
rogue-mage's page

Organized Play Member. 31 posts (42 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Great catch @Black Dow, I'll look into spend those points. I do appreciate the review.

Here is my 1st draft, so I'm still tweaking it a bit.

Blue Beetle - PL 10

Strength 3, Stamina 5, Agility 5, Dexterity 5, Fighting 7, Intellect 7, Awareness 3, Presence 0

Improved Critical 2: BB Gun, Improved Critical 2: Unarmed, Inventor, Speed of Thought

Acrobatics 12 (+17), Athletics 12 (+15), Close Combat: Unarmed 8 (+15), Deception 8 (+8), Expertise: Espionage 4 (+11), Expertise: Hacking 4 (+11), Insight 4 (+7), Investigation 8 (+15), Perception 12 (+15), Ranged Combat: BB Gun 4 (+9), Stealth 8 (+13), Technology 12 (+19), Vehicles 4 (+9)

BB Goggles (Easily Removable)
=Machine Language: Comprehend 2 (Machines / Electronics)
=Visual: Senses 5 (Acute: Visual, Analytical: Visual, Darkvision, Microscopic Vision 1: dust-size)
=Wireless: Radio Communication 1
BB Gun (Easily Removable)
=Concussive Air Blast: Cone Area Move Object 10 (25 tons, DC 25; Cone Area: 60 feet cone, DC 20, Damaging; Diminished Range 3, Limited Direction: Away from User)
=Dazzle: Cumulative Affliction 10 (1st degree: Impaired, 2nd degree: Disabled, 3rd degree: Unaware, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 20; Cumulative, Increased Range: ranged; Diminished Range 2, Limited: to Sight Only)
BB Suit (Removable)
=Armor: Protection 5 (+5 Toughness)
=Defibrillator: Healing 1 (Stabilize)

Initiative +7
Concussive Air Blast: Cone Area Move Object 10 (DC 25)
Dazzle: Cumulative Affliction 10, +9 (DC Fort 20)
Grab, +7 (DC Spec 13)
Throw, +5 (DC 18)
Unarmed, +15 (DC 18)

Heart Condition: Ted Kord has a heart condition, and for someone in his line of work it can be even deadlier than the enemies he faces. The human body can only take so much stress and punishment before it just runs out.
Inferiority Complex: Ted Kord is just a regular man. He is surrounded by "heroes" with more powers than he can ever dream of possessing, and this makes him feel less than everyone else.

Native Language

Dodge 5, Parry 8, Fortitude 5, Toughness 10, Will 5

Power Points
Abilities 70 + Powers 40 + Advantages 6 + Skills 50 (100 ranks) + Defenses 3 = 169

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition is ©2010-2017 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.

Thank you for the welcome Herakles.

I like how you blended DC with Marvel to create your own Amalgam character. That sounds like a fun idea. I might consider that and blend DC with Watchmen to make Blue Beetle a bit more Pulp/Noir than his take. Lets see how that comes out. Will post HeroLab build after work.

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Hello Everyone, I'm not a regular on this site, but I was told you all have a great superhero application going and that I should look into it. Not sure what you all are applying with, but I was thinking about applying with Blue Beetle. I'm currently working on the build with HeroLab and hope to post it soon enough. I'm staying pretty true to his Post-Crisis origin from the 80s, but I'm not including his Bug airship in the build. I just wanted to drop in and say "Hi" and let you all know my interest and that I'll have that build up in a few hours (just need to finish up with work first).

I think a better test of accepting death is how they gamer plays.
I remember one of my DMs would put us in situations that would test our resolve. If we as players handled it horribly he would get penalties to his rolls, if we handled the situation well he would get bonuses. I only found out about that years later while sharing a few beers with the DM.

So put your characters in a death situation, if they handle the news good without having a hissy-fit then they handled death well and completed your test.

Players need to trust their DMs that they are not going to build a scenario just to crap all over the gamers but deliver a genuinely unique story that is entertaining to the player. If they b+@+~ and rule-lawyer the whole time then they have no faith in the DM to do his job. There is another test.

Anyways, I love what your trying to accomplish. Please let us know how it all turns out.

I"m sorry I misunderstood.

Look into the Bard archetype Savage Skald + Celebrity. Those two archetypes can work together.

