DM_the Loreweaver |

Having recently completed your training as Pathfinders, you were granted a scant two days to enjoy your promotion to field agent before receiving a summons back to the Grand Lodge. Together with three other new agents, you assembled in the office of Ambrus Valsin. After a rehearsed congratulation, the Venture-Captain gets down to business. As he hands each of you a pass aboard a merchant vessel dubbed the Opparan Opal, he informs you that the Pathfinder lodge in Magnamar has been quite busy as of late and fellow Venture-Captain Heidemarch has requested additional Pathfinders to assist her in the ongoing activities there.
Preparations for your journey are hurried, but by day’s end you find yourself at sea. The voyage from Absalom to Varisia is lengthy, but blissfully uneventful. The ship’s crew is diligent with their duties and leaves you alone for most of the trip; giving you the chance to get better acquainted with your companions.
This is your opportunity to introduce yourselves, get into character, and learn a little about each other. Once everyone has checked in and are ready to go, we'll move things along.