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What feats can be taken more than once?
Can you take a feat more than once if it doesn't includes in its description a note such as "Special You can take this feat multiple time, ..." ?
The only written rule we could find related to this is sadly not conclusive. (Core 18)
Quote: Special Any special qualities of the rules are explained in this section. USUALLY this section appears in feats you can select more than once, explaining what happens when you do. The word usually creates multiple interpretations of the sentence :
1) The section is not always present in feats that you can take more than once.
2) The section is present in the description of feats you can take more than once and also in feats that you cannot take more than once.
3) The absence of this section in a description doesn't provide any additional information.
(That's what you get from a group full of engineers.. you don't want your car to USUALLY brake when you press the pedal! Some words are good for flavor text but not for rules.)
The feats that triggered the question are Natural Ambition (Core 57) and Ancestral Paragon (Core 258).
Aslo, what about a Monk character who has taken the Fleet (Core 261) feat 5 times?
Is there a ruling for this in Organized Play?
As a GM I made my own ruling but my players would like to know the official answer on this.
In both campaigns I run on Roll20 we play from 19h00 to 22hxx
We reset to 1 point when starting at 19h00.
They get a second one at 21h00 and a third one at 22h00.
Note: We play with the critical fumble deck.
Often they will get the point in the middle of a battle.
This can create some meta-gaming. The following was said by one player to another in the middle of a fight:
"It's ok, use you point for a reroll, we are getting a new one in less than 2 minutes..."
I am ok with it.
The points are often used to re-roll out of a fumble...helpful unless you roll 3 ones in a row...poor rogue...
What do bard spend their gold on in your game?
The bard in one of my groups didn't find anything interesting to buy, so up to this point he is lending is share to the other characters... they are level 4.
He is usually well out of reach of the melee action and never use a weapon.
He will get an armor potency rune once everyone in the rest of the group has one.
Do you have any suggestion beside wands and staffs?
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Can we expect the updated errata for the Character Operations Manual in the near future?
We would like to have the Mechanic class features at level 11 (Coordinated Assault) and level 17 (Control Net) that are missing when using Experimental Prototype as the alternate class feature.
Thanks for the answers...
...but I am still wondering how those sites get their information?
The Easy Library example above, did they extract the information from the Archives of Nethys?
I was not aware the Archives of Nethys was maintained by Paizo itself. I assumed it was a third party team that got the information from the Paizo SRD and formatted it into a website.
I looked around for the Game Reference Document for Pathfinder 2 (the SRD), but I didn't manage to find it.
The only things that I get back from my searches are references to the Archives of Nethys or other web sites trying to do a similar thing. It's never the actual document (the data), it's always a compiled version of the data.
Do you need to sign-in and click on a form somewhere to access it? Or is it available only by some other request mechanism?
I want to code a helper application for the campaigns I run and I would rather start with the official data than to have to copy everything by hand.
Thanks in advance!
You also need to look at the total XP for the whole book.
In Legacy of the lost God, the total is almost 4800 xp if they do everything. (Chapter 3 is full of XP!)
They can collect only 83% of the XP reward and they will go up by the expected 4 levels. They need to do 5 out of every 6 XP awarding activities.
If they don't, then they should get a clue that they are not just skipping a few fights, they are missing parts of the adventure.
Also, the first chapter is short on XP, but the PC get the missing XP at the start of the next chapter without any fights.
There is also a good chance they will reach level 9 before the end if they try to leave no stone unturned. This is a nice reward for the PC, their good work makes the last fights easier.
There are a few references and illustrations of firearms in the Lost Omen books published for second edition.
Do we know at this point in what book(s) the rules for firearms will be published ?
Or are we still in pure speculation territory? Or are they hidden around somewhere that I didn't look?
I did run a bit of math for the Dwarven Throwers.
Assuming you can send in the clowns and a PC is the clown coordinator:
Attempting Athletics (+10), Athletics (+5), Athletics (+0) gives you on
average a 1.85 net excitement gain.
Attempting Acrobatics (+7), Athletics (+5), Athletics (+0) gives you on average a 1.93 net excitement gain.
So you are better off using your skill with the lower bonus for the first check of the trick.
Not very intuitive for the players!