I was not able to find something that gives you all the cool bonus of the Order of Cockatrice, but you could totally play Savage Skald and Celebrity archetypes as a glory hound. Who better to sing and weave a masterful story of ones own daring successes than a bard?

How about the Cavalier Emissary archetype?

"Cavaliers serve many roles on the battlefield, from bold leaders and shock troops to dashing knights and mounted juggernauts. Some cavaliers, however, focus more on speed and mobility than they do on the raw power of the mounted charge. On foot or in the saddle, the emissary is usually first to meet the enemy, with a pointed lance, a drawn sword, or terms for surrender."

Add that to the Cockatrice Order and you got someone worth role-playing.

Jason Skavlebo,

You did it. That was exactly what I was looking for.
Wonderful detective work.
Talk about getting a natural 20.
500 Exp for you.

Thanks for the advice, in the end I'm just going to have to create a Skill Cheat Sheet for myself. Having a device during game play will encourage other players to play with their devices, text, or watch videos and not stay focused on the game. I feel it will be disrespectful to the DM and our game-time.

I was curious if anyone has seen a Skill List, or Skill Cards, or even a Skill Cheat Sheet players could use to refer to during game play?

The Players book is usually in the DM's or Spellcaster's hands, so it become inconvenient to borrow to look up skills.

I was really hoping there is something that is as condense as the DM screen but for Skills that I can refer to. I often find myself forgetting to use a particular skill a certain way that would have been beneficial in a given situation, or finding out I got robed by the DM on a DC check because he forgot what DC # or modifier he should use.

Anyways, if anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.

Hire the A-Team. They built a tank like vehicle in every episode.
But seriously ...
I would start off with Masterwork Transformation spell. I don't know if your DM would allow the spell to make the wagon masterwork and ready for spells. I guess a wagon would be Wondrous Item. I'm not sure.

Mage's Private Sanctum would be really cool for the inside of the wagon. Once again I don't know if it would be allowed. Plus I believe it can be made permanent.

Maybe use the Craft Armor feat to make shields and decorate the outside of the wagon.

Warhorse and Craft Armor feat should be nice as well. Plus you could add enhancements to horses armor and shoes like Stoneskin, Haste, Bull's Strength, Protection from Arrows, Protection from Evil, etc...

Is there any rule that says that a construct (golem) has to be a humaniod shape? Maybe a golem that is a wagon. I remember an Arcane Discovery that allowed you to make golems but did not require all the items feats needed to make it.

I think your on to something here. Good luck building your battle wagon. Let us know what you did so we can read how it all came together.

Thanks for the clarification.

I was wondering how the Shaping Focus Feat works when a Wizard and Druid becomes a Mystic Theurge.

Prerequisites: Wild shape class feature, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks.

Benefit: If you are a multiclassed druid, your wild shape ability is calculated as though your druid level were four higher, to a maximum level equal to your character level.

Special: This feat has no effect if you are not a multiclassed druid.

So if I have a Wizard 3, Druid 4, and I take 10 levels of Mystic Theurge, do I get Wildshape like a Druid 8, or Druid 17? just seem too good, but obviously I was reading it wrong.

That is exactly how I was reading it. Druid spell list added into a Wizard spell list plus 1 caster level increase.

But I do realize now that I was way off.

Thanks guys for helping me out with this one.

Has anyone seen this Discovery?

Forest's Blessing
Prerequisite(s): Wizard 5

Benefit: You cast any spells that appear on both the wizard and druid spell lists at +1 caster level and with +1 to the save DC. In addition, you may replace the material component of any arcane spell with gems of the same value.

This comes from the Champions of Purity, and I don't know if its missing something, because it reads being way too awesome.

Anyways, if anyone has some insight as too if this is too good to be true I would appreciate it.

Thank you for the clarification.

Just curious, when you wildshape as a druid can you still use your own Feats?

For example, my druid is built for tripping. So he has Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Greater Trip, Dodge, and Disorienting Maneuver. So his tripping is his Combat Maneuver, but I still want to take advantage of that when I wildshape into an animal. Does my animal form inherit my Feats or am I stuck with the animal feats? And if I choose an animal that can trip, can I use my own Feats, since I'm already proficient in them?

Thanks, it just seemed like a high bonus so I wanted to make sure.

Just out of curiosity, would Disorienting Maneuver + Greater Trip feats give you +8 to Trip Combat Maneuver?

