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![]() The new errata has me thinking about the way alchemical items are statted. I wonder if balance would be easier to achieve by having two stat lines for each item. one lesser stat line for everyone, and a better stat line for characters with an advanced alchemy level equal to or greater than the item level. This way the price can be low enough for non alchemist to purchase a few for contingency purposes, while not unbalancing encounters by using the lesser stat line of the items. ![]()
![]() our scald managed to get married to the lady of the rock. the module mentions several fortresses that were lost to her after her husband died. our group wants to retake those fortresses for our new ally but the dm states there are no stats for these fortresses. has anyone found maps, npc stats ect for these fortresses? ![]()
![]() our group just started carrion crown. the peasant attack while burying the professor wasa bad enough for not liking the peasants. then later my charactor was using the dancing lights cantrip to try and drum up attention for the bard's concert, and the peasants were acting scared of the minor illusions. so i have the feeling our party may end up burning down the town or otherwise ending up in a confrontation due to just not liking the townsfolk. also, does anyone else think the town priest's picture in the module makes him look undead? ![]()
![]() I was thinking of how I have not had any Andaran charactors for the APs, so I had my character for Legacy of Fire raised in Andaran before we started book two of the AP. without spoilers, can anyone tell me if there will be any difficulties with this besides the general information that Katapesh is a very slaveholding society? thank you ![]()
![]() The pathfinder bestiary that i ordered as a birthday gift for my brother arrived with a defective printing issue. the pages are printed out of order and not all pages are provided in the copy recieved. this is a subtle error that is not easy to catch so has taken this long to discover. I need a replacement copy sent to the shipping address for that order as soon as possible. Thank you. ![]()
![]() I am dming the adventure path in a futher steampunked version of ebberon, adding some 3rd party supplements and such. I know several of my players look through other RPG sites, so I am unable to post elsewhere. As my player are only 8th at the end of hook mountain horror, i am adding an additional plotline. I have also decided to replace book five with rewards and encounters from the plotline. I have decided to have the head of House Cannith(south) in Sharn working on three separate plots. He wishes for sharn to sessede as an independent city state no longer bound to the accords against producting warforged. He is also working to build forges and enclaves in freeport and stormreach. One of the subordinates on one of these plots is diverting weapons, armor, ect to the gathering armies of the rising runelord as there are a secret cultist/have been promised great power/ect. The pcs should discover hints after defeating the steampunk guardian who has replaced the bodyguard for the stone giant necromancer in the module. I am currently unsure as to which of the three plots will be subverted, and how exactly to proceed with the hints, assasination attempts, ect that will follow from further investigations inside sharn. they will also meet a university professor npc who has money and contacts available for them once they get back to sharn. Any ideas would be appreciated, as i am most likely dming the necromance encounter and beyond on sunday. ![]()
![]() I am in a party with two wizards, including myself, and three sorcerers. We are using the Pathfinder players guide. We have one necromancy specialist with a houserule for healing spells included, one abjuration specialist, one infernal bloodline, one draconic bloodline, and one infernal bloodline sorcerers. without revealing any plot elements past the very first encounter in the casino, can i pleas get some options on ways to improve the survivability of our first level party? I am unsure if the DM will allow henchmen followers, but it may be a possibility.