If you cannot send in the clown, then it doesn't make a difference. (You will get 0.9 net excitement on average)
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Sorry Dragonchess, and thanks for correcting me.
About giving the +2 with animal handler.
I would need to run the full math, but raising the chance of success could create problems here.
Critical rolls at level 1 are BAD things. You don't get any net increase (+1 Excitement and +1 anticipation ( 1 /2 rounded up = 1)
The Dwarven throwers first +10 athletics roll can be wasted with a roll of 15 - 20, so 30% of the time. (DC 15, crits at 25, 15 to 20 + 10 >= 25). The +7 rolls have 15% of producing a critical (18-20).
With 7 events at 15% you have a probability of 67.9% to get at least one critical on the first roll of the 7 tricks.
Note, you can't have more than one PC per role. You can't have 3 PCs doing "animal handler" for a +6 bonus.
Page 66 wrote: Only one PC can perform a
particular non-performer role per show (for example,
two PCs can’t both choose the role of animal handler).
Some roles can be chosen only after purchasing certain
circus upgrades.
What is important about the "Big Number" act?
I didn't see any differences between the 4 acts beside the number of tricks.
From a math point of view, you want your lowest chance of success tricks to be in the opener or the big number since you can send the clown only once per act.
Also, why is it important to convince Morgaine to perform in a different act?
Thank you all for the answers. (Even if they are not what I was hoping for!)
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I looked around but didn't find any download section with visual assets, such as the encounter maps or NPC portraits, for the 1st adventure "The Show Must Go On".
Is it something that is available only if you buy the PDF version of the product instead of the printed version? (I like reading physical books..)
I am doing the transition from D&D to Pathfinder and I am quite surprised this is not something easily available. But then again, maybe I just didn't look correctly.
Thanks for any help.
They are still "weapon's damage dice" and "weapon's damage dice" are doubled.
Additional data:
Here are the average values per level for the monsters AC in the Bestiary:
Level 0 average is 13
Level 1 average is 15
Level 2 average is 16
Level 3 average is 18
Level 4 average is 19
Level 5 average is 19
Level 6 average is 21
Level 7 average is 22
Level 8 average is 25
Level 9 average is 26
Level 10 average is 27
Level 11 average is 29
Level 12 average is 29
Level 13 average is 33
Level 14 average is 34
Level 15 average is 35
Level 20 average is 44
Over 14 levels is goes up by 20, that's about 1.5 AC per level.
Over 19 levels is goes up by 29, that's still about 1.5 AC per level.
So if you want to keep up, you need to get a +1 to your attack roll every 2 levels. For a total of +9 by level 20.
You will get +5 from your weapon potency rune
You will get +2 from your ability increase to 22
Fighters: +2 going from Expert to Legendary
Paladin: +2 going from Trained to Master
Ranger: +2 going from Trained to Master
Rogue: +1 going from Trained to Expert
Episode 2
Night was falling on the tradesmen ward as Narg locked the front door to his shop.
He was now walking toward the wooden sign hanging in the center of the main window, intent to flip it to its "Closed" side using the metal bar that would later protect the door from unwanted visitors.
He had barely reached the sign when a "hum, hum" made him froze like a dwarf facing a white dragon.
A elven women in dark leathers was standing in the middle of the wide open front door.
Elven woman: Nice to see I made it in time before you closed shop!
While adjusting his grip on the metal bar, Narg answered: How can Narg help you in these dark hours?
Elven woman: Good evening Narg. I am looking for a quality weapon. I recently acquired a magic rune that can increase the potency of a weapon.
My wizard friend tells me I need a expertly crafted blade to hold the rune, a lesser one would not do.
Narg relaxing: Narg can help.
Nargs looks around the shop, pointing at various weapons.
Narg gots good Shortswords, they are classic, good choice!
Or a Rapier if you like those?
Those Light maces here are perfectly balanced!
Don't ask where Narg got it, but I also have an Elven Curve Blade in the back…
Are you good with any of those?
Quiz questions:
Merisiel is a level 4 elf rogue with a dexterity of 18 and a strength of 10. Her feats are:
Ancestry: Weapon Familiarity (Elf)
Rogue 1: Bludgeoner
Rogue 2: Footpad's Focus
Rogue 4: Dread Striker
She is flanking a Sahuagin mutant. She will perform 3 strike actions against the Sahuagin mutant (AC 19).
