moafnsteel's page

Organized Play Member. 68 posts (1,049 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 14 aliases.

I am not sure if this is the right area to post this so feel free to move it if necessary.

**Spoilers from Rise of the Rune Lords**

So my plan is to "play" through RotR with a group of characters (by myself). At the end of the adventure path, three of the characters (wizard or arcanist, fighter, and rogue) decide to take city for themselves. The wizard takes on the mantel of Runelord of Greed. I will be adding ways for him to obtain the powers and all that kind of stuff (such as him spending time reading all the books that are found). The other two party members will more than likely be killed off. The fighter and rogue plan to return to Sandpoint to take it over. The rogue will go before the fighter and murder the mayor, and the heads of all the noble families, excluding Scarnetti's and plant evidence to blame them. When the fighter returns he is quickly elected mayor due to his status and glory within the settlement. The next area of plan is to have the rogue infiltrate one of the other major cities to work on taking it over. Also, the fighter and Shayliss are an item and she is given the Sword of Greed (whatever it is called) and becomes the wizard's champion. That is all I have currently planned with the idea that the wizard will eventually plan to/ and may take over Varisia.

No on to my question, I would like to create a higher level campaign with some mythic rules with the plan for the characters to bring down the Fallen 3 (wizard/arcanist, fighter, and rogue)(working on the name still). What are good source books to read up on to help with this idea. I was originally thinking of having the character's start off completing another AP such as Kingmaker, but couldn't think of a good reason to have them try to "save" Varisia from the Fallen 3. Thank for any help

Has anybody ever wrote out or come up with ideas of the PCs do not "win" this AP. I have recently reread through the AP and wonder what would happen if the PCs didn't defeat Karzoug. Anybody have any suggestions or ideas or even source books to read to get some ideas? I thought about making a high level mythic type campaign that explores this idea but have no clue where to begin. Thanks



You rise from the ground feeling almost possessed and in a swift motion you draw your Falchion and let out a roar as you turn to charge the fox. As you spin around you are first assaulted by the yellow fog, and then only moments after you feel the pain of a long blade thrusting into your stomach. You try to turn to see your attacker, but simply see a cape passing by, before the foe takes his final swing… As the blade touches your neck, the dark whisper, finally stops…


Theophilus stumbles his way up the hill, his legs begin to burn as the hill seems to go on forever. A noise to his left draws his attention and on the wall he sees something, something written ink? He quickly inspects the red ink and it begins to form a word, “me,” and Theophilus realizes that it is not ink, but blood. As he backs up from the wall he trips over a rock, or atleast he thought it was a rock. When he regains composure he sees that it is instead a head of a dhampir. Theophilus’ eyes widen and before he can react the mouth opens and screams “me,” in a distant low voice. When Theophilus looks up he is shocked to see a human, standing in front of him (Jayson). Unsure of what to do, as the yellow fog continues to inch closer and closer to him and this new stranger. Before he can act Theo is suddenly jolted by something running into his waist (Rinn). ..
What do you do?


The path finally levels out as Kenderella continues to run full speed. The voice continues to goad her into letting it help her more. In between the moments of the mysterious voice she hears a splashing noise to her left. The wall reads “me” in bright red blood, and as Kenderella turns her head back to the road a half-orc head rolls out from somewhere. The half-orc opens his mother and a distant, strange voice begins to yell “me.” In the brief moment that she was stopped, the yellow fog has come ever closer, with the sounds of wings beating, foot steps walking, and a blade scrapping on the ground.

What do you do?


