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Can we expect the updated errata for the Character Operations Manual in the near future?

We would like to have the Mechanic class features at level 11 (Coordinated Assault) and level 17 (Control Net) that are missing when using Experimental Prototype as the alternate class feature.

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Sorry Dragonchess, and thanks for correcting me.

About giving the +2 with animal handler.

I would need to run the full math, but raising the chance of success could create problems here.

Critical rolls at level 1 are BAD things. You don't get any net increase (+1 Excitement and +1 anticipation ( 1 /2 rounded up = 1)

The Dwarven throwers first +10 athletics roll can be wasted with a roll of 15 - 20, so 30% of the time. (DC 15, crits at 25, 15 to 20 + 10 >= 25). The +7 rolls have 15% of producing a critical (18-20).

With 7 events at 15% you have a probability of 67.9% to get at least one critical on the first roll of the 7 tricks.

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I looked around but didn't find any download section with visual assets, such as the encounter maps or NPC portraits, for the 1st adventure "The Show Must Go On".

Is it something that is available only if you buy the PDF version of the product instead of the printed version? (I like reading physical books..)

I am doing the transition from D&D to Pathfinder and I am quite surprised this is not something easily available. But then again, maybe I just didn't look correctly.

Thanks for any help.

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If you look at page 292:

If you are trained, a roll of 20 is not a critical if it doesn't equal or exceed the DC. But in that case, it is is a hit.

Ex. roll 20 + 10 against a DC of 31 is a hit but not a critical hit if you are trained.

'If your enemy is far more powerful than you or a task
beyond your abilities, you might roll a natural 20 and
still get a result lower than the DC. In this case, you
succeed instead of critically succeed or fail. If you lack the
proficiency for a task in the first place, or it’s impossible,
you might still fail on a natural 20.'

Also if you are not trained, a 20 can be a MISS according to the last part of that paragraph.

Ex. roll 20 + 10 against a DC of 31 is a miss if you are not trained.