Her weapon is of Expert quality with a Potency 1 runes (+1/+1d6)
Question 1:
What weapon proposed by Narg should Merisiel select to maximize her average damage assuming her target is flat-footed and not immune to precision damage?
A) The shortsword (1 hand, 1d6 P : Agile, finesse, versatile S)
B) The Rapier (1 hand: 1d6 P : Deadly d8, disarm, finesse)
C) The Light Mace(1 hand: 1d4 B: Agile, Finesse, shove)
D) The Elven curve blade (2 hands: 1d8 S : Elf, Finesse, Forceful)
Question 2:
How many round(s) does it take on average for Merisiel to kill a Sahuagin mutant using the best weapon from question 1.
A Sahuagin mutant has 58 hp.
A) 1 round
B) 2 rounds
C) 3 rounds
D) 4 or more rounds
Question 3:
Assuming Valeros is now level 4 and he is using an Expert quality Greatsword with a Potency 1 rune.
Also, Valeros selected Sword as his weapon specialization group at level 3.
If they are both attacking a Sahuagin Mutant with 3 strikes per round, would:
A) Merisel do more damage on average only if her target is flat-footed and Valeros targets is not.
B) Merisel always do more damage on average
C) Valeros always do more damage on average
Link to episode 1
Episode 3 will be a ranger with Double Slice.
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If you look at page 292:
If you are trained, a roll of 20 is not a critical if it doesn't equal or exceed the DC. But in that case, it is is a hit.
Ex. roll 20 + 10 against a DC of 31 is a hit but not a critical hit if you are trained.
'If your enemy is far more powerful than you or a task
beyond your abilities, you might roll a natural 20 and
still get a result lower than the DC. In this case, you
succeed instead of critically succeed or fail. If you lack the
proficiency for a task in the first place, or it’s impossible,
you might still fail on a natural 20.'
Also if you are not trained, a 20 can be a MISS according to the last part of that paragraph.
Ex. roll 20 + 10 against a DC of 31 is a miss if you are not trained.
Round details for question 1.
If any of the numbers look wrong, please tell me!
There are 17-21 results for each weapon
1 result for the 1st strike
4 results for the 2nd strike to take into account the result of the first strike
12-16 for the 3 strike to take into account what was done before.
A) Shortsword
Round summary:
Action 1: Strike
Attacker context 1 (100%): FirstAttack
Roll is d20 +6 versus a DC of 15.
50% is Success for 1d6 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 7.5
10% is CriticalSuccess for 2d6 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 15.0
5% is CriticalFailure for None
35% is Failure for None
Total = 5.250 [5.250]
Action 2: Strike
Attacker context 1 (50%): Hit, SecondAttack
Roll is d20 +2 versus a DC of 15.
35% is Success for 1d6 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 7.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d6 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 15.0
15% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 3.375 [1.68750]
Attacker context 2 (10%): Hit, SecondAttack
Roll is d20 +2 versus a DC of 15.
35% is Success for 1d6 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 7.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d6 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 15.0
15% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 3.375 [0.33750]
Attacker context 3 (5%): MissedAttack, SecondAttack
Roll is d20 +2 versus a DC of 15.
35% is Success for 1d6 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 7.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d6 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 15.0
15% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 3.375 [0.16875]
Attacker context 4 (35%): MissedAttack, SecondAttack
Roll is d20 +2 versus a DC of 15.
35% is Success for 1d6 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 7.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d6 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 15.0
15% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 3.375 [1.18125]
Action 3: Strike
Attacker context 1 (17.5%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -2 versus a DC of 15.
15% is Success for 1d6 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 7.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d6 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 15.0
35% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.875 [0.3281250]
Attacker context 2 (2.5%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -2 versus a DC of 15.
15% is Success for 1d6 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 7.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d6 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 15.0
35% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.875 [0.0468750]
Attacker context 3 (7.5%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -2 versus a DC of 15.
15% is Success for 1d6 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 7.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d6 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 15.0
35% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.875 [0.1406250]
Attacker context 4 (22.5%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -2 versus a DC of 15.
