
zorander6's page

Organized Play Member. 94 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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This thread.

You arrive at the first game you have had the opportunity to go to and the table is full.

Ko-Ko is banned for banning the rules lawyers.

GT is banned for using ban more than three times breaking the Geneva Convention.

The Paladin fell for not chocking the wheels on the wagon before eating lunch and running over the Witch's familiar.

The Paladin enjoyed the weather.


But did Ventnor know that Pulg knew that Ventnor knew?

....not reading this entire thread.

The paladin fell because her soon to be spouse was a dancer at the local bar.

The paladin builds model cars in her spare time.

Do I win a new sports car? Or maybe tonnes of cash?

Do we really need a reason to ban GoatToucher? I mean all of the flagrant violations of the rules on the forums much less his playing a bard should probably be right out.

Little did the Paladin realize that KenderKin was sent by his deity to help chase down the big bad.

The paladin bought a house in Rivendell.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

:: Wanders in and asks totally unrelated question in regards to playing Pathfinder ::

The Paladin fell because he was promoted to his level of incompetence.

The Paladin decided on a nice game of Uno.

The paladin fell because he is not employed by Paizo and as such hacked into their servers.

The paladin decided to go swimming in the atlantic ocean.

By killing the spirit's pet dog and burning it to prevent a pet cemetery from happening.

The paladin bought an orphan some new shoes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The calligraphy teacher used the necromonicon as his source material.

The paladin borrowed something blue for her wedding.

The paladin fell because the director offered her some alcohol and she accepted.

The paladin write a movie about a paladin falling from grace.

The paladin fell because using the motto "the beatings will continue until morale improves" is not better treatment of the elderly.

The paladin installed Red Hat on his server.

Legoguy is banned for leaving legos laying on the floor.

The paladin fell because he didn't use protection.

The paladin read a book by the fire. work on a nice Friday and considering going for a walk.

...IHIYC singing bird is the word for hours on end.

Sadly the cleric was engaged to the rogue.

The paladin learned to play chess.

The paladin fell for playing devil's advocate.

The paladin and the fighter discussed the latest fighting technique in town.

The paladin fell because the minimum tithe is 42.54324323423% rounded to the nearest copper +5.

The paladin changed clothes.

The paladin fell because he did not file for a building permit and a little old lady crossed the bridge and was electrocuted.

The paladin went to lunch with his superior officers.

The paladin fell because he was actually Bruce Wayne's father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate.

The paladin took the kryptonite away from Lex Luthor before he could trap superman with it again.

The paladin fell for looking up porn while at work.

The paladin watched This Old House during dinner.

The paladin fell because the cat, which is a sacred animal to his deity died and came back.

The paladin bought a Chevy Nova.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

....the new player at the table has read this entire thread...

(I've read the thread but haven't been to a game yet. Blasted RL)

The paladin fell because it was actually a statue of his $diety from early days.

The paladin asked the bard to play Free Bird.

The paladin fell because the Candy Kids are actually promoting not eating a healthy diet and Lord Licorice is actually his father.

The paladin lost at monopoly.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Molten Dragon is banned for being productive at work while the website is down.

Yep, give her the paintbrush and let her paint the room the color she wants.

The next poster has a map with an X on it.

GM_beernorg is banned for being sober at the last game.

If we did that we wouldn't have their cigars to smoke.

Possibly send an assassin on a trade mission?

Harkevich is banned for discussing hiding in his closet with his intern.

Yarr when you've gone to visit davey jones you tend to gather friends.

The next poster wears ninja clothes to work.

The paladin fell because Congress bribed him to change his beliefs to match theirs.

The paladin went to China to help the poor.

How else are you going to get them to heal properly.

The next poster told their wife what they did in Vegas.

Another Andy Garcia film

Harkevich is banned due to the upcoming maintenance.

The paladin fell because the druids caused a change of heart.

The paladin moved to a large city.

The paladin fell because the stray dog was actually a hell hound.

The paladin adopted a cute kitten from the animal shelter.

BretI wrote:
zorander6 wrote:
On a related note, I bought the bundle but didn't grab one for the wife (kind of regret it now but no biggie.) If I wanted to bring her to a game with a character she rolled would this be an issue? If she decided she wants to keep going I'd buy her the books she needs but just curious.

The answer is hidden away in one of the FAQs for Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

FAQ wrote:
If a family member, significant other, or other members of the same household living together (such as college room mates) are playing at the same table, they may share the same resources instead of having duplicates of the same resource at the same table. If it is a group of friends that always plays together at the same table, as long as there is at least one sourcebook that covers each rule for every character at the table, it fulfills the requirement.

I swear the older I get the more I forget as now I'm positive I read that when I bought the bundle. Thanks. :)

On a related note, I bought the bundle but didn't grab one for the wife (kind of regret it now but no biggie.) If I wanted to bring her to a game with a character she rolled would this be an issue? If she decided she wants to keep going I'd buy her the books she needs but just curious.

captain yesterday wrote:
Adult coloring books are actually quite popular right now.

So it will have pictures of T-Rexes and dice. Perfect I'll get one for dawife.

The paladin fell because she forgot to use the hair bands approved by her deity.

The paladin decided to dedicate her time to a nunnery.

Banned because pirates beat ninja's.