Rinn begins to make her way up the hill, and as she makes her way up it feels as if the hill is never going to stop. The yellow fog seems to move at the same pace, and the footsteps never seem to speed up or slow down. Despite this the fog always inches closer and closer not matter how fast Rinn moves.
Screams of agony, the sounds of steel cutting through a person’s flesh come pouring into her head from nowhere and Rinn begins to feel the presence of death and finally she hears a low, distant, but unnerving voice shout “me,” over and over again.
Rinn quickly shakes her head to make the voice stop, but when she looks up, it is too late, she slams into a tall man wearing a top hat (Theo)…

What do you do next


Vlad rushes the fog and within seconds is completely engulfed by the thick yellow fog. Vlad’s vision is minimal but he can hear the scraping of a sword behind him, he quickly turns to face his foe, but is instead met with a quick slice across his stomach. Before he can react another vicious blow slashes across his knees. Struggling to get up Vlad is able to get one foot back on the ground, and as he moves to lift his second foot he hears the damning sound of a sword swinging through the air. That instant, Vlad knew he had met his end…


You decided to let the voice guide you and you begin to run up the hill. This hill, at first did not seem to steep, but as you continue to run up the hill it almost feels that it keeps getting longer and longer. A noise draws your attention to your left and you see something on the wall. You move in closer to examine it and read the word “me.” For some reason you decide to reach out and touch the word and instantly you know it is blood. Backing up you kick something on the ground. You look down and see a half-orcs head lying on the ground. It opens its mouth and a low, distant rumble escapes shouting “me,” over and over again.
“You are not alone.” The voice tells you, and as you look up you see another human standing in front of you with a top hat (Theo) and suddenly a small Halfling appears and runs into Theo. Unsure of where the Halfling came from and how you are standing uphill from the man with a top hat, you remember the yellow fog. The sounds of footsteps inch near as the yellow fog continues to crawl closer.
What do you do?


This is where yall can talk, plan, and do all that fun stuff.

A few things about the game, first I roll block INIT and then whichever "team (PCs or Enemies) has the highest INIT goes first.

I am playing around with a few ideas about the madness and insanity rules but will keep you guys updated when I get a good grasp of how I want to do them.

As far as your memories go, other than your powers, abilities, skills, feats, and names you do not remember anything concrete about your past. You will slowly begin to know more throughout the campaign and I plan to incorporate anything that you have done already.

Lastly (doubtful as I always forget stuff) I do not give out exp because I do not like keeping track of it or trying to ensure that I have the right exp to make you guys level up on time, instead I use the advancement track in the AP.

Any questions let me know. The actual gameplay thread should be up soon.

So it has been two years since I attempted to GM a game here on a PBP. Since my RL game died and I am dying to get back into playing Pathfinder, I am going to try my hand again at GMing a game.

Point Buy: 20
HP: Max
Gold: Max
Classes: paizo only
Races: for the first time I am going to be pretty open about races, but again Paizo only.
Sorry for the change but I want to add that we are going to be using Background Skills from Unchained and automatic bonus progress as well
I am one of those people who only uses Paizo stuff for all the character creations.

As far as alignment, no evil as I think it does not go with the campaign.

I am looking for 4-5 characters to start the game. I recently finished the maps on Google Drive and am hoping they will be helpful.

I like seeing good backstories, minimal min-max, and fun character concepts. I am a pretty lenient GM and try to make the game fun. I have not been on a play by post for about 2 years, but have GMed some RL games. Any questions please just ask and I am truly hoping that this game will last and be fun for everybody.

So I have an upcoming game where we are using gestalt characters. For RP purposes my character was born and raised to be the wizard/(unknown) character's bodyguard. I am definitely taking fighter as one class but am undecided on the other class. I want another class that makes sense and am currently leaning towards a cavalier sword scion/honor guard combo as that appears to fit thematically with my character. My only issue is that their is no syngery outside of the fighter giving me extra feats and weapon bonuses (which is a big deal). I ruled out divine and arcane classes as they don't make sense.

The character is a large fighting machine who has sworn his life to protect the wizard. Any advice would be helpful!

So we have a party of both a paladin and a warpriest, bot worship Iomedae, whose weapon of choice is the longsword. I know about the longsword you get in book 1, so my question is, which character class would benefit from the longsword more?

