moafnsteel's page

Organized Play Member. 68 posts (1,049 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 14 aliases.

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I am also planning on running Rise of the Runelords here real soon, and for me the most helpful place was the Rise of the Runelord section of the message boards. People over there have done some awesome work and I highly suggest checking that section out.

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Allie, I was in one of your Skull and Shackles campaigns as Connor Peril, but had to drop out due to not really feeling the campaign and the pace of how it was going, and some personal issues. I am sorry that, that one did not work out.

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Thank you that was all very helpful. Corvino that really helped me out a lot and makes it A LOT easier to understand.

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Male Dwarf Fighter lvl 6; HP=64; AC 20, T=11. FF=19; F:8, R:3, W:6; INIT:1; Perc:8 (10 for unusual stoneworking)

If Drovic says that, I trust the elf. Elves know the forests!

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I am okay with people applying who have read it and/or played it as long as they can seperate their knowledge from player knowledge.

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I want to start off by saying that I have never DMed a play by post before. I have played PBP on other forums, and am still learning all the mechanics on this formum (wasnt real good on the others either lol). I am still a fairly new DM but the groups around where I live have all fallen through so I am on here now.

I am looking for 4-5 characters that can post at least daily. I wrk two jobs and have a family and I know I am able to post at least once a day if not more. I am a pretty flexible DM as far as starting stats and stuff goes. I want to use 25 point buy-in 1st level characters. Max starting gold, and max health. I am okay with all core races and the classes from the core books (Player's Guide, Advanced Player's Guide, Ultimate Combat, and Ultimate Magic). If you want to be the ninja or samuria I will allow it but I want a REALLY good backstory of why that character is there. You can use up to two traits (only 1 from each category) but they MUST tie into the backstory.

I would like to see (in the post) your character backstory, specifically why they are in the area and a little bit of history about the character. Please don't give me a novel to read lol. All the traits in the Kingmaker Player's guide are good to use and if you need idea's for a character look at that resource as it is awesome.

I will close the post on 06/04/2013 as that gives me enough time to start working on creating maps on Google Docs. If somebody has a better suggestion for maps/combat encounters I am always open to suggestions. Thank you and I am excited to see some awesome characters.

Any questions feel free to PM me or post it on here. I will try to respond as soon as possible.

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one more time, I promise GM if you pick me I will get better at this dice rolling this lol

[dice] 5d6 [\dice]