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![]() In my campaign the party forms a sort trinity of a new religion of a homebrew deity, the paladin is the religion’s champion, the cleric is the religion’s high priestess, and a bow fighter is the religion’s assassin. The paladin is a ranking member of a military and has a number of underlings but I am unsure how to some responsibilities to the cleric and fighter. What I would like to do with the fighter is to give it some assassins and spies that the player can send on missions. Is anyone aware of any products like this? I was going to do something like the Assassin Creed 2 Brotherhood after watching a friend play it but it seemed like a bit of work. For the cleric I wanted a way to tie in the idea that it is the head of a religion. The religion is lawful and tied to marriage and contracts heavily. Other than doing noble weddings between adventuring I am not coming up with anything interesting to do. The cleric also has access to the charm[lust] subdomain and has been vamping it up as a way to avoid combat. While amusing the cleric has nearly 30 charisma and an equally high diplomacy along with all the spell casting a cleric gets, it seems from my end incredibly easy to wrap a semi willing person around the cleric’s finger. Any ideas on how to add some challenge to this? Even if it does become a skill challenge. I am not looking to turn this into something horrible like FATAL but I do want to indulge the player. ![]()
![]() I have been reading through Ultimate Magic tonight (great book) the Words of Magic seem great for the primary arcane casters but for primary divine casters the limited number of times the “boost” metaword can be applied to cures and lack of a word that mimics heal/harm, seems restrict the effectiveness of the divine caster in respect to healing. Am I viewing this the right way? ![]()
![]() What I got from the design idea of the rage prophet it is diviner – spirit shaman – mystic, it has a connection to some kind of spiritual force or a guide spirit that grants it visions. Slightly off point this seems like something the normal oracle for the implications with its name. For the rage prophet mechanically problem comes down to the execution of having to multiclass with a slow progression spell caster, you are at the very least giving up 3 spell levels to take the rage prophet class and at most 5 spell levels which is a significant trade off. While other slow spell progression PrC like dragon disciple also has the three dead levels, it does not require the multiclass. The rage prophet’s core ability spirit guide / spirit guardian / spirit warrior is somewhat lackluster. Spirit Guide gives you access to the guidance orison while raging, and three other orisons (dancing lights, mage hand, and ghost sound) as spell likes once per day. Spirit Guardian gives the guidance orison a little kick once per rage but while only fighting certain types. The ghost touch is useful to a point. Spirit Warrior gives you 9-10 points of damage to one attack once per rage, again to a small set of monsters. The immediate ghost touch is great but again how many ethereal creatures are you going to fight? The prestige class seems to top out at 7th level with the 2nd ragecaster bonus (cha+con for spell DC). Raging spellstrength is a nice ability but I am not sure it is worth giving up access to 8th level spells for if you went oracle heavy and if you went barbarian heavy you are not even going to have access to worthwhile combat healing at that level. For the significant tradeoffs for this PrC I am not sure if the rewards are really there. The rage prophet has a character theme to it something that I felt oracle was missing but mechanically it seems underwhelming for either a barbarian giving up your full BaB (and 4th iterative attack) and d12s for some minor spell casting and a good will save or an oracle giving up your 2 full spell school ranks on a for a bonus to your spell DCs, good fort, and d10 hp. I am curious to hear what other people think of the rage prophet prc, it just seems like from whatever way you enter the prc (barbarian or oracle) you are hindering your core class mechanic for something of not equal return. ![]()
![]() I had a thought rather than make bonus skill points revolve around INT it is based off the attribute bonus to the skill. The basic skill points granted by class/race can be allocated to any skill, id est they are un-typed skill points. Some skills can be given two attributes bonus’ and you pick the higher so things like climb or swim can be STR/CON, knowledges INT/WIS, and so on while others like acrobatics or use magical device remain a single attribute skill. In such a proposal people who do dump point “x” will be at a penalty for gaining associated “x” bonus skills but someone like Krog the Orc barbarian with his good amount of strength will be proficient in climbing, swimming, and so on even though he may have only 7 int. It would also grant a greater breadth of skill points to characters that traditionally are limited to only a couple each level which would help build more thematic characters. ![]()
![]() I found a few threads in the search but they ended with disagreements on rules. My character is a vampire which gains a slam attack from the template and is using a 2 handed weapon with the power attack feat.
