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Organized Play Member. 76 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
ngc7293 wrote: Do you want to read and write them or just speak them?
If that latter, play an Unchained Monk. At 13th level, you get Tongue of the Sun and Moon. You can now understand and speak with all living creatures.
Read, write, speak, although Xenoglossy looks good too.
My DM did allow me a 3.5 feat that grants an extra language every level (it's from eberron).
Orfamay Quest wrote: I think the actual answer to "I want to spend money to know every language" is an item with constant-effect tongues. I'd rather know all the languages without magical means.
Can you pay gold to learn a language? I want my character to, without magical means, to be able to learn all the languages.
I assume so, but the rules are kind of vague about this.
Would being a ymbiosis witch even be neccessary? You get more out of being a werebat-kin with the bat shape feat than not.
It might be better to go with improved familiar, right?
What about adding half your ranks in craft: alchemy to the DC of any alchemical items you make?
I'm playing in a friends campaign, and I want my guy to be able to craft anything, be it mundane or magical. The problem is I don't want to be a drag on the other players.
Is there a feat that will let me apply half the ranks in one craft skill to other craft skills? Or something that adds half my level to craft skills?
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What if talents granted you two bonuses, one useable in your social aspect, the other in your combat aspect?
Why have it be a nobility, when you could select a group? That way, you can be sort of like a spy in that organization, or could play the anti-hero?

Mwangi Inquisitor wrote: Alright for theory-crafting's sake: is it possible to build a competent PFS-legal VoP monk? It is not. This game assumes that you will have a certain amount of wealth by a certain level, and monsters will require that you be able to hit a certain bonus to attack rolls to be able to hit them. Since the Monk is a 3/4 BAB class, even at level 20 your to hit will be +22, +25 for your first two flurries.
A CR 20 Ancient Red Dragon has an AC of 39. If you run towards it, you have to be able to hit it on a 17. Your next full round you can attempt to flurry twice and roll a 14, the rest of your attacks will require a nat 20 to hit.
It's a bad feat, poorly designed and frankly terrible. Why a game would allow something so broken (no broken good, broken as in unplayable) is beyond me.
You will be a detriment to the group, who will have to relegate increased resources to keep you going.
Now, if the feat granted you something similar to the VOP from 3.5, that might be different. Yes, what it gave you was good, but a character with half the wealth could do as well. It had a bunch of really cool abilities, and was really fun.
If a rogue is fighting someone, can catch them without their Dex to AC, can he add his precision damage to a sunder attempt on the targets armor or weapon?
My group plays about once to twice a month, and while I can understand that some want a slow, I find medium to be just boring for low levels. Players die, quickly (We TPK'd at Rhokar thanks to being level one and exploding skeletons).
My group is about to transition to fast progression, and I can't wait.
Well, we had a mythic campaign, who is to said we won't see another campaign like that.
I do like the idea of characters unlocking Form of the Dragon, and eventually gaining the higher version of it.
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I think it would be interesting if we did, I've always wanted to play as one but can't.
You could grab a level of monk, or even a few levels in monk so you add your Wisdom to AC. The synthesist is not actual armor, has no ACP, no max nex, none of that.
Taking Monastic Legacy and a bunch of levels in Monk would allow you to use your unarmed strike damage as your damage from your primary attack. The max attacks you can make with a synthesist caps at 7, but that is for your natural attacks. You can still make an actual attack with a manufacured weapon, which can be a monk weapon, which would utilized your monk damage.
If your DM lets you take superior unarmed strike with a monks robes, you hit as a monk of 9 levels higher. Moastic Legacy lets half your non monk levels count towards your monk level for unarmed strike.
I'm currently playing Reign of Winter as a Half Elf monk/synthesist who thinks he is a Drow.
Being a fan of Tokusatsu, I'm playing him eventually as a armored warrior with 6 arms who flurries with them.
The instantaneous effect won't be extended, but the spell effects would be.
Being able to enlarge and extend a color spray is amazing.
Metamagic such as coaxing spell and therondic spell will turn creatures normally immune to your color spray into not immune. Taking Spell Perfection at 15 will let you apply any one meta magic spell to it without increasing the spell slot.
If you wanted to optimize color spray, there is a trait that you pick one spell and can apply one metamagic to it for 1 less.
With a 20 in Charisma, and grabbing wish +5 and the book at +5, and being old, you can with magic items decrease the HD of creatures affected by your illusion spell by 18. That means, creatures up to 22 HD are going to be stunned, and creatures of 19-20 HD are going to suffer the worst penalties.
I'm wondering why he is described as a CR2 when he has 3 levels in cleric.
How is Rohkar only a CR2, when he has 3 levels of Cleric?
I'm currently playing a kata master/synthesist. It's working out great. You get tons of attacks, you can sill heal yourself, you get to cast spells, and you have more AC than you would if you went straight monk.
Plus, if you need extra speed, just grab more leg evolutions.
Monk works great with the synthesist. You don't have to worry about being MAD since the Eidolon gets a set ability scores and those increase as you level. The Eidolon gets a max of six attacks, which you can flurry into and get 7 or more. The synthesist takes care of your HP problem, since it gets a bunch of temp hp. You also get a big AC bonus, and can further increase your AC with evolutions.
No longer will ranged enemies hurt you, since you can fly up to them and punch them.
My suggestion is going Kata Master 4/Synthesist 16, taking Monastic legacy ASAP
You can with feral combat training.
I want to be able to add Widsom to AC
I was looking at playing a monk/synthesist, and wanted to know if the synthesist counts as armor for the monk?
I have two possible characters I want to try out:
- Halfling Kata Master 12/Kensai Magus 4/Paladin 4
Halflings are small, so they are hard to hit. This resolves around adding three stats to AC, with some smiting in for good measure.
- Goliath Druid.
I want to grow big and punch a giant in the face.
I love Iron Gods, and my group is currently running Reign of Winter, but I will be purchasing this. I love me some orc smashing.
Can a Drow Noble use Arcane Blast to give up Deeper Darkness and blast someone?
MagusJanus wrote: I wouldn't say you could at the same time, but one after another... I planned to one after another.
I was talking about the schools presented in Inner Sea Magic.
Could you attend a Monastery, a guild and a arcane school at the same time? I didn't see anywhere that stated you could or could not.
I'm talking about the composite ability to add your strength modifier to damage, not the magical quality of +1.
I however do not think that a +0 anything will help, it has to be at least +1. Which of us is correct.
By the magic item creation rules, it should be 1800 gp, but that is quite low considering a ring of regeneration is much more expensive (although a ring of regeneration does other things as well).
Let's say the ring only heals 1d8+1 with a command word (or a standard action).
Should we set the caster level at 20, meaning the item costs 36,000 gp?
You also can't continuous an instantaneous effect spell.
I mean, you could, but the second you do, the effect is over and you spent 2000 gp for nothing.
If they wanted to prevent mistakes from slipping through, how did it slip through twice?
James Risner wrote:
Significantly more than Ring of Regeneration or the Ioun stone of 1 hp / hour, since it would be way way way way better. Therefor cost way way way more.
A use activated or continuous item with a spell effect is spell level * caster level * 2000 gp. If you wanted the item to not take up a slot, it would be twice the cost (such as a ioun stone)
So, cure light wounds is a level 1 spell, and if you wanted it to heal 1d8+1, it would be caster level 1. 1*1*2000 gp is 2000 gp.
What am i missing, since the item it mentions is a lantern of revealing that has a invisibility purge spell effect that is continuous?
Than how much would an item cost that gives out cure light wounds unlimited times per day?
A wand of continuous cure light wounds will cost 2000 gp (1000gp if you craft it yourself).
For 1000 gp, you have unlimited healing.
I really don't see how this is broken at all, considering at that level you can get near infinite healing for 1800 gp.
At most, this will heal 10 hp per casting, for the cost of a feat (which is a coveted resource unlike items).
If i have both alternative racial traits, do I have to take Half drow paragon to take the Drow noblity feat chain?
I was just taking the BAB 1 that it has for having 2HD. I thought Awaken just changed it's type to Magical Beast without modifying anything else.
An awakened heavy horse is going to have 4HD and +1 BAB. Taken as a 5th level (1 level in anything), you are looking at a +2 BAB, which won't hit anything when player's are tackling CR 8-10 creatures.
Level 4? Level 2?
An awakened heavy horse will have 4HD.
Maybe you'll see one person trying to use UMD to craft charge per day wands and scribe scroll?
If you take spellcasting twice, can you grab the first time off the wizard list, and than the second time off the cleric list?
Can I add special powers related to it being intelligent?
Can you use it to grant yourself divine spells?
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You would think they would just give the alchemist to have the DC of his items be the same DC as his bombs.
I wonder if it will have rules for crafting a grapple gun?