Cannon Golem

Meinosch's page

21 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.


Articles in the magazine:

Running a Game is Hard to Do, Part 2: Precision in Combat
The Cast - Strictly Legit
The City - 100 Things Found in an Inn
The Dungeon - Obstacle Traps

Articles in the magazine:

The Cast - Healing for Hire;
The City - Merchant Madness II
Darkmaiden's Dance, Merchant Caravel

Articles in the magazine:

Running a Game is Hard to do - Part 3: Keeping Track of Everything
The City - Ordeals of Mettle
The Dungeon - 100 Wizardly Knick-Knacks
Hall of the Elestial Eye - An Arcane Secret Society

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Articles in the magazine:

Temptations and Dilemmas
The Journey - Listening Posts
Wandering Monster - Webbird

Articles in the magazine;

Planar Adventures
The City - 100 Shops and Taverns
Critical Threat -Demodragon
Kharadad, Dwarven Cliff City

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Articles in the magazine:

The Perfect Pantheon - Brewing Up the Right gods
The Cast - Bandit Gangs
The Journey - Volcano!
Drow Outpost

Articles in the magazine:

Spotlight: Focusing on Players
The Dungeon - Unusual Burials
Critical Threat - Bargle the Infamous
Forgotten Tombs

Articles in the Magazine:

The Perfect Chase
The Dungeon - Open Sesame
Wandering Monsters - Slithering Tracker
Ancient Fortress

Articles in the Magazine:
The City - Crime Scenes
The Dungeon - 100 Even Less Useful Items
The Journey - Holy Sites
Wandering Monsters - Verdigris Wyrm
Woodland Shrine

My wife declared this "the coolest looking Christmas card we got this year."

I'm just curious if this will be a re-hash of the previous Inquisitor rules using "normal-sized" miniatures and terrain.

I'm a bit torn on this one myself. While I like the classic nature of a medusa, I always kind of think of them as reclusive loners. After all, its hard to lead an army when they can't really look at you. Both of your previous entries kind of grew on me over time so I hope this one does too. With a few tweeks I could see using any of your entries in a campaign. I hope you make it to the next round so we can see what else you've got. Maybe if she was a yuan-ti...

Awesome job by all! I must admit I was a little leery after seeing some of the magic items that made the cut, but several authors redeemed themselves admirably and proved the three judges correct by nominating them for the next round.

Very imaginative, but I share the same beef Alex Handley expressed. The scale of things are way off. Occupying not only the tops of the towers, but the mined innards would be more 'believable' in scale. How do you fit 20,000+ in a 300' diameter? Stringing a few pillars together with some sort of bridges may also have been a possibility.
Also, putting this location in a desert surrounded by sand for 'thousands of miles' would lead this to be a very isolated country (and thus a much smaller population). It doesn't fit that somehow they are influenced by several architectural styles and races. I can't see how they would have much trade after trekking through miles of desert and then getting sand-blasted once a caravan arrives. Not to mention having to then climb to the top of a huge pillar!
I think if this had been presented as more of an isolated, unique community not a multi-cultural center I would have been bought off.
Because its such a cool idea to start with though, I'm not counting it out completely.

I agree with Raymond - "steak no sizzle"
If you knew why the civilizations were lost you should have given us more clues. It was the only shot you had to advance, and I'm afraid you may have lost out holding that knowledge back. Perhaps you didn't want to ruin it for your own campaign?
If you didn't know why either then you only did half of your job. I really suspect the former.
Very well written, it flowed nicely.

Based on the extensive history it seems like a combination of European settlers invading Narnia. That wasn't meant to be a complete slam. I think you may have tried to cram too much into 1000 words and it lost focus. I like some of the concepts, but they got scattered.

Very flowery indeed, but I think if you've only got 1000 words to describe an entire country, its history, and inhabitants and make it interesting then using flowery descpription-names is appropriate. It gets the point across quickly without using a lot of words. It really does read like the back of a book cover.
Also, I think it gives the flavor without giving away the secrets of the rakshasa rulers. The power of a name is superstitiuos to many races.
I also love use of classic monsters in a somewhat new way - rakshasa & dark elves working together to rule a surface kingdom, along with ogre magi(?), werewolves, and more... That may sway my vote alone. The hack and slash gamers in my group would love to dive into this one, as well as the schemers and strategists.
This one really peaked my interest and leaves me wanting to know more about it.

This was only the second entry I read, but it has me excited me enough to read the rest of them. First blush I really like this one. I can see taking elements of it and dropping them into almost any campaign which is always a plus. Must me that Dungeon submittal background Erik mentioned that taught you this. It is a little Dark Sunnish, with the heavy druidic influence, slave-like population, and weather control aspects, but it's different enough to probably get my vote.
Love the hooks too!

I'm still trying to figure out what a goblin has to do with a Listen check skill(they only have +2) or a silence spell (okay they do have +5 to moving silently). Wouldn't some other sneaky creature or one with exceptional hearing make more sense? Kind of like the old days when you wanted to create a magic item you had to hunt down components to create them that actually made sense rather than just casting a few spells on something.

You might look for a copy of "Wee People". It's an old D&D supplement that went into depth on the Faerie King and his court. It might be available in the Wizards Archive section.