchanged a few e-mails back around November or so. I'm the prepress / graphic designer that offered to help you out if you needed it. Just wanted to let you know that offer still stands if things are looking like you might need any help.
Thanks and take care!
Oh, by the way, did I read correctly that issue 4 is perfect bound instead of saddle stitched??? If so, very cool!

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Hey Wolfgang. I wanted so say how pleased I am with KQ. I was just wondering if you had recieved my renewal check? ~grins~ It had the little letter with the flippant remark aimed at Mike McArtur. ~grins~
I did, your renewal is all set. And while I don't NEED an excuse to give the Honorable McArtor of clan McArtor a hard time, well, it made me smile.
Man, I would totally use that note and just kick off the mockery now, but, you know, *ninjas*.

Sharoth |

Sharoth wrote:Hey Wolfgang. I wanted so say how pleased I am with KQ. I was just wondering if you had recieved my renewal check? ~grins~ It had the little letter with the flippant remark aimed at Mike McArtur. ~grins~I did, your renewal is all set. And while I don't NEED an excuse to give the Honorable McArtor of clan McArtor a hard time, well, it made me smile.
Man, I would totally use that note and just kick off the mockery now, but, you know, *ninjas*.
~grins~ Good. I was just making sure. And I am glad that you enjoyed my little note! ~wicked grin~