Because Greater Trip gives you a +4 and Disorienting Maneuver gives you a +4 Circumstance Bonus.

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Maybe he thought it was Conversations.

Have your commander now refer to the disrespectful PC by his new nickname, which will be "Stupid c**t." Once the rest of the men in the unit hear her refer to him as such in public he will become the laughing stock in your army. I would assume your PC has not earned considerable repute to have much influence or sway in the unit to avoid being made fun of on a daily basis.

Thank you all for replying. I do appreciate the feedback.

I was curious if a character can get Two Weapon Fighting Feats, but use one weapon? Not two handed fighting, but taking a one handed weapon and switching from primary hand to off hand to gain multiple attacks.

Let say I have a fighter with two weapon fighting feats and the off handed weapons gets sundered or disarmed. Can I use up all my full attack actions with my primary hand and then switch my weapon to my off hand to continue gaining extra attacks per round?

My human fighter was going to have so many feats anyways so I took all 3 of those feats early is his career (Fast Learner, Improvisation and Improved Improvisation). The extra HP & skill point at every level was just a nice added bonus, but getting 4 points to all skills that had 0 rank was just awesome. It was essentially like getting 100 free skill points. Who wouldn't want that? Plus, I would get to use exotic weapons at a reduce half penalty. And if you get that Quick Learner trait you can further reduce your non-weapon proficiency with exotic weapons to 0 or -1 (depending on how your DM reads it).

I think its a good deal for any fighters with 13 intelligence who plans on picking up Combat Expertise and Whirlwind Attack. I figure if your going to have 13 intelligence for those two feats above and your a fighter then just pick up Fast Learner, Improvisation, and Improved Improvisation for the 100 free skill points.

The main problem is making them care about others. This will make it hard for them to take on Quests. The classic approach to questing will not work with them, so instead turn them into the Quest.

Create an archenemy to hound them and make their lives miserable. Frame them for a crime they did not commit, or charge them for one of their many past crimes they did commit. Put them in prison or slave pits so they work together to survive and escape. Create unbeatable foes so they have to run to survive, so they have to hide to live another day. Take away all their resources and weapons so they have to work or quest for money and gear. Make life hard on them so it becomes a challenge, a worthy endeavor of their time and determination.

Any player needs a goal, and if your goal is at the end of the traditional questing "carrot stick" then change the carrot. What will motivate them? Is it money? Then take it away so they have to re-earn it. Is it gear? Take that away too. Is it revenge? A hero is only as good as his enemy. Is it all those things? Then mess with their lives. Once you find that carrot, you can get your donkeys moving again.

It can be difficult to control the optimization urges, after all the whole system is built for optimization. Giving the players choices leads to optimization. To control these urges the DM needs to have a firm set of rules of what he/she will allow in their world.

I would recommend one or some the following ideas:
1.) Do not allow your players to multiclass.
2.) Make each player choose a different class than what his fellow players have already chosen.
3.) If you do allow a player to take a multiclass then it should be story driven. (i.e., player seeks out a mentor to train them to use a new class. Mentor should be have challenges or fees to offer their services of training.)
4.) Impose a limit on the number of multiclasses a player can take (2 for starters + a prestige class).
5.) DM creates the characters and allows the players to play them. As the characters level, the DM makes the choices on what feats they take.

These types of restrictions can get difficult as time goes on. Players love having an active role in the destiny of their characters, and being told what they can or can't have per level can get restrictive to their overall happiness with the character development. After all, its the players that give life to the characters while the DM gives life to the world.

If I were trying to be as Jason Bourne as possible, I would do a straight Fighter - Lore Warden. I'd get some Two Weapon Fighting Feats, Improvised Weapon Feats, Unarmed Combat Styles (Like Dragon Style - I love the ability to move through difficult terrain). I love Power Attack, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Punishing Kick + Unarmed Combat, Combat Reflexes, and some human feats, like Fast Learner + Improvisation + Improved Improvisation (Its like getting +4 on all your skills that have Zero Rank). Even a 3 level Paladin dip wouldn't be bad at all. Getting Divine Grace and Health is a pretty sweet deal.

I understand the hesitation by many posters who seem to think that it is wrong to take out your fellow party members, but the reality of the situation is that none of us really know what the DM is planning.

