Dungeon Issue #139 PDF

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Cover Date Oct 2006 Shipped to Subscribers 22 Aug 2006 Appeared on Newsstands 13 Sep 2006

There Is No Honor
by James Jacobs
Dungeon’s new 12-part Savage Tide Adventure Path begins here, as a new band of heroes confront exotic monsters, undead pirates, and a sinister guild of thieves on the cusp of unleashing a murderous coup. A Savage Tide Adventure Path scenario for 1st-level characters.

by James Jacobs
Discover the streets and canals of the city of Sasserine in this backdrop article. Includes a four-panel poster map of the city of Sasserine.

Requiem of the Shadow Serpent
by Anson Caralya
Explore a warren of snake-haunted caverns where magic itself has lost its way and the faithful of Shar lurk in every corner. A Forgotten Realms adventure for 9th-level characters.

Maure Castle: The Greater Halls
by Robert J. Kuntz
What deadly menaces and fantastic treasures await within the Greater Halls of Maure Castle? A D&D adventure for 17th-level characters.

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Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber


in the news I find only conversion notes and downloadable supplements for Dungeon until approximately February 2007.
Was the publishing of conversion notes for the Savage Tide and of Supplements for Dungeon in general stopped?
Is there any chance to get conversion notes for the rest of the Adventure path and / or the pdf supplements?

Thanks to anybody who knows something about this and lets me know ...

Best regards

Eledriel Darkfire wrote:


in the news I find only conversion notes and downloadable supplements for Dungeon until approximately February 2007.
Was the publishing of conversion notes for the Savage Tide and of Supplements for Dungeon in general stopped?
Is there any chance to get conversion notes for the rest of the Adventure path and / or the pdf supplements?

Thanks to anybody who knows something about this and lets me know ...

Best regards

Is there any reason #139 isn't available in print but the rest of the series is? Can anyone help me out?


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jay Walsh wrote:

Is there any reason #139 isn't available in print but the rest of the series is? Can anyone help me out?


Given James Jacobs' love of all things dinosaur, he might have purchased them all.

The fact that it has something about Maure Castle in it, an adventure that Paizo's staff has mentioned as being immensely popular, suggests that people grabbed it up.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The combination of a Maure Castle installment plus the first installment of a new AP ("Savage Tide") resulted in a VERY popular issue. It sold out pretty quickly, and as it's a magazine, there was never a reprint.

James Jacobs wrote:
The combination of a Maure Castle installment plus the first installment of a new AP ("Savage Tide") resulted in a VERY popular issue. It sold out pretty quickly, and as it's a magazine, there was never a reprint.

Is there anyway to access it online?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

There's a PDF of the issue for sale here.

Edit: Though scrolling up to the top of this page works just as well as the link.

Tangentially, can anyone tell me why Issue #149 isnt available, even in PDF format?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Because WotC pulled the license before Paizo could make a PDF of the last issues of mags.

Gorbacz wrote:
Because WotC pulled the license before Paizo could make a PDF of the last issues of mags.

Ahh, thanks.

Rather disappointing since my AP collection is now tantalisingly one issue short of a complete set. :(

Scarab Sages

Does anyone know what the bonus post map in this issue was?

Nevermind, I can read!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

A map of the city of Sasserine.

Articles in the magazine:

The Cast - Healing for Hire;
The City - Merchant Madness II
Darkmaiden's Dance, Merchant Caravel

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