15% is Success for 1d6 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 7.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d6 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 15.0
35% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.875 [0.4218750]
Attacker context 5 (3.5%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -2 versus a DC of 15.
15% is Success for 1d6 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 7.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d6 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 15.0
35% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.875 [0.0656250]
Attacker context 6 (0.5%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -2 versus a DC of 15.
15% is Success for 1d6 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 7.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d6 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 15.0
35% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.875 [0.0093750]
Attacker context 7 (1.5%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -2 versus a DC of 15.
15% is Success for 1d6 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 7.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d6 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 15.0
35% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.875 [0.0281250]
Attacker context 8 (4.5%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -2 versus a DC of 15.
15% is Success for 1d6 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 7.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d6 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 15.0
35% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.875 [0.0843750]
Attacker context 9 (1.75%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -2 versus a DC of 15.
15% is Success for 1d6 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 7.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d6 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 15.0
35% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.875 [0.0328125]
Attacker context 10 (0.25%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -2 versus a DC of 15.
15% is Success for 1d6 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 7.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d6 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 15.0
35% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.875 [0.0046875]
Attacker context 11 (0.75%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -2 versus a DC of 15.
15% is Success for 1d6 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 7.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d6 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 15.0
35% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.875 [0.0140625]
Attacker context 12 (2.25%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -2 versus a DC of 15.
15% is Success for 1d6 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 7.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d6 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 15.0
35% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.875 [0.0421875]
Attacker context 13 (12.25%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -2 versus a DC of 15.
15% is Success for 1d6 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 7.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d6 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 15.0
35% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.875 [0.2296875]
Attacker context 14 (1.75%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -2 versus a DC of 15.
15% is Success for 1d6 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 7.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d6 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 15.0
35% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.875 [0.0328125]
Attacker context 15 (5.25%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -2 versus a DC of 15.
15% is Success for 1d6 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 7.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d6 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 15.0
35% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.875 [0.0984375]
Attacker context 16 (15.75%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -2 versus a DC of 15.
15% is Success for 1d6 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 7.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d6 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 15.0
35% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.875 [0.2953125]
B) Glaive
Round summary:
Action 1: Strike
Attacker context 1 (100%): FirstAttack
Roll is d20 +6 versus a DC of 15.
50% is Success for 1d8 + 4 (Slashing) : 8.5
10% is CriticalSuccess for 1d8 (Slashing) + 2d8 + 8 (Slashing) : 21.5
5% is CriticalFailure for None
35% is Failure for None
Total = 6.400 [6.400]
Action 2: Strike
Attacker context 1 (50%): Hit, SecondAttack
Roll is d20 +1 versus a DC of 15.
30% is Success for 1d8 + 4 (Slashing) + 1 (Slashing) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 1d8 (Slashing) + 2d8 + 8 (Slashing) + 1 (Slashing) : 22.5
20% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 3.975 [1.98750]
Attacker context 2 (10%): Hit, SecondAttack
Roll is d20 +1 versus a DC of 15.
30% is Success for 1d8 + 4 (Slashing) + 1 (Slashing) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 1d8 (Slashing) + 2d8 + 8 (Slashing) + 1 (Slashing) : 22.5
20% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 3.975 [0.39750]
Attacker context 3 (5%): MissedAttack, SecondAttack
Roll is d20 +1 versus a DC of 15.
30% is Success for 1d8 + 4 (Slashing) + 1 (Slashing) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 1d8 (Slashing) + 2d8 + 8 (Slashing) + 1 (Slashing) : 22.5
20% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 3.975 [0.19875]
Attacker context 4 (35%): MissedAttack, SecondAttack
Roll is d20 +1 versus a DC of 15.