First, this is probably a litte different type of request than normal and I am unsure if it should go here but it is worth a chance. I love playing Pathfinder and try to keep up to date as much as I can. I wish I could play more but between working full time, having 3 kids, and going to school for my PhD I have little time to actually play. I tried play by post and had a great group but it was too time consuming and my local group has petered out. With that said, I am looking for opinions on the "best" AP to make into a story. I use to write a lot when I was younger and want to get back into writing. My problem is I world build too much and never actually write. I am hoping by selecting an AP to write, for myself, that it will help motivate me. I am open to any AP, and I do not have any major requirements. With that said, my creative writing abilities are extremely limited as the last several years all my writing has been for school or professional use. Any suggestions would be greatly apperciated, and thanks for the help in advanced.

As the title says, I am about to enter a Reign of Winter campaign with several players who are still relatively new to the game. We have an unchained rogue, ranger (unsure of his specialization), sorcerer, and a cleric or oracle.

We are in need of a front line fighter and that is where I guess I have to come in. I am okay with playing a front line fighter, but would like to be able to do more than just fight. I can play a fighter or barbarian but is there any other class that could hold there own as the main front line fighter?

Our character creation requirements are core, advanced, and unchained only. No archetypes and all core races. 20 pt buy system. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

So in my gaming session with my group, when they fought Nualia I played with her strategy and she was able to escape the group due to some poor choices on their part. Now that she is gone, I am unsure of how to reincorporate her in the future of the campaign. This is the first time I have ever GM'd a RL game and I have never GM'd a game where it did not follow the story. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Okay so I have a gestalt character that I am working on and in his backstory he stole a magical weapon from the academy before he went AWOL. He is an Unchained Rogue/Fighter build who is going TWF and DEX based. The premise that I am building off of is that the magical/artifact weapon is strong against magic users. In the story that I originally wrote that character in the dagger would disenchant/disable magical wards and protective spells (they worked differently in my world). This weapon is meant to be powerful so level that a character would get this does not matter. Also assume the GM says yes to anything, except that it cannot be third party. I am still not sure what weapon I am going to use, I just want it to be finessable.

I am currently working on making a slayer for a Kingmaker game. I should say that I am running the Kingmaker game myself, because I have no local group and am too busy to commit to PbP and they just havnt worked for me. My slayer has a specific build idea in mind. He is a character I have used in stories in the past for about 9 years and want to bring him into a game and see how he works. I am running all the characters on PbP so I can get into each character. My Slayer is focusing on STR but I want a good Dex for stealth as that is a huge part of his character. He will eventually get a ring of invisibility, as that is part of his backstory, but that is probably later. He is human and I am using a 25 point buy because I can lol. He has to be TWF and I am thinking about using Sawtooth Sabre but am not completely sold on it. He is loosely base off of Luscious (not sure of spelling) from the Dark Brotherhood in Elder Scrolls Oblivion as well as of of Artemis Entreri.

My main question is, can I focus mostly on STR and still use TWF. I know I can get the TWF through Slayer talent. Any help with feat selection and possibly traits would be helpful.

Any questions let me know.

I have this character in mind, she is sneaky, quick-witted, and good t pickpocketing. She was raised in an orphanage and around 12 was discovered breaking into and stealing several things from a local house. She was discovered by, insert class related group such as thieves, ninjas or bounty hunters. She has always had an interest in antiques and wants to eventually open her own store (not super important) What I am looking for is help decided on which class. We dont optimize but i still want to be effective. I would like twf and no spell casting as it doesn't fit her character. I want to be sneaky, able to pickpocket and disable device. She was always jealous of her friend who was very smart (wizard) so her INT won't be high but her WIS will. I am torn between a rogue, ninja, and slayer.

I have read a lot about how not good rogues are so that scares me, but i am finding it hard to fit a ninja based character into the world. The campaign is Runelords and most of the needed "roles" are filled. We have a reach fighter, wizard (conjuration), cleric or warpriest, and a gunslinger.

