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Reading through The Great Beyond, on page 33 there is a map of the Boneyard, it lists as number 8 on the map "Ruins of the Ten Spire Circle" but there is no other reference in the book, or that i can find on the Net, that explains what the Ten Spire Circle or what their ruins might be. can anyone shed any light on this
Edit: also just realized a number of the landmarks noted on this map have nothing written about them, did the author just lose interest?
I hope this wont count as threadomancy, but to answer the OP:
At the moment of birth, Phrasma knows where a particular soul will end up,
but she reserves her official verdict until the last possible
moment, as she knows prophecies can be wrong or fail completely. She
believes in fate and predestination but understands the need for vagueness
and misinterpretation to allow for the illusion of free will.
So in pathfinder Phrasma believes there is no such thing as free will,
she is merely maintaining the illusion, any predation that occurs happens because phrasma knew it would,
this is why the god of death hates undead so fiercely, because undeath delays the soul from her judgment
and probably gives her a god sized headache.
I assume that everything else on your list Phrasma saw at the moment of birth so dose not care about,
it was seen so therefore it is what happens.
Undeath disturbs her as it is not natural, everything else is already accounted for.
Running Tempest Rising at the moment, part of the scenario centers around the recovery of a Calistrian Icon Relic,
a Statue called the Golden Vespal that is valued at 5,000 gp "to the right buyer"
Now i know my players and someone is going to want to make a forgery of the statue, so i got to thinking just what this item might look like,
how old is it, whats it made out of,what is so important about it, how big is it( apprently large or small enough to stuff into a barrel)...
as there is no real details concerning the statue i thought i would invite the forum to fill in the blanks
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You lot still not worked out your elections????
As an impartial international observer all i can say is that your right royally screwed either way
I do mean this as a serious question.
Why do you continue to play with these people???
You seem to be role-playing for different reasons than the rest of your group.
Do you think having your character cry in front of them would penetrate their seemingly think skins(skulls),
I question what reaction you would expect by doing this, are you hoping to change their alignments?
It could certainly backfire on you and turn the game into a living hell for your character.
I have done this twice in pathfinder once it worked and once it made the other players so uncomfortable that that game quickly came to an end.
Far from the "Science being in" its not even science
Well the main reason is that the so called science is based upon computer modeling that give worst case scenarios and well that's not how you do science.
A science would be backed by a theorem.
A theorem that provides accurate and verifiable predictions, Climate change based as it is on inaccurate computer models makes no such predictions.
The problem with the theory of "Man made climate change" is that it is not spoken about in the language of science but it is constantly spoken of in the language of Politics, that's because its a Political theory not a Scientific theory
The conspiracy is that some "scientists" in conjunction with politicians have discovered a way to keep their snouts in the public funding trough forever, base a case for continued funding on a unverifiable proposition, spread constant fear and panic among the voting public so that they demand political action that lines the pockets of co-conspirators and feeds the campaign of fear and panic, pushing the public to further support the conspiring politicians, getting them more power and push for further "scientific" funding and so the conspiracy continues to feed, the unverifiable proposition becomes more diverse demanding more funding so more power is required to the point that world government is required and soon after that emergency powers are required to deal with the panic and fear that the conspiracy was designed to cause, democracy gets suspended and tyranny is instituted the politicians become entrenched and their co-conspirators are voted more and more funding and on it goes.
If you want to prove it as a science you will need to provide a scientific proof that is accurate and verifiable, then we can pull the plug on all the research funding and pass the whole mess over to practical scientists and engineer a solution , ahh you can spot the problem there now cant you , if the science is done properly the funding gets stopped and that would be that all those "important scientist" would be out of a job and need new funding
Aelryinth wrote: LazarX wrote: Aelryinth wrote: Eh, no, Human Int stops around the 24 area, and that's for maxed out geniuses with a Nat 20 who have reached level 4 with an age bonus of +3.
That's still ungodly smart compared to normal folks. Consider they can answer questions about any field of endeavor equal to a 3rd level expert with 12 Int and full ranks + class skill bonuses.
That's unreal.
Rifling was invented in the 1600's. It was outlawed by the Church. There was a famous competition where lead bullets were used by the rifle, and compared to sacred, blessed, cross-carved bullets from the same weapon. Naturally, the ungouged, heavier bullets were more accurate, and on that basis, rifles were declared a weapon of the devil and were suppressed for over 100 years. Same thing as xbows...a common weapon with great power and aim couldn't be trusted in the hands of a common man.
Of course, a large number of Americans didn't give crap about the Catholic Church's rulings, and rifles proliferated here. They were immensely useful against the British during the Rebellion, as they outranged the British and Hessian muskets and were far more accurate.
==Aelryinth I'm pretty sure the Brits used them as well. After all, like most Americans, they had rejected the Catholic Church centuries before when King Henry VIII had made his famous act of separation... so he could put aside his first wife in his search for an heir. So I really doubt the Pope's edict had any effect. (Trivia fact: the reigning British monarch is also the Head of the Church of England, or the Anglican Church as it's known now.) Nope.
British used Muskets.
Brown Bess Musket[edit]
The Brown Bess musket was the gun used by the British military from 1722 until about 1838. It was used throughout the Revolutionary War and the Napoleonic Wars. It was capable of firing approximately three to four shots per minute. The Brown Bess Musket was a flint-lock musket, meaning it would use flint in order to spark the... Interesting observations considering the topic being "historical accuracy fallacy"
The Turin Armoury had an example of a rifle recorded in 1476.
The famous competition was conducted by the Sharpshooter's Guild of Mainz, Germany in March of 1547, to test the then current theorys, one put forward by a Bavarian Necromancer by the name of Moretius said that the paths of bullets where influenced in flight by spirits and that no demon could influence a spinning ball, another competing theory was that gremlins could only ride on spinning orbs so rifle fired bullets where guided by demons, the contest was won 19 to nil by the non blessed bullets, so Sebastian of Heusenstamm the Elector of Mainz, in his capacity of one of the seven Elector-Princes of the Holy Roman empire banned rifles from the city.
The Brown Bess Musket was used by both sides of the American Revolutionary war the Americans also used a limited quantity of Long Rifles, as they did have a longer range, but due to the lack of Bayonet, the Low rate of fire, the High cost of the rifle and lack of training time, George Washington argued for a limited role of rifles in the Colonial military, while Congress was more enthusiastic and authorized the raising of several companies of riflemen. Long rifles played a significant part in the battles of Saratoga and New Orleans, where rifleman units picked off officers to disrupt British command and control, but required support by units armed with smoothbore muskets or by artillery to prevent the riflemen from being overrun
Arcane is generally defined by dictionaries as : Known or understood by only a few.
Literally knowledge that is known by few people, so Arcane magics source is knowledge, where the knowledge comes from is unimportant, this is why there is so many different types and schools of arcane magic, there is no one source, its the knowing of the thing thats important, not what the thing is.
Um sorry to point this out,Sarenrae is NG not LG, this could be the source of your paradox.
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i can only echo these sentiments, i've yet to find a truly workable sheet, I would like to see a sheet that promotes feats to the front page, so many feats are so situational that i feel they need to be front and center, particularly for new or inexperienced players. the "official" sheet has 5 weapon "slots" on the front page? how many characters really need, let alone carry 5 different weapons?
The weapon attack bonus box could do with some changes, marking it with a total area would be useful, most new players i see at my FLGC seem to find it hard to remember that the weapon bonus is added to their Stat MOD and their BAB, as these boxes are not linked on the sheet.
Some extra boxes in the stat area would make my life easier, Ability, Mod,(a separator) Base, Racial, Advancement, Enhance, Temp Adjustment, Temp Mod. but maybe i just have a lot of cheats in my local:-).
Animal companions gain skills as animal companions.
I dont have my book with me atm so i will take this info from the d20pfsrd website.
Animal Companions start at 1st lvl with 2 ranks, they gain 1 rank at 2nd lvl, 0 ranks at 3rd, 1 at 4th, 1 at 5th, 1 at 6th, 0 at 7th, 1 at 8th, 1 at 9th, 1 at 10th, 0 at 11th, 1 at 12th, 1 at 13th, 1 at 14th, 0 at 15th, 1 at 16th, 1 at 17th, 1 at 18th, 0 at 19th, and one at 20th.
If it gains an INT of 10 or more it gains bonus skill ranks as normal, but can not have more ranks in a skill than they have HD
Id like to see a module set in Galt, the PC's are supporting the gray gardeners against an attempt to overthrown them, or are they ...
Over the side with the lot of em, rewrite characters and reset in port peril, your players don't want to co operate with the storyline, it might just be the wrong adventure path for them.
oh and a word to the wise, for a longer lived adventure nobble or lose the druid, also remove all fire or weather control type spells from your casters
I'm currently running a witch in serpents skull and this little question is driving me nuts
Its stated that patron adds new spells to a witch’s list of spells known but nowhere is there any reference that I can find that states what level those spells are.
Whilst i agree that it makes sense that they should be the highest level you can cast at the time that they are acquired, its not stated as such, they are just not given a level.
Its like your supposed to assume that they have no level and that you can cast any of them in any slot you have regardless of level.
As a witch player this rather appeals to me, from a GM's point of view, I could make a case for it as a thematic element of the class, but i could also gibber insanely at just how broken that is.
Can someone quote a reference for this?
Cultists of Golarion would be very useful.
A Player companion on Totemism, Ancestor worship, Spiritualism, Demon worship, Diabolic ritual, Rovagog-destroyer cults, Old cults, dragon cults, Warrior lodges, Animalism/Shapeshifter cults. etc. This companion should not be focused on spell casting classes but as a every player guide to gaining power/prestidge, in a secret society.
I'm excