Darthslash |
You commit all your focus to a devastating blow, trying to crush your opponent to the ground.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Str 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: If you use the attack action to make a single melee attack at your highest base attack bonus while using Power Attack and you hit an opponent, you can spend a swift action to attempt a trip combat maneuver against that opponent.
({[A]}) So lets say I'm a fighter with 2 attacks per round. Does felling smash mean I can only make one attack using felling smash, and if I hit while using power attack, I can trip the opponent using the swift action?
({[B]}) Or....Does it mean I can use my first, and highest base attack bonus, to attack with felling smash. Get the hit with power attack on, and then trip with the swift action....AND THEN use my second iterative, (lower BAB) for my second attack against the opponent?
Because if its (A), It doesn't help me at all. Because with 2 attacks, I could do (A) without using felling smash. I simply make the first attack with my highest BAB. Hit or miss I then trip the opponent with my second iterative. Same outcome as (A), without having to waste a feat spot.

Darthslash |
I guess a lot depends on how you interpret the words in the Felling Smash description.
'Attack Action' Does this mean a single attack only? Or can it mean one of your attacks during a full round attack?
'Single melee attack at your highest base attack bonus' This is pretty clear, but does it mean you use this and you only get one attack your whole turn, or does it mean you can't
do any multi-attacks during this action? (two weapon fighting?)
Can you start a full attack action, pause in the middle for a swift action, and then finish your full attack action? (I think you can)