
rogue-mage's page

Organized Play Member. 31 posts (42 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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Male Human Vigilante | Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +18 | Init +12 | Dodge 8 | Parry 8 | Fortitude 8 | Toughness 8/4 | Will 8 |

"Save me it computer brains, Son of Zeus. It might be useful for tracking down their headquarters. I'll go with you, Sentry." Ted nods to his companions as they are getting ready to encounter whatever is coming to encounter them. He quickly checks his gun and goggles and nods to Sentry in confirmation that he is ready to fly.

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Hello Everyone, I'm not a regular on this site, but I was told you all have a great superhero application going and that I should look into it. Not sure what you all are applying with, but I was thinking about applying with Blue Beetle. I'm currently working on the build with HeroLab and hope to post it soon enough. I'm staying pretty true to his Post-Crisis origin from the 80s, but I'm not including his Bug airship in the build. I just wanted to drop in and say "Hi" and let you all know my interest and that I'll have that build up in a few hours (just need to finish up with work first).

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Maybe he thought it was Conversations.