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Organized Play Member. 34 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.
Hi Andrew thank you for the update. Can you confirm that if you purchase the kingmaker pdf when it comes out you will recieve the a discount equal to the pdf prirce if you buy the kingmaker foundry module.
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Andrew White wrote: Steev42 wrote:
I'm also curious about the upcoming Foundry module, with the same question. When it is released -- currently targeted for sometime around Q2 2023 -- you can expect to receive the PDFs as a bonus when you purchase the Foundry module at full price, or receive a discount on the Foundry module if you already own the PDFs, similar to what we've already done with the Beginner Box, Abomination Vaults, and Adventure Path products. Can you confirm we will receive a discount on the foundry module equal to the pdf price if we purchase the pdf version first?
Zhern wrote: I would be rushing to snap this up, but since I haven't received a shipping notice for July subscriptions (and shipping finished last week) or heard back on the matter from CS, I'll have to wait. I was hoping to start this with my group soon, but I guess a waiting a bit longer isn't terrible. Andrew, I think the overall price of 29.99 why a little higher than I would like is still a reasonable price and I am glad you recognize the issue for those who already purchased a pdf.

Zhilan wrote: Aaron Shanks wrote: Zhilan wrote: Aaron Shanks wrote: GamerLeFay wrote: Any update on a release date for the Foundry module? I want to hold off on running this until the mod's out but I don't know how long I can wait :) We are not ready to announce a date yet, but is it near to being ready. Would it be possible to get an approximate date of when the foundry module will be released, in the same way that there is a release date of the next AP chapter? We are working on making it live now. When it is live, we will provide a link to the new product page. Volume 2 should release date and date with the print volume. Thanks for the info Aaron, I think the reduction in the discount received for already owning the pdf is a very shady business practice. When it was announced that Blood Lords was not going to be released day and date with the pdf the new pricing structure should also have been announced. People bought the pdf under the assumption the old pdf would apply this is not the way to win the trust and support of consumers.
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Aaron Shanks wrote: fingerzz wrote: Will this AP contain VTT? Foundry VTT will have It available next Wednesday for purchase here on There is no product page yet. Do you mean this Wednesday?

BooleanBear wrote: Harles wrote: I cannot understand why anyone is celebrating this news. My PDF Importer on Foundry was working great. This is why Foundry was the best way to play PF2. Now I'll have to buy everything again. There's going to be limitations placed on content that we'll be able to use, because you'll have to wait on Paizo conversions and buy everything again.
This is terrible news. I'm debating stopping the Beginner Box adventure I was running. What's the point of trying to get new players on board with this system now? Future adventures, bestiaries, and APs won't be available.
Are they coming after Archives of Nethys next so we have to buy everything on Nexus? Taking down Pathbuilder?
PF2 was better than D&D for VTT because we didn't have to go through sites like DND Beyond (which I think is terrible).
And I know you will say "you can still use PDF Importer for what you've already got." Yeah, for now. Once it's not compatible with the next forced update of Foundry, all that content is gone.
I would advise reading the responses in this thread and the FAQ on Foundry’s website before complaining about things that have already been addressed. The PDF Importer was maintained by one person who had already decided to stop supporting it. Due to the precautions he took to make sure it was compliant with both Paizo and Foundry’s rules, he can’t open source it, so it can’t be maintained by someone else (and it really shouldn’t fall on one person to manually create full adventures for everyone else’s benefit anyways). Short of you or someone else deciding to make a new importer from scratch and manually supporting every new adventure, this partnership is the only way we will have pre-built Foundry content without doing it ourselves (which again, anyone is still free to do). Purchasing a module through this partnership gives you a free PDF, and you get a discount on it if you already have the PDF, so you don’t need to buy anything twice.
As for rules content such as Bestiaries, all of that is... To add on to this I believe Fry Guy has stated that the PDF to Foundry will always be upadated to work with the newest versions of Foundry and the PF2e system, he just won't be adding any new content. So if you already own one of the adventures that are covered by the importer you won't need to buy it again.
How do I preorder this Foundry? Aaron Shanks take my money!!!
This could be best news of the year!
What level will the party end the adventure at?
I wonder how much this will be on Pathfinder Nexus? I am thinking about cancelling my subscription and buying everything on Nexus going forward.
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Mark or Aaron do you think Paizo will ever offer a subsrcibtion bundle that will include both the hardcover and Nexus availablity? I already have all of the books in hardcover and if I decided to give Nexus a try I don't want to have to cancel my subsribtions to Paizo just to maximize my savings.
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A bit late but I bought pdf’s of all three Bestiaries just to import into foundry eventhough I already owned hard copies of them.
I never received an email that my order was created. Should I be worried.
Hello plesae cancel my subscribtion,
Thank You
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Aaron Shanks wrote: trevco613 wrote: Just go my digital copy and I have to say I am disapointed that we still aren't getting high rez maps. We know that you have the capabilites since you included them in sundered waves. Also on Level 9 is the scale supposed to be 10 feet per grid becuase if so then that map is useless as a battle map without major work. I'm sorry the product did not meet your expectations. The last comment from our Director of Brand Strategy regarding PDFs, JPGs and VTT use of AP's is here. Thank you for the answer, it's just frustrating for the community when we know that their is an easier way. I feel that Paizo does everything else first class and the map issue is just a glaring issue that needs to be addessed. They say the squeky wheel gets the grease so I will just keep brining this issue up every release until we get no more "paizo-size" maps.
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Just go my digital copy and I have to say I am disapointed that we still aren't getting high rez maps. We know that you have the capabilites since you included them in sundered waves. Also on Level 9 is the scale supposed to be 10 feet per grid becuase if so then that map is useless as a battle map without major work.
Would it be cheaper for you in Europe to buy a pdf version when it comes out and then but a paper copy from your local game store?
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Elfteiroh wrote: andreww wrote: Can we please get versions of the maps for this which dont lave all of the secret doors marked when you extraxt then to use in a VTT. It adds a lot of unnecesary and tedious work covering them all up again and is generally very irritating. trevco613 wrote: Any updates on the map issue? I just took a look at the pictures I extracted, and the maps from the interactive map PDF are both bigger, and without the secret doors.
Have you tried extracting them from the interactive map PDF? I got the maps extracted and setup nicely, but I don’t want to have go through this process for every ap.
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Any updates on the map issue?
Thanks I will try that, I can make the gridded maps work as long as they are decent quality
I think extracting the images using photoshop to line things up is already a stretch. This is just going further down the rabbit hole. I was able to extract both maps at the same size so when I upscaled them they were the same size. I got the map in the vtt at 100 dpi but it just doesn't look at good as the previous volumes maps. I am going to mess around with a few other things to see if I can get it any better but if this is what we are working with now they better be making plans to release high res images or I have to rethink my subscription.

Steel_Wind wrote: Elfteiroh wrote: Yeah, I like the "grid only on the walkable places of the image", so I prefer them to the "grid over everything" of the VTT, so I deactivate the visual VTT grid (I keep the actual grid, but with invisible lines). If there's no grid in the original image, I often add one myself.
Also, my program extracts all images, no matter how they are layered, so I don't know the structure in the actual PDF. I only know that they have interesting "rotation masks" for some pictures and that all "transparent pictures" have "transparency masks" that I'm happy that my program applies itself.
I think you will find that with Hands of the Devil, you cannot extract both the gridded and ungridded version of this map from the Interactive Map Pack.
If you haven't actually tried it with this specific PDF volume, then perhaps you should before commenting.
If you have managed to use some product that can access the ungridded version of this map from Hands of the Devil? I would love to know what tool that is. I have tried five of them and none of them work.
I have not seen this behavior in a layered Paizo PDF since PF1. I got both the gridded and ungridded version extracted with rp tools token tool. Though the image was pretty small but I was able to get an aiupscaler working last night and it came out really good.
Elfteiroh wrote: Yeah, I like the "grid only on the walkable places of the image", so I prefer them to the "grid over everything" of the VTT, so I deactivate the visual VTT grid (I keep the actual grid, but with invisible lines). If there's no grid in the original image, I often add one myself.
Also, my program extracts all images, no matter how they are layered, so I don't know the structure in the actual PDF. I only know that they have interesting "rotation masks" for some pictures and that all "transparent pictures" have "transparency masks" that I'm happy that my program applies itself.
What program do you use?