30% is Success for 1d8 + 4 (Slashing) + 1 (Slashing) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 1d8 (Slashing) + 2d8 + 8 (Slashing) + 1 (Slashing) : 22.5
20% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 3.975 [1.39125]
Action 3: Strike
Attacker context 1 (15%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d8 + 4 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 1d8 (Slashing) + 2d8 + 8 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 23.5
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.700 [0.2550000]
Attacker context 2 (2.5%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d8 + 4 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 1d8 (Slashing) + 2d8 + 8 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 23.5
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.700 [0.0425000]
Attacker context 3 (10%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d8 + 4 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 1d8 (Slashing) + 2d8 + 8 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 23.5
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.700 [0.1700000]
Attacker context 4 (22.5%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d8 + 4 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 1d8 (Slashing) + 2d8 + 8 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 23.5
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.700 [0.3825000]
Attacker context 5 (3%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d8 + 4 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 1d8 (Slashing) + 2d8 + 8 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 23.5
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.700 [0.0510000]
Attacker context 6 (0.5%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d8 + 4 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 1d8 (Slashing) + 2d8 + 8 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 23.5
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.700 [0.0085000]
Attacker context 7 (2%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d8 + 4 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 1d8 (Slashing) + 2d8 + 8 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 23.5
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.700 [0.0340000]
Attacker context 8 (4.5%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d8 + 4 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 1d8 (Slashing) + 2d8 + 8 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 23.5
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.700 [0.0765000]
Attacker context 9 (1.5%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d8 + 4 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 1d8 (Slashing) + 2d8 + 8 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 23.5
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.700 [0.0255000]
Attacker context 10 (0.25%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d8 + 4 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 1d8 (Slashing) + 2d8 + 8 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 23.5
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.700 [0.0042500]
Attacker context 11 (1%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d8 + 4 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 1d8 (Slashing) + 2d8 + 8 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 23.5
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.700 [0.0170000]
Attacker context 12 (2.25%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d8 + 4 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 1d8 (Slashing) + 2d8 + 8 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 23.5
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.700 [0.0382500]
Attacker context 13 (10.5%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d8 + 4 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 1d8 (Slashing) + 2d8 + 8 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 23.5
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.700 [0.1785000]
Attacker context 14 (1.75%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d8 + 4 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 1d8 (Slashing) + 2d8 + 8 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 23.5
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.700 [0.0297500]
Attacker context 15 (7%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d8 + 4 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 1d8 (Slashing) + 2d8 + 8 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 23.5
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.700 [0.1190000]
Attacker context 16 (15.75%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d8 + 4 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 1d8 (Slashing) + 2d8 + 8 (Slashing) + 2 (Slashing) : 23.5
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.700 [0.2677500]
C) Greatsword
Round summary:
Action 1: Strike
Attacker context 1 (100%): FirstAttack
Roll is d20 +6 versus a DC of 15.
50% is Success for 1d12 + 4 (Slashing) : 10.5
10% is CriticalSuccess for 2d12 + 8 (Slashing) : 21.0
5% is CriticalFailure for None
35% is Failure for None
Total = 7.350 [7.350]
Action 2: Strike
Attacker context 1 (50%): Hit, SecondAttack
Roll is d20 +1 versus a DC of 15.
30% is Success for 1d12 + 4 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d12 + 8 (Slashing) : 21.0
20% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 4.200 [2.10000]
Attacker context 2 (10%): Hit, SecondAttack
Roll is d20 +1 versus a DC of 15.
30% is Success for 1d12 + 4 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d12 + 8 (Slashing) : 21.0
20% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 4.200 [0.42000]
Attacker context 3 (5%): MissedAttack, SecondAttack
Roll is d20 +1 versus a DC of 15.
30% is Success for 1d12 + 4 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d12 + 8 (Slashing) : 21.0
20% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 4.200 [0.21000]
Attacker context 4 (35%): MissedAttack, SecondAttack
Roll is d20 +1 versus a DC of 15.
30% is Success for 1d12 + 4 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d12 + 8 (Slashing) : 21.0
20% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 4.200 [1.47000]
Action 3: Strike
Attacker context 1 (15%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d12 + 4 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d12 + 8 (Slashing) : 21.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.575 [0.2362500]
Attacker context 2 (2.5%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d12 + 4 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d12 + 8 (Slashing) : 21.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.575 [0.0393750]
Attacker context 3 (10%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d12 + 4 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d12 + 8 (Slashing) : 21.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.575 [0.1575000]
Attacker context 4 (22.5%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d12 + 4 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d12 + 8 (Slashing) : 21.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.575 [0.3543750]
Attacker context 5 (3%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d12 + 4 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d12 + 8 (Slashing) : 21.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.575 [0.0472500]
Attacker context 6 (0.5%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d12 + 4 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d12 + 8 (Slashing) : 21.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.575 [0.0078750]
Attacker context 7 (2%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d12 + 4 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d12 + 8 (Slashing) : 21.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.575 [0.0315000]
Attacker context 8 (4.5%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d12 + 4 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d12 + 8 (Slashing) : 21.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.575 [0.0708750]
Attacker context 9 (1.5%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d12 + 4 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d12 + 8 (Slashing) : 21.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.575 [0.0236250]
Attacker context 10 (0.25%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d12 + 4 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d12 + 8 (Slashing) : 21.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.575 [0.0039375]
Attacker context 11 (1%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d12 + 4 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d12 + 8 (Slashing) : 21.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.575 [0.0157500]
Attacker context 12 (2.25%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d12 + 4 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d12 + 8 (Slashing) : 21.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.575 [0.0354375]
Attacker context 13 (10.5%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d12 + 4 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d12 + 8 (Slashing) : 21.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.575 [0.1653750]
Attacker context 14 (1.75%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d12 + 4 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d12 + 8 (Slashing) : 21.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.575 [0.0275625]
Attacker context 15 (7%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d12 + 4 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d12 + 8 (Slashing) : 21.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.575 [0.1102500]
Attacker context 16 (15.75%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d12 + 4 (Slashing) : 10.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d12 + 8 (Slashing) : 21.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.575 [0.2480625]
D) Greatclub
Round summary:
Action 1: Strike
Attacker context 1 (100%): FirstAttack
Roll is d20 +6 versus a DC of 15.
50% is Success for 1d10 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 9.5
10% is CriticalSuccess for 2d10 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 19.0
5% is CriticalFailure for None
35% is Failure for None
Total = 6.650 [6.650]
Action 2: Strike
Attacker context 1 (50%): Hit, SecondAttack
Roll is d20 +1 versus a DC of 15.
30% is Success for 1d10 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d10 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 19.0
20% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 3.800 [1.90000]
Attacker context 2 (10%): Hit, SecondAttack
Roll is d20 +1 versus a DC of 15.
30% is Success for 1d10 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d10 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 19.0
20% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 3.800 [0.38000]
Attacker context 3 (5%): MissedAttack, SecondAttack
Roll is d20 +2 versus a DC of 15.
35% is Success for 1d10 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d10 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 19.0
15% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 4.275 [0.21375]
Attacker context 4 (35%): MissedAttack, SecondAttack
Roll is d20 +2 versus a DC of 15.
35% is Success for 1d10 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d10 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 19.0
15% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 4.275 [1.49625]
Action 3: Strike
Attacker context 1 (15%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d10 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d10 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 19.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.425 [0.2137500]
Attacker context 2 (2.5%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d10 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d10 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 19.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.425 [0.0356250]
Attacker context 3 (10%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -3 versus a DC of 15.
10% is Success for 1d10 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d10 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 19.0
40% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.900 [0.1900000]
Attacker context 4 (22.5%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -3 versus a DC of 15.
10% is Success for 1d10 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d10 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 19.0
40% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.900 [0.4275000]
Attacker context 5 (3%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d10 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d10 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 19.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.425 [0.0427500]
Attacker context 6 (0.5%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d10 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d10 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 19.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.425 [0.0071250]
Attacker context 7 (2%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -3 versus a DC of 15.
10% is Success for 1d10 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d10 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 19.0
40% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.900 [0.0380000]
Attacker context 8 (4.5%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -3 versus a DC of 15.
10% is Success for 1d10 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d10 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 19.0
40% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.900 [0.0855000]
Attacker context 9 (1.75%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d10 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d10 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 19.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.425 [0.0249375]
Attacker context 10 (0.25%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d10 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d10 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 19.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.425 [0.0035625]
Attacker context 11 (0.75%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -3 versus a DC of 15.
10% is Success for 1d10 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d10 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 19.0
40% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.900 [0.0142500]
Attacker context 12 (2.25%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -3 versus a DC of 15.