![]() I understand that an elf can use their minty breath as a basic fire arm that has a will save to disbelieve how minty fresh it really is. That is fine, Tolkien wrote tomes on the magnificent dental hygiene of the Eldar. But then why is it possible for a Samurai/Ninja while using their katanas like large elven curve blades to reflect the breath to turn an random target into a LE Paladin of Asmodeus in the latest play test PDF? Is this a typo? ![]()
![]() I expanded on the Aswang from “Classic Horrors Revisited” using some of the folklore from the Wikipedia entry. Deep below the surface of Golarion within the endless mazes of tunnels and caverns known as the Darklands are the drow of house Rasivrein. Who are dedicated to their bloody demonic patron Zura, the Vampire Queen. The elite of Rasivrein known as the Zuradu’ased trace a vampiric history back to the first vampire, unmarred by the degeneration seen by the vampire bloodlines of the “mongrels” that inhabit the surface. CREATING A ZURADU’ASED VAMPIRE
CR: Same as the base creature +2. AL: Any evil. Type: The creature’s type changes to undead (augmented). Do not recalculate class hit die, B.A.B., or saves. Senses: A Zuradu’ased gains darkvision 120 ft., if it already had darkvision 120 ft. it instead gains blindsense 15ft. Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +4. Hit Dice: Change all racial hit die to d8’s. Class hit die are unaffected. As undead, Zuradu’ased uses their charisma modifier to determine bonus hit points (instead of constitution). Defensive Abilities: A Zuradu’ased gains channel resistance +6, DR 10/magic and cold iron, and resistance to cold 10 and electric 10, in addition to all of the defensive abilities granted by the undead type. A Zuradu’ased gains fast healing 5. If reduced to 0 hit points in combat, a Zuradu’ased assumes a gaseous form (see below) and attempts to escape. Attempting to find a safe place to hide a Zuradu’ased is “reborn” in a fleshy cocoon. All of its carried possessions can be found as budding fleshy cysts around the cocoon. This cocoon has a hardness of 3 and 10 hit points. Additional damage dealt to a Zuradu’ased forced into gaseous form has no effect. Once in its cocoon the Zuradu’ased is helpless and if the cocoon is destroyed within an hour of being forced into gaseous form the Zuradu’ased is destroyed permanently. If its items are removed from their cysts before the hour is up they are fleshy to the touch and quickly wither to useless dark fibers. Once inside, the Zuradu’ased is helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, and then is no longer helpless and resumes healing at a rate of 5 hit points per round. Weakness: Zuradu’ased is harmed by salt burning their skin and suppressing their fast healing property. The presence of an older female creature of the same base type can keep a Zuradu’ased vampire away unless it can overcome a DC 25 Will saves. A Zuradu’ased vampire can be uncovered by seeing your own upside down reflection in their eyes, as a DC 20 perception check. Speed: Same as the base creature +10 feet. Melee: A Zuradu’ased gains a bite attack if the base creature didn’t have one. Damage for the bite depends on the Zuradu’ased vampire’s size. Its bite attack also causes bleed damage (see below). Its natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. Special Attacks: A Zuradu’ased gains several special attacks. Save DCs are equal to 10 + ½ the Zuradu’ased vampire’s charisma modifier unless otherwise noted. Bleed Attack (Ex): A Zuradu’ased fangs are wickedly sharp puncturing deep into the victim’s skin causing traumatic bleeding. A Zuradu’ased vampire’s bite causes 1 point of bleed damage per 4 hit dice. Blood Drain (Su): See vampire Blood Drain. Create Spawn (Su): A Zuradu’ased can create a spawn out of those it slays with blood drain, provide that the slain creature is of the same creature type as the Zuradu’ased’s base creature type. If the victim is female and of it at least 5 hit dice then it rises from death as a vampire in 1d8 hours. Otherwise the victim is raised as a ghoul. In either case the newly created undead is under the command of the