The OP came to this Advice Forum for advice on how to take out his party. It should be our responsibility as advice givers to honor his request and help him come up with a solution to his dilemma.

I understand the ethics of the situation, but in actuality the Magus may be the pawn the DM has been searching for. Someone to provide a unique and challenging scenario for his players. So instead of rehashing the ethics behind the actions of the DM, and instilling our own fears of possible future outcomes between group dynamics from this scenario, maybe we should just come up with a brilliant strategy for him to win the game. After all, that is why we are here reading this Advice Forum.

From personal experience (gaming for 25 years), I have been with my same group of guys, and at our prime we were 8 players and the DM. Now with kids and life we are just 4 regulars and the same DM. In those 25 years we have played 4 major campaigns (each taking 3 years to complete) that involved player manipulation to win the campaign. Honestly, no one has any sort of resentment towards any fellow player about the actions that took place during those games. As a matter of fact, those campaigns we remember fondly. They were the best games we have ever played. The major reason was that we all had to out game each other, and that was the gimmick the DM was looking for in his games.

Whenever my old group gets together for the occasional dinner & drinks we always remember those games, and it always makes us laugh until it hurts. I truly feel that had we never played those types of games we all would have missed out on some excellent opportunities to role play creatively. Out thinking your fellow players without giving away your intentions is like playing poker role playing style.

So lets come together and form a brilliant strategy. Lets help Captain Blackheart win this game.

You need to attack them in a bottleneck area.
1. Cast Black Tentacles (4th). No Save or Spell Resistance. It is a grapple attack (CMB = Caster Lvl+5). 20' area should get a bulk of them. They can try and break free, but if you throw down a Grease spell they should have a hard time getting to far away.
2. Cast Stinking Cloud (3rd). Fort Save but No SR. If your lucky and they are grappled, and they fail (which will be hard since your party if Fort Heavy), they will become Nauseated (can't do anything but a 5' step).
3. Cast Ray of Exhaustion (3rd) on those that Save or Break Grapple on either spell. They will get a Fort Save and SR Save. But if they fail the Fort they are Fatigued, and if they get re-grappled they will become Exhausted. And the Negatives to Strength and Dex start rolling in.
4. Cast Flaming Sphere (2nd) and have it run over everyone that is grappled and hopefully nauseated. The spell last 10 rounds and you can control how it moves.

Don't forget to attack each one of your party members with a Coup de grace. Sure its a full round attack opening you up to AoO, but if you did your ground work right you should be able to pull it off. Kill the bard first, then the Cleric, then the Paladin, followed by the Ranger and Barbarian. The fighters can die last. You said your Shocking Grasp is "boss" and I don't see why you can use that for your Coup de grace.
Coup is automatic hit and crit so use you most damage dealing spells for those kill blows. They will get a save vs die (Fort DC = 10+Crit DMG). So make it count.

Your special Magus attack lets you do full round attacks and cast spells so use use that ability to lay waste to your party. Remember, spells that have no save or partial saves are the once you are going to want to use. Immobilize them, then Nauseated is the best tactic. You want them helpless so you can use the Coup de grace.

I think dead is dead.

The mortal soul travels to the outer plans to reach its final destination. Depending on the characters alignment, that is the final fate of the soul's destination. So if the character's alignment was Chaotic Evil then the soul belongs to the Abyss and would travel there after death.

Once the soul arrives at the Abyss it is given "flesh" as a larva. As a larva it will be used as currency among the higher level demons of the Abyss.

Now I don't know for such, as rules are concerned, but it would seem to me that a good soul that dies in the Abyss would travel to another good aligned outer plane. But the one thing that comes to mind is the power of the Demon Lord that rules that plane. His/Her power is like that of a god, so would they have the power to detain a good soul from leaving his/her abyssal plane? Would they be cruel and resurrect the soul into a larva and keep it in the Abyss to just mess with it?

After all there are some spells that can be used to detain a soul or spirit from moving on. Magic Jar comes to mind, with resurrection or reincarnation, plus polymorph any object, binding, dimensional anchor, etc...

I know it doesn't answer your question, but the simple answer would be the soul passes on to its final destination. Where that is depends on the alignment. But Demon Lords can be cruel so they can find ways to keep the soul from moving on and keeping it trapped in the Abyss.