I am mostly looking for advice on which class fits the best not necessary a build. Even though I suggested a build I am open to other class, but am quite firm on the no magic as it doesnt fit her backstory. Also she is human for RP purposes. Any question about her backstory let me know i have a lot more but on a tablet that is hard to type. Thanks in advanced!

side note: Pathfinder material only.

So I had this idea, after reading the seekers of secrets, to run a campaign that all the PCs were newly made Pathfinder Field Operatives. I thought what better AP, then Serpent's Skulls. Their are some issues that I am unsure of how to change. First, the PCs obviously will side with the Pathfinders, and since they are already Pathfinders have no real need to make the gnome (forgot his name) an ally to get the Pathfinders to help them. The other thing I run into, is why they are going on this trip. I thought it would be just to find the lost city (again forgot its name lol). Any help on modifying the way the beginning happens with the NPCs from the ship would be helpful. Since the player's would get to choose which "group" they side with should I change anything else up? Thanks in advance.

-also if anybody thinks there is a better AP then this one please feel free to let me know.

-I did post in the campaign specific thread, but it is a lot less traveled over there it seems than the advice forum. Thanks again!

So I had this idea, after reading the seekers of secrets, to run a campaign that all the PCs were newly made Pathfinder Field Operatives. I thought what better AP, then Serpent's Skulls. Their are some issues that I am unsure of how to change. First, the PCs obviously will side with the Pathfinders, and since they are already Pathfinders have no real need to make the gnome (forgot his name) an ally to get the Pathfinders to help them. The other thing I run into, is why they are going on this trip. I thought it would be just to find the lost city (again forgot its name lol). Any help on modifying the way the beginning happens with the NPCs from the ship would be helpful. Since the player's would get to choose which "group" they side with should I change anything else up? Thanks in advance.

-also if anybody thinks there is a better AP then this one please feel free to let me know.

I am about to begin playing a Skull and Shackles game and everybody but me has their classes picked out and I am stuck between a few classes. Everybody is going pirate/water themed characters (archetypes mostly).
We are not completely optimized (some taking feats that are more for fluff) and I don't dump stats. We are getting 20-25 point buy and all Paizo is legal. I am playing a human (for background purposes) and I have left enough in his background to wiggle either class into the story.

My choices are:
Corsair Fighter
Freebooter Ranger
Picaroon Swashbuckler

Are party make up is:
Sea Reaver Barbarian
Sea Singer Bard
Air Elemental Wizard
Alchemist (not pirate themed, but they really want to play a none sailor type role)

I originally was going with a Corsair Fighter, but we have a heavy hitter in the Barbarian, and the Ranger I thought of as a either dual wielding or archery build, as the Bard is unsure if they will focus on melee or range and casting spells. I am worried about taking the Picaroon Swashbuckler due to already having a swashbuckler and not wanting to step on their toes.

As far as the role I plan on playing, I am open to being either melee or range I don't really care. We already know that the captain is going to be between the Bard and Swashbuckler and I am okay not being the captain and don't really want to be. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Okay, I should start this off by saying that, my IRL group fell apart, and therefore I am returning to making characters and writing stories based of adventure paths, as they help eliminate some of my pitfalls as a novice writer, and plus I love pathfinder. I am planning to use the Reign of Winter for my newest story, as it sounds interesting and I got the idea, from various threads and the players guide, to do a witch hunting group. Still working on the back story of the group but the only two characters I have on lock is an inquisitor (witch hunter archetype more than likely), and a Witch - winter witch archetype (PrC eventually). The Witch will be a failed apprentice, and after reading somebody's character background, will have escape through the portal to Taldor and was recovered (unconscious) by the inquisitor. Now I am trying to round the party out the best that I can. Obvsiouly this is a story, so min-maxing isn't needing, but I generally do "play" out most of the battles, fudging results sometimes, but do let "PCs" die if needed. Here are some of my other ideas for the group

Magus - Hexcrafter
Barbarian - IR
and maybe a Sorcerer with the boreal bloodline and fit it thematically to the story.

I am choosing to focus more on the witch hunter theme than building a party who optimizes in the cold weather climate. Any help would be appreciated.

I am thinking between 4-6 PCs for this story.

So we are playing a Kingmaker game, and the party, once again has changed some things up. The party consists of a Dervish Dancer Bard, Ranger (archer), Life Oracle (I think, whichever one lets you come back to life in like 3 days), Swordlord Fighter (Dex Focused), a druid or possible a Barbarian now that our Fighter is no longer a reach build and myself an enchanter wizard - manipulator. I have been reading on the boards and some guides and I know that this school and subschool are not optimized and have some issues but it fits my background so well.

My wizard and her twin sister (the bard) come from one of the noble houses (not sure which one as they all appear to not benefit either of us greatly) and the reason we are going with the group is because our characters got caught charming, manipulating, and stealing from several of the local nobility and tradesmen. My character is very manipulative plays to her beauty, and uses enchantments to get other's to do as she pleases. I need help with feats and traits.

I think for traits I am going with hedge magician, just not sure, b/c I am having trouble fitting it into my background (to make sense). We are allowed two traits plus a campaign trait, but they MUST fit in our background.

Stats (I don't dump stats)
STR: 10
DEX: 14
CON: 14
INT: 18
WIS: 12
CHA: 14

I am a human and was thinking Spell Focus (Enchantment) and Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment).

For 1st level spells I was thinking color spray, charm person , sleep, mage armor, and I am not sure about the last one.

My opposition schools are necromancy and evocation. I know giving up evocation I lose some good blast spells, but my reasoning behind this is that my character doesn't believe she has to fight and uses people to do her bidding (which is going to come to a quick end once she gets shipped off) and therefore thought Evocation was for "lesser" wizards, if that makes sense.

Any help would be appreciated and sorry for the long post.

I am going to be joining a new Kingmaker campaign. The creation guidelines are 25 point buy, core races, all classes except ACG. Are party consists of a druid (focusing on wildshape), wizard (conjuration - item creation focus), bard (dervish dancer or dervish of dawn going shadowdancer for character concept), cavalier (focusing on chargers), and a ranger (archery). I have decided to play a human, RP purposes, and am intent on going some kind of divine class, except no Paladin (don't like lawful good and I am poor at playing it anyways). I am torn between a cleric, oracle, and an inquisitor. I do not want to be a "heal bot" but am unsure of the main role I need/want to play. I can see a tank being helpful as well as another damage dealer. I have not selected a deity yet as I am waiting to figure out what I want to play and how to mold it into my backstory. If the bard decides to go dervish of dawn I thought about having the same deity and playing their relationship up as the reason I am going to the Stolen Lands. Any advice on what a better class would be as well as a better role would be appreciated. I am not the best at making class.

I should also note, that myself and the GM are not fans of complete stat dumping or super optimizing of classes. I like fun classes that are effective but that I can make a good backstory up and tie everything together.


The slow, rhythmic sway of the ocean greets you as you stretch your arms and legs out from a long nights rest. You all start to notice the various aches and pains from a long, hard nights sleep. The peaceful bliss of last night runs through your mind. The singing, the dancing,the companionship, and most importantly the drinking. As you start to come to, you realize something isn't right, instead of being on the floor or in a bed with a bar maid or a random stranger from the bar, you feel the cold, dampness of wood. As your senses slowly return to you, the smell of fish, sweat, and rum fill your nostrils. The pounding in your head tells you something isn't right, as hangovers are a common thing among those who frequent bars, and this is no hangover feeling. Before anybody can stand up, you hear boots walking towards you. Glancing up you see, a tall, slender, tan skinned man coming towards you, flanked by 8 pirates armed with saps and sinister grins (you get the feeling that these pirates are not ones to be messed with and would only enjoy hurting anybody who tried anything funny). The tall man, cracks his whip and twirls his long, braided black beard and smiles before he speaks.

Still abed with the sun over the yardarm? On your feet, ye filthy swabs! Get up on deck and report for duty before Cap’n Harrigan flays your flesh into sausage skins and has Fishguts fry ye up for breakfast!

Everybody can roll either perception, craft (alchemy), or knowledge (nature), or can roll more than one if you are trained in more than one. Also everybody but Janis roll intelligence check.


You are without a shadow of a doubt certain that the bearded man who is standing before you, is the man that you harshly turned down last night. A sick feeling in your stomach tells you, that you may have made a mistake/

Know(nature)10 or Craft (alchemy) 15:

You discern an oily nutmeg aftertaste on your tongue. Which you know to be a clear sign of oil of taggit poison. Which is a clear sign of being press ganged

Perception 10:

You discern an oily nutmeg aftertaste on your tongue.

INT check 10:

You remember seeing this bearded man last night and quickly realized you were press ganged.

Also anybody who does not have a rank in Profession (sailor) make DC=5 FORT Save or be nauseated for the day. Lastly, you all realize that you have been stripped of EVERYTHING except your clothes (which means no armor).


Congrats to everybody who got selected it was a hard choice. You know the drill, post your out of character stuff here and any questions. Please make any final tweaks to your characters as soon as you can. I will probably have the gameplay section set up tonight when I get home. Feel free to establish any in character relationships, as those can be fun to have in a game, but are not necessary. Lastly, I would like everybody to post something they would like to get out of this game. I am going to try to incorporate character backgrounds and such into the later parts of the AP. Again, thanks for joining and I am excited to get started!

So I am going to be moving my halfling rogue to an arcane trickster path for the Mummy's Mask Campaign. I should also note that some things about the character cannot change. His first level is a rogue and his second level is going to be a sorcerer, due to his background that was established prior to making this decision. I took some time off and I will be returning at second level and am coming up with a reason that he all of a sudden has sorcerer powers, plus the wizard doesn't make sense without changing his backstory which isn't possible. His first level feat was weapon finesse, which isn't changing either.

Ability Scores:
STR: 10
DEX: 16
CON: 12
INT: 13
WIS: 10
CHA: 16

I am not a huge fan of min/maxing and am okay if not going to make the most OP Arcane Trickster, I have just never made one before. I am thinking I would like to go down the improved feint route, and the other feats I am thinking about taking are improved initiative, arcane armor training, spell penetration (and greater), spell focus (evocation) and the greater version, and no clue what else. Any advice would be helpful to help me flesh out this character. Also my ability scores can change, I just very seldom drop stats to a negative (20 pt buy).

His background in a nutshell is he grew up in Magnimar listening to stories of the greatest halfling adventurer of all time, Indiana Baggins and wants to take after him. He is a fast talker, gets side tracked very easily, loves to talk about Indiana Baggins and how he will be just like him, and despite his outwards portrayal of confidence is very scared of the Necropolis and everything that goes with it.

Hello Everybody, I will be starting up a second Skull and Shackles game, my first game has taught me a lot and I want to be able to build off what I learned in that game to make the next game even better. I am still very new at GM and PbP but I am getting the hang of it better and better everyday. The creation rules are as follows:

- Point buy is 20 point. Max HP at first level, roll for future levels (minimum 1/2)
- Max starting gold [I recommend having MINIMAL gold left over ;-) ]
- Only Core races (From Core Rule Book)
- All classes, except Ninja, and Samurai.
- All Offical Pathfinder books are okay
- HIGHLY recommend to read the Skull and Shackle's Player Guides.
- 2 traits- one must be from the Player's Guide and the other MUST be incorporated into the backstory.
- I LOVE good backstories and role playing (not big into optimization only).
- I am okay with Pathfinder official Archetypes
- No third party materials, I am very firm on this one
- Any questions just ask me! :-)
- A disclaimer, if I ever state a rule wrong or mess up something, please feel free to correct me, I am still learning, and will not take offense to this.

I am looking for 4 or 5 players for the game, and plan to leave the recruitment thread open till probably Sunday or Monday depending on the response.

Disclaimer: My first game I did not allow gunslingers into the game and this time I am considering it, if you choose a gunslinger it needs to be very solid background and, I won't lie, but you will probably have to help me out with some of the mechanics as I have never played or played with a gunslinger before.

Not sure if I am in the right section but oh well, here goes.

I am currently trying to get back into writing and to help me (as I tend to focus solely on world building and never write) I am using the Pathfinder system and adventure paths to write stories (not trying to get published or anything, just to get me back into writing). I am currently going to start on the Kingmaker campaign as I have an idea to establish a religious nation. My dilemma is that I am not the greatest at building characters, and am new to the gestalt characters. I am using gestalt characters to give more flavor to my characters and just to have fun with different builds and what they can do. I am probably going to make a party of 4 or 5 and I know the "leader" will be something like a sorcerer/oracle due to them both being kind of "chosen" and somewhere else on the forum I got the idea from about like an angel reborn or something similar to that. Any help with cool ideas that can play up the religion theme would be greatly appreciated. Also I plan to have the characters all be linked to divine power somehow. Thank you in advanced for any help.

PS: I am not really looking for "power builds" mostly cool gestalt ideas that I can really play up flavor. Again I am no trying to be published but mostly just getting back into the rhythm of writing.

I am sorry if I am posting this in the wrong section, I am wondering if there are any really good resources out there to help me get a better understanding and use out of the alignment system. I usually tend to make Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral Characters but would like to start using more alignments once I get a better understanding of them. Thank you


Okay, if anybody needs to fix anything (such as starting equipment) please do it prior to posting in the Gameplay thread. Also if anybody wants to make backstories that lets them know each other prior to the beginning of the campaign that is totally fine with me and I really encourage it.

As far as the gameplay, I am shamelessly stealing some of MiniGms ways of GMing. I will roll block initiatives and whoever wins goes first. I will not post the monsters initiatives all the time, but I promise I wont cheat, lol. I will also be posting all the monsters ACs and Saves at the begining of each encounter that way you guys can roleplay your own hits and misses (as I think it makes the game more enjoyable to read).

I am pretty piss poor with making maps, but I have the PDF and I have some screen capture tools, and Google Drive so I am going to do my best to have good looking maps.

Lastly, if everybody could post their vital stats in their header (is that what its called Balthe? where you had them post it, lol sorry I wont be using your knowledge often I promise!). Any questions, just post it in here and once everybody posts I will start the campaign. I plan to really work on some decent looking maps tonight.

Oh yeah, one more thing I would really like to see everybody post at least once a day. I will be posting during the week at random times throughout the day (I am a mental health therapist and never have the same breaks) and then I will be able to post at night after work. I look foward to starting!


Slowly, everybody starts to wake up as a loud bell ringing can be overheard, to only realize that you are in a dark, place. Everybody has a pounding headache, a sickly taste of cheap wine in their mouths, and as you lay on the floor and start to rise you can feel the rhythmic creaking noise, and the feeling of the room swaying, as if they were still drunk. All you can remember from last night was the laughter and noise of a wild night, mixed with the taste of good wild game stew and cheap wine. Before anybody has a chance to speak, a tall, slender, tan skinned man enters the room, flanked by 6 pirates armed with saps (you get the feeling that these pirates are not ones to be messed with and would only enjoy hurting anybody who tried anything funny). The tall man, cracks his whip and twirls his long, braided black beard and smiles before he speaks.

“Still abed with the sun over the yardarm? On your feet, ye filthy swabs! Get up on deck and report for duty before Cap’n Harrigan flays your flesh into sausage skins and has Fishguts fry ye up for breakfast!”

Everybody can post what they are going to do.

Everybody can roll either perception, craft (alchemy), or knowledge (nature), or can roll more than one if you are trained in more than one. Everybody obviously can roll perception even if you are not trained in it.

I am currently thinking about trying out PbP again. I started a game back in June and due to family and personal issues it fell through. Also because I probably took on a lot more than I could handle at once. However, since I have not been able to find a local game I am wanting to try DM on a PbP. I will not lie and admit that I struggle A LOT with maps but I will at least create bare-bones versions. I am thinking about either doing Skulls and Shackles or Serpent's Skull. If any experienced GMs believe those are real hard to do and could suggest an easier AP, I will see if I or my friend has those PDFs. If I get enough interest from people who are willing to give me a try and/or help out a new PbP GM then I will post a recruitment thread or just use this one.


A place to talk about the events that have unfolded or about just whatever. Also any questions that you may have can be posted here.


Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the Office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg's Trading Post. The carrier of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this 24th day of Talistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne.


A place to talk about the events that have unfolded or about just whatever. Also any questions that you may have can be posted here.


Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the Office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg's Trading Post. The carrier of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this 24th day of Talistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne.

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I want to start off by saying that I have never DMed a play by post before. I have played PBP on other forums, and am still learning all the mechanics on this formum (wasnt real good on the others either lol). I am still a fairly new DM but the groups around where I live have all fallen through so I am on here now.

I am looking for 4-5 characters that can post at least daily. I wrk two jobs and have a family and I know I am able to post at least once a day if not more. I am a pretty flexible DM as far as starting stats and stuff goes. I want to use 25 point buy-in 1st level characters. Max starting gold, and max health. I am okay with all core races and the classes from the core books (Player's Guide, Advanced Player's Guide, Ultimate Combat, and Ultimate Magic). If you want to be the ninja or samuria I will allow it but I want a REALLY good backstory of why that character is there. You can use up to two traits (only 1 from each category) but they MUST tie into the backstory.

I would like to see (in the post) your character backstory, specifically why they are in the area and a little bit of history about the character. Please don't give me a novel to read lol. All the traits in the Kingmaker Player's guide are good to use and if you need idea's for a character look at that resource as it is awesome.

I will close the post on 06/04/2013 as that gives me enough time to start working on creating maps on Google Docs. If somebody has a better suggestion for maps/combat encounters I am always open to suggestions. Thank you and I am excited to see some awesome characters.

Any questions feel free to PM me or post it on here. I will try to respond as soon as possible.

Okay so I am making a 19 level druid who focuses on his wild shape and I have spent several hours trying to spend all of the 880K gold I was given to make him and I have managed to spend 645500 (not counting some extra basic equipment and potential wands). Here is what I have anything else I need or could use (I am only using magic items that I have not created myself). Lastly please let me know if you notice a magic item that is useless due to its effects not stacking. I tried to look out for this buy I sometimes miss things

Catskin Leather Armor 18,910
Rapier of Puncturing 50,320
Beaststrike Club 7,300
Ring of Regeneration 90,000
Ring of Protection +5 50000
Handy Haversack 2000
Amulet of Might Fists +5 125,000
Belt of Physical Might +6 (STR and DEX) 90,000
Eyes of Charming 56,000
Cloak of Etherealness 55,000
Books of Teleportation 49,000
Headband of Vast Intelligence +6 36,000
Gautlent of Rust 11,500
Vestment, Druids 3750
Bread, campfire 720
Scabbard of Keen Edge 16,000

Okay so I have played pathfinder for awhile now but have never played or seen played a druid that could use wild shape. My problem is that I am creating a level 19 druid but have no idea how to figure out my attacks and stats for my wild shape. I have read the spell descriptions (ex. elemental body IV) and see what I get a bonus to but what do I use the beastiary for? Just for the special abilities and all that or for the stats as well? Also when looking at the melee for Air Elemental it says 2 Slams + 17 (2d6+6) what does this mean or do I just ignore that part? Thank you in advance and sorry for being so noobish lol