Aaron Shanks wrote: H2Osw wrote: Aaron Shanks wrote: The Gleeful Grognard wrote: Can you start releasing higher resolution map files for us that aren't embedded into a locked pdf?
I know they exist because FG gets them and they are higher res than the ones I can rip from the pdf. VTT's like FG get higher res images because they are a licensed partner. We have an internal VTT task force looking onto direct-to-customer options. I thought that was already a thing. Wasn't there a blog a few months ago about providing us with non pdf maps?
I believe this is our last blog on the subject: Changes to Digital Map Assets
"...all digital versions of new Pathfinder Flip-Mats, Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics, Pathfinder Flip-Tiles, Starfinder Flip-Mats, and Starfinder Flip-Tiles products will contain the PDFs our customers are used to as well as VTT-friendly JPGs ready for upload and use on the virtual tabletop platform of your choice."
Re AP's:
"This is on our list to do, it's just a question of both figuring out the best format/resolution/etc. for these assets and digging back into hundreds of adventures to pull out the multiple maps in each to convert them. One advantage the standalone map products have over in-adventure maps is that they were originally created to be printed at 1-inch scale, meaning there's already a lot more detail in the image than there are in a lot of maps that are intended to be printed at much lower scale. So, know that we're working on it and will keep everyone posted once we have more information on our plans going forward."
We have not rolled out JPGs for APs at this time. Any update on when JPG's will be rolled out for AP's. I don't think people expect Paizo to instantly make them available for all of the past AP's at once but it would be a nice gesture to make them availble for the new AP's as they are released. Becuase right now the interactive maps via pdf are not getting the job done.
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An even better idea would be to instead give users access to the high res images of the maps. I don't want to have use multiple programs just to make the low res maps from the pdf look better.
I wish they would just charge me when they created the order and let us have the pdf's on that date. Just make an announcent that all changes to subscriptions must be made before a certain date.
Is the order they ship random or is it the same every month? If I shipped on the last day of shipping for January should I expect the same thing going forward?
How long does it usually take to ship all the subscriptions?
When will these start shipping out for subsribers? I got an email Thurseday that mine was preparing ship. Eager to start to downloading the pdf.

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Steel_Wind wrote: trevco613 wrote: I want to add to my disappointment about the map pack included witht he adventure paths. Is it to much to ask the cartogrophers to make the map a whole number of grids, and for each grid to be the same size. I have to do a ton of extra work to make this map usable for the vtt I use. I need to mess around with the pdf settings so that all the labels are turned off and the text at the top of each map that bleeds into the map. After that I need to use a map alignment tool to stretch out the map so that each grid is the same size and then finally I can import the map into my game. For the amount of money I pay for my subscription it should not be this difficult especially when Paizo already has high res jpgs available. If Paizo does not "roll out" jpg's for the AP's I am seriously considering cancelling my subscription. I would like to apologize, in part, for my previous reply. Those comments were based on my experience building levels 1-3 in Foundry.
And then I got to level 4. *ahem*
There IS an error in the grid to level 4 of this map, both in the module itself and in the Interactive map. The error is in the X/Y axis on the grid. Whether the fault lies with Paizo or the map artist, Rob Lazzaretti (unlikely, this is far from his first rodeo and he's one of the most experienced technical map artists in the business) is unclear. But whatever the case, the grid on level 4 is screwed. I spent a lot of time trying to fix it in Photoshop, checking both the Interactive map and the map on page 99 of the module itself. In my view, it is unfixable without moving elements of the map and rebuilding it. I expect the underlying image has been scaled wrong and this error carried over to the Interactive map, or vice versa. Whatever the case, this map is broken for VTT use.
The most likely explanation is that somebody did a scale on this map without proportional scaling applied at some point in the process when importing the map from Adobe Bridge to InDesign.... No need to apologize to me, you really helped me step up my map making game with your advice.
I also really like the story and I am looking forward to transitioning my group from TiO to this AP. Thanks for the pointers Steel_Wind I am going to try your method. I am used to making maps from another company that would release high res jpgs of all the maps and it made things easier. I don't want to come off to negative I think the maps are really cool and I just wish it was easier to use them on Foundry without having to use another program first.
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I want to add to my disappointment about the map pack included witht he adventure paths. Is it to much to ask the cartogrophers to make the map a whole number of grids, and for each grid to be the same size. I have to do a ton of extra work to make this map usable for the vtt I use. I need to mess around with the pdf settings so that all the labels are turned off and the text at the top of each map that bleeds into the map. After that I need to use a map alignment tool to strech out the map so that each grid is the same size and then finally I can import the map into my game. For the amount of money I pay for my subscribtion it should not be this difficult especially when Paizo already has high res jpgs available. If Paizo does not "roll out" jpg's for the AP's I am seriously considering cancelling my subscription.
Hello, I placed a subscription for the pf2e subscription and it shows that the order is in my sidecart. What exactly is a sidecart and when will the order ship, also I am unsure how much shipping will be. Thank You.
I think it would be a good idea to make a short AP go from Level 3-13. Maybe to use after something like the Beginer Box or Troubles in Otari. I just finished the Beginer Box adventure and I am going to run Trouble in Otari but once this AP comes out I am planning on running it but I will have to modify it slightly since the PC's will not be starting at level 1.