10% is Success for 1d10 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d10 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 19.0
40% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.900 [0.0427500]
Attacker context 13 (12.25%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d10 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d10 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 19.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.425 [0.1745625]
Attacker context 14 (1.75%): Hit, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -4 versus a DC of 15.
5% is Success for 1d10 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d10 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 19.0
45% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.425 [0.0249375]
Attacker context 15 (5.25%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -3 versus a DC of 15.
10% is Success for 1d10 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d10 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 19.0
40% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.900 [0.0997500]
Attacker context 16 (15.75%): MissedAttack, SubsequentAttack
Roll is d20 -3 versus a DC of 15.
10% is Success for 1d10 + 4 (Bludgeoning) : 9.5
5% is CriticalSuccess for 2d10 + 8 (Bludgeoning) : 19.0
40% is CriticalFailure for None
45% is Failure for None
Total = 1.900 [0.2992500]
Good job CommanderCoyler, he got 3 out of 3 even with the missing +1.
Take away:
- The Weapon Traits look nice, but their effect at level 1 are never enough to beat a d12 of damage.
- Don't forget you can crit on a roll of 19 if the total is 10 over your DC. This makes the level 13th Keen rune useless for most targets of your level or less.
Question 1
A) Shortsword : 10.5 DPR
B) Glaive : 12.075 DPR
C) Greatsword : 13.125 DPR
D) Greatclub : 12.36425 DPR
Answers is C) Greatsword
Question 2
1 round = 13.125 total damage
2 rounds = 26.250 total damage
The answer is B) 2 Rounds
Question 3
See CommanderCoyler answer!
Next episode will be a level 3 rogue with flanking...
Detailed results from the PF2 simulator are in my next post.
No I didn't...and I didn't get the time to replace the \b by /b...
[b]Question 1[\b]
[b]Question 2[\b]
[b]Question 3[\b]
[b]Technical details:[\b]
Level 1 monsters have on average an AC of 14.7, a TAC of 13.4 and 20.4. HP.
The Goblin Commando is my choice of target for this level with his 15 AC/13 TAC/18 HP/ +7 attack.
Episode 1
In the tradesmen ward, the sun first rays are barely dispelling the morning fog as the door to Narg's weapon shop opens to reveal a tall human.
Morning to you Narg, I am Valeros says the man.
He holds a broken blade in his right hand.
He continues:
My friends and I are on a mission from the lord. We are going against a tribe of goblins in the hills, and this blade won't fight for me anymore. What do you have that can take its place?
Narg answers with a question:
How do you fight? Big hard hits or many quick ones?
Valeros: I prefer to make as many attacks as I can…
You do many attacks? A short sword is for you, it's agile so you don't tire!
Maybe a glaive? They are deadly and forceful, the more you hit the more they hurt!
But you can go wrong with a great sword. It's in the name, it's Great!
Oh! look at that Great club, again it's great so you know you can go wrong and the backswing is nasty!
Pick one, Narg gives you a great price and take old blade from you.
Valeros eyes move from one weapon to the next...
Question 1
What weapon proposed by Narg shoud Valeros select to maximize his average damage?
- Valeros is a level 1 human fighter with a strength of 18.
- He doesn't care if he uses a shield or not.
- The weapon quality is standard
- He is in contact with his target and he is not flanking it.
- During his round, he will perform 3 strike actions against a Goblin Commando (AC 15).
A) The shortsword (1 hand, 1d6 P : Agile, finesse, versatile S)
B) The Glaive (2 hands: 1d8 S : Deadly d8, forceful, reach)
C) The Greatsword (2 hands: 1d12 S : Versatile P)
d) The Greatclub (2 hands: 1d10 B : Backswing, shove)
Question 2
How many round(s) does it take on average for Valeros to kill a Goblin Commando using the best weapon from question 1.
- A Goblin Commando has 18 hp.
A) 1 round
B) 2 rounds
C) 3 rounds
D) 4 or more rounds
Question 3
If Valeros looses the initiative, will he on average kill the Goblin or will his head ends up as a trophy for the tribe?
- Valeros AC is 16 and he has 20 hp.
- Goblin attack is at +7 for 1d8+1, he will not use the trip action
A) Valeros wins
B) The goblin wins
The answers will be in the next post.