Zuradu’ased that created it, and remains enslaved until its master’s destruction. A Zuradu’ased may have enslaved spawn totaling no more than four times its own hit dice; any minions it creatures that exceed this limit become free-willed undead. A Zuradu’ased may free an enslaved minion in order to enslave a new undead, but once freed, a Zuradu’ased or ghoul cannot be enslaved again. Dominate (Su): See vampire Dominate. Special Qualities: A Zuradu’ased gains the following: Change Shape (Su): A Zuradu’ased can assume the form of a humanoid as alter self. Gaseous Form (Su): See vampire Gaseous Form. Spider Climb (Ex): See vampire Spider Climb. Ability Scores Str +4, Dex +6, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4. As an undead creature, a Zuradu’ased has no constitution score. Skills Zuradu’ased gain a +8 racial bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks. Feats Zuradu’ased gain Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Improved Critical (bite), Lighting Reflexes, and Toughness as bonus feats ![]()
![]() On page #9 in Pathfinder #32 Rivers Run Red, there is a sidebar about the NPC leaders establishing towns. I am a bit confused on this. What sort of BP do these towns have to start with? Why do the NPCs get to name the country and each of the towns? Why do the NPCs get to pick where these towns are established? Or is this sidebar meant for campaigns where the PCs are not doing the kingdom building? ![]()
![]() I want to introduce a silver dragon NPC into a campaign and want to make sure I am doing this correctly. Silver dragons have the SQ change shape as polymorph, does this have duration like the polymorph spell? When it changes shape it loses its natural attacks and flight but does it lose its natural armor, immunities, and weaknesses as well? ![]()
![]() Alternate Racial Traits Drug Addled: The drow are a race defined by excess in all things. While possessing life spans that stretch centuries many drow in the constant quest for pleasure cut this short by imbibing toxic concoctions. Drug Addled drow gain a +4 bonus against poison and addiction (GMG). This replaces keen senses and poison use. Low Born: Many drow are born of carefully tended blood line stretching back to the exodus while others are poxed by demonic or aberrational ancestors. These so called low born drow are mongrels of their own race, losing their innate resistance to magic while gaining other strange powers. Roll once on the variant tiefling abilities table (Pathfinder #25). This replaces spell resistance. Fratricide: While the drow are long removed from their kin that fled in their elf gates during the earth fall, millennia of brooding hatred has not soothed this betrayal. Drow who select this trait receive a +1 bonus on attack and damage roll against elves and half-elves. This racial trait replaces spell-like abilities. Web Walker: Some drow keep monstrous spiders as work beats or proximity to their mutated drider kin. Web walkers gain a +2 racial bonus to climb checks and treat webs as rope for climbing purposes. This replaces poison use. Favored Class Options Alchemist: Add a +1/2 bonus to craft (alchemy) when making poisons. Cleric: Add +1 round to the duration when casting the summon monster series. Oracle: Add +1/6 towards a new revelation of your mystery that has no level requirement. Rogue: Add a +1/2 bonus on Stealth checks while in low light or darkness. Summoner: The summoner’s eidolon gains energy resistance 1 against acid, electricity, or fire. Each time the summoner selects this reward, increase the eidolon’s resistance to one of these energy types by 1 (maximum 10 for any one top). Wizard: Add a +1/4 bonus to overcoming spell resistance. Exotic Weapons One-Handed Melee Weapons Elven Longblade; Cost 120gp; Dmg (S); 1d6 Dmg (M); 1d8 Critical (19-20/x2); Weight 2lbs; Type P An evolutionary link lost to the surface elves between the rapier and the elven curve blade. The blade is longer and wider than the normal rapier causing more grievous wounds. The elven longblade is used by noble or otherwise well to do drow as a status symbol. Without the proper proficiency treat as a long sword.
