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Ok question in the PFS rules it state a GM doesn't have to select his PC til when the sheet are handed out at the end of the mod... Does this include a PBP game, as in if I was running one could the character I'm going to supply the cert have played and finished another campaign while the one I'm running as PBP was still going... (As long as the one he plays ends before the one I'm running) for intance another PBP or a real life game...
As you all Know the prize of the Ruby Phoenix Tournament was the fabled
Ok, let's start here while everyone put finishing touches. Go ahead and make introductions or... not depending on your character
Ok I'm working on a concept for society... i want to play a 1/2 orc with martial capabilities who was raised by goblins... if i do this i want to us the trait adopted and us some thing for the "Goblin Companion" and use the medium version of the dog slicer from the Ultimate Equipment... does all this seem legal for pathfinder play?
Ok i'm looking to start a society group at my local gamestore and i was thinking of getting the beginner box, we sorta missed the who bash thing but was wondering if there was still any perks from society for running the beginner box before starting one the player really wanted the beginner bash cert... but it was last year and well our game store really wasn't as apt to all rpgers play but has sinced change owner ship and is now pushing for rpgers... |