Ranged Weapons Crossbow, Drow; Cost 400gp; Dmg (S) 1d4; Dmg (M) 1d6; Critical (19-20/x2); Ranged 30 ft.; Weight 4lbs; Type P Perhaps copied from the minotaur’s double crossbow design, the drow crossbow is favored by raiders as it allows them to fire two poisoned tipped bolts at a time to ensure the poison takes. You may choose to fire both bolts at once with a -2 penalty to your attack. If the attack hits, the target takes damage from both bolts. Critical hits, sneak attack damage, and other precision-based damage only apply to the first bolt. Reloading one bolt is a move action; the Rapid Reload feat reduces this to a free action. ![]()
![]() In the campaign I am participating in I am playing a female noble Drow oracle who worships the demon lord (lady?) Zura. The character is the only original starting character and as characters have been replaced overtime the rest of the players have become Zura worshipers to align closer to my more powerful character. In effect the party is the entourage of my character. We quest by my mother or house mother gives us a task they want completed and we are off to go do it. These tasks put us against every alignment in the game. My character is not a fanatical worshiper viewing Zura as an ally of the house rather than a religion in itself. The alignment of the party is not a concern as long as they are useful she has even grudgingly accepted a few elves but let them die when they failed to pull their own weight. If a foe is weaker than her she will try to bully them or attack if it is inventible, against stronger foes she has made deals with creatures of all kinds of alignments, LE, N, NG, LG, and so on. Combat is a tactical choice to her not because of the creature’s alignment or affiliation. She does observe normal Drow customs of males are inferior as are non Drow. Once in a while partaking in some cannibalism if there is a fresh meal in front of her (ate an Orc arm and chunk of green dragon neck) but it is a matter of sustenance without the taboo because of cultural conditioning rather than some perverse pleasure like other Zura worshipers. I view the character true neutral, a creature driven by predation. My understanding of true neutral is the creature is not motivated by any ethical or moral ideals. So what do you think internets? Is my character a CE monster that will do anything to survive? A LE scion under the thumbs of her elders? ![]()
![]() Is consideration for Round 1 wondrous items more for the purely creative side or are they more intended to be items that potentially could be placed in a Pathfinder product? Would something like “Troll Head in a Jar” a “enthrall spell in a can” item (How the heck did someone get a troll head in a jar? Let us stare at it and discuss amongst ourselves leaving this doorway unguarded) being a quirky but fun item, the sort of item that is looked at as a winning item? Rather than “Inquisitor's Monocle” a lens that allows an Inquisitor to detect two alignments at once, a practical item but not the most creative. ![]()
![]() My gaming group has been keen on the idea of mounted but I wish to try it out. I have a cavalier with mounted attack, ride by attack, and spirited charge, feats as well as vital strike and improved vital strike. When charging atop his mount with a lance is this the correct damage for 16 strength? [1d8+3(str) + 1d8 (vital strike) + 1d8 (improved vital strike)] * 3 [spirit charge plus usage of a lance] I understand you cannot use vital strike in conjunction with things like spring attack or shot on the run but can you do it with spirited charge? If he happens to score a critical hit while charging is the critical damage also tripled? ![]()
![]() This variant is supposed to represent a paladin order in the pathfinder campaign I am running. A greater devil is trying to establish itself as a legitimate religion as a mean of escaping Hell and is very big on the idea of paladins so it appears to be good and just deity. Ideologically these paladins are more concerned about law versus chaos (lawful and good) than good versus evil (good and lawful) like a vanilla paladin. Grey Knight of Karina (Paladin Variant) Justicar (Ex): At 1st level a grey knight replaces aura of good with aura of law, detect evil with detect law, and smite evil with smite chaos. A grey knight gains proficiency with tower shields. Obedience (Ex): At 4th level the grey knight dedicates their mind and body to the pursuit of justice as a sacrifice to their deity. A grey knight automatically fails any saving throw against a mind-affecting spell casted by a cleric of Karina and a grey knight receives a morale bonus equal to ½ of their paladin level to attack and damage rolls against any creature that attacks, or seen previously attack a cleric of Karina. This ability replaces channel positive energy. Order’s Shield (Ex): At 6th level a grey knight gains missile shield as a bonus feat when using a tower shield, and the attack penalty for using a tower shield is reduced by one. At 9th level a grey knight gains ray shield and the attack penalty for using a tower shield is reduced another one, effectively canceling the penalty. This replaces the mercy gained at 6th and 9th level. ![]()
![]() I came in the possession of an adult green dragon corpse after it ran into my sword a few times and cannot think of anything to do with it. Casting animate dead on it seems like a waste and I am not sure that create undead / greater create undead would work on a non-humanoid corpse. Anyone have any fun idea what to do with the corpse? ![]()
![]() I liked the idea of the aswang in Classic Horrors Revisited but there were not rules to represent it. A few of the more powerful vampire abilities like energy drain were dropped in the hopes of balancing out the sunlight weakness of a vampire. Anyway my first stab at a custom monster so feedback is appreciated. Variant vampire Aswang “Aswang” is an acquired template that can be added to any living female humanoid or fey creature with 5 or more Hit Dice (referred to hereafter as the base creature). An aswang uses the base creature’s stats and abilities except as noted here. CR: Same as base creature + 2. AL: Any evil. Type: The base creature’s type changes to undead (augmented). Do not recalculate class Hit Dice, BAB, or saves. Senses: An aswang gains darkvision 60 feet. Armor class: Natural armor improves by +6. Hit Dice: Change all racial Hit Dice to d8. Class Hit Dice are unaffected. As undead, aswang use their Charisma modifier to determine bonus hit points (instead of Constitution). Defensive Abilities: An aswang gains channel resistance +6, DR/10 magic and silver, resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10, and in addition to all the defensive abilities granted by the undead type. An aswang also gains regeneration 3. When an aswang is destroyed its heart hardens into a dense stone similar to a pink diamond. Left on its own the heart allows the aswang to revive in 1d12 days. At which point the aswang instantly regenerates a new body with one hit point. If the aswang’s heart is brought to an unhallowed place it will instead revive in 1d4 days. Weaknesses: If an aswang’s heart is placed within hollowed or blessed ground it suppresses the ability to revive. An aswang can be permanently killed by placing its heart under the pillow of a newborn infant for one year. When an aswang is injured by a weapon coated with purified white salt its regeneration ability and any temporary hit points gained by blood drain is suppressed for 1d4 round. The presence of an aswang causes all milk extracted from fruit or vegetables within 30 feet to boil. The sight of a naked humanoid male causes the aswang to recoil in disgust unable to approach with 5 feet of the unclothed man and must make a DC 25 Will save to move closer. Special Attacks: Save DC’s are equal to 10 + ½ aswang’s HD + aswang’s Cha modifier unless otherwise noted. Blood Drain (Su): As vampire. Create Spawn (Su): As vampire except that an aswang may only create a spawn from a female humanoid. Dominate (Su): As vampire expect that the aswang may use dominate person by voice or as gaze attack, both have a range of 30 feet. Special Qualities:
Night Wind (Su): At night as a standard action an aswang grows a pair of claws each causing 1d6 points of damage, these claws are magic for the purposes of overcoming DR. The aswang also grows a set of leathery wings with a fly speed of 40 with good maneuverability. At dawn an aswang reverts to its normal form. Regal Blood (Su): The aswang blood line is closer to Zura the first vampire and less distilled than the relatively normally encountered vampire. Granting an aswang unnatural focus unseen by most vampires. Aswang the Mastermind and Noble Dead abilities from “Classic Horrors Revisited”, page 50. Ability Scores Str +6, Dex +4, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4. Skills Aswang gain a +8 racial bonus to Bluff, Disguise, Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks. Feats Aswang gains Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lighting Reflexes, Quick Draw, and Toughness as bonus feats. ![]()
![]() Just want to make sure I am calculating this correctly, my character is planning to go 8 oracle / 2 barbarian / 7 rage prophet / 3 oracle in that order. At level 20 my:
![]() I am playing an 8th level Drow Noble Bone Oracle of Zura 5th daughter of House Rasivrein, yatta, yatta. In the last sessions I acquired an adamantine elven court blade, enchanted it with the keen property and was having fun hacking people apart and becoming the bane of wooden doors. It was suggested I should go into rage prophet just to add to the fun of my 110lb 10 STR Drow becoming like Conan. Theme wise would this fit the character as a noble drow? It seems odd taking levels of barbarian but from what I gather from worshipers of Zura it something akin to “blood rage” as well as madness seems to be part of the religion. Since I am 8 levels into Oracle I could go 2 Barbarian and finish off with 10 of Rage Prophet. Currently my party has a Dwarf Druid, a Drow Cleric (of Zura), and a Halfling Alchemist, so healing is not an issue since every character can heal themselves. My character has become the party’s “tank” due to some lucky table rolls with treasure rather than the party healer I started off as. STR 10
AC 35 (+4 Mithril Breastplate, +3 Buckler, +5 Dex, +1 Natural Armor, +2 Deflection, +2 Profane, +1 Insight)
Would an Oracle 8/Barbarian 2/Rage Prophet 10 be viable for play? I am not looking for something completely optimal or min/maxed but I wouldlike to avoid making a bad combination. ![]()
![]() I am currently playing a level eight drow noble haunted bone oracle (sounds like a bad horror movie title) in a twenty point buy hack-n-slash style campaign. Exposition aside I am feeling somewhat lost what to do with the character in terms of feats and class abilities. As of now my character is a bit of every role being the healer, tank, and support damage. Attributes are: STR 10
HP: 57 (7 points under average every favored class has been HP)
Using a +13/+8, +2 Keen Grudge Blade (specific rapier from Cheliax Supplement) and buckler in combat. My feats thus far have been:
The character is filthy rich surviving a few near party wipes and charging party members for making magical items. Keeping to theme I went negative energy and have selected mostly necromancy spells. My selected revelations are: Death’s Touch, Near Death, and Undead Servitude. Aside from those three, none of the remaining seems that useful except perhaps Spirit Walk. I am curious if anyone has any input what other revelations are worthwhile. I have no experience playing a character in the teen ranges as I am this group’s DM the majority of the time. Should I be focusing on melee feats like vital strike or forgo melee in favor of spell casting feats? DM allows any Pathfinder material to be used but no 3.5 books. ![]()
![]() Over the last few months I have been playing a bone mystery oracle and felt that the revelations were not quite up to par with some of the other mysteries. Seeing nothing has changed in the final version of the Advance Player’s Guide pertaining to the bone mystery I am curious what other players think. Am I looking at Armor of Bones or Voice of the Grave in the wrong light or is the mystery somewhat weak in comparison to battle or flame, mysteries? ![]()
![]() I have been playing a Drow Noble in a campaign, being the lore-whore that I am I like to flesh out my characters fully and have a few questions about Drow in general for the Pathfinder setting. 1. What is the average Drow’s knowledge of the surface? Drow are obviously aware of races that are enslaved and brought back to their cities but what about information regarding their kingdoms, religion, and other cultural artifacts? 2. I assume Drow are very aware of chaos vs. law because of their alliances with demons and their diabolical foes. Since most of the Darklands inhabitants are evil aligned do Drow understand good vs. evil? 3. Is there a special order or group of Drow that protects nobles like a Thayan Knight or Hell Knights, or do the houses and individual nobles have their own specialized protectors? 4. Under the Drow Noble entry in the Bestiary I am assuming that it is the Drow noble mothers have a 1/20 chance of producing a Drow noble offspring. Where a commoner mother has a significantly lower chance. What steps are done to engineer a Drow Noble birth? I assume sacrifices or something on those lines. How does one tell the difference between a Drow noble and a Drow? 5. Are Drow more fertile than Elves and is their gestation period as long? Can a Drow and a human union produce a half Drow? What would the off spring of a Drow and Elf be? 6. Do Drow keep any common pets like surface races do dogs or cats? Reading the Second Darkness series I saw a few illustrations of Drow having guard spiders. 7. Drow seem to be obsessed with racial purity are sorcerers (other than arcane) looked down upon because they would have impure blood? 8. What is a Drow-Tiefling’s standing in Drow society? ![]()
![]() Is there a way for a player to raise a corpse as a Skeletal Champion? Under Variant Skeleton on the Skeleton entry in the Bestiary it mentions that animate dead is not potent enough to create a Skeletal Champion. More powerful versions of animate dead like create undead or create greater undead do not mention Skeletal Champion as an option. ![]()
![]() In our last session the party slayed a Giant Slug and my character raised it as a Fast Zombie using the Animate Dead spell. The Giant Slug is sort of an odd creature and I have a few questions making sure if I applied the Zombie template to it correctly. 1) Giant Slugs tongue attack does both physical and acid damage. This acid is simply part of its attack not being a special attack or extraordinary ability. Does it retain the acid as part of its tongue attack as a Zombie? 2) A Zombie gains a slam attack as part of the template in addition to any natural attacks it may have already possessed. Does this slam attack have the 15 foot reach like the Giant Slug’s tongue? 3) Does the Giant Slug retain its blindsight? Can the Giant Slug even gain darkvision from the Zombie template? 4) Zombies retain any extraordinary special qualities that improve melee or ranged attacks. A Giant Slug can spit acid as an extraordinary ability. Is having a ranged attack something that improves ranged attacks? ![]()
![]() Reading about the dare to say chaotic nature of Drow Noble births I am left somewhat confused. The fluff on Drow Nobility states that one out of every twenty Drow births spawns a Drow Noble. Is this statistic for female Drow Noble or a common female Drow? If the Drow still have the normal Elven conception rate it seems like noble blood lines would be at risk if so many heirs are killed at birth. ![]()
![]() For example a Cleric casts Inflict Light Wounds on Target ‘A’ whom can make a saving throw for half damage. Does Target ‘A’ make this saving throw immediately or at the start of their turn? A Wizard casts Hold Person on Target ‘A’ (unlucky fellow) does they get to make an immediate saving throw and a saving throw at the start of their turn? ![]()
![]() In our last session our party (3rd to 4th level) found while lost in a cave system a treasure room containing 630,000 copper coins which is 12,600 pounds of coin. We obviously do not want to leave behind this much treasure but have no practical method of moving 6 tons of copper coins. Our best idea was to use craft wondrous item to make a few knick knacks for the group. Anyone have cleverer idea to do with a mountain of currency? ![]()
![]() When creating a cohort for the Leadership feat does the cohort start with the normal array or the heroic array? As they are NPC with PC levels. This come up while discussing the feat with one of my players. As my campaign is using a 15 point buy system for PCs I am somewhat concerned with the heroic array is effectively a 15 point buy as well. This would make a cohort more of a mini-pc than a companion like those of a Druid or Paladin. Secondly how are monster cohorts considered for the level – 2 cap? If for instance a level 7 PC has a leadership score of 14 could they have a leadership level 10 monster like a Wyvern for a cohort? ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
If a cleric worships a new deity whose alignment causes the cleric to be an ex-cleric of its original patron deity. Can the cleric exchange those levels of clerics for ones of its new deity? If the cleric went from the worship an evil to a good deity, does the cleric still have spontaneous inflict and channel negative energy? Can it re-choose those class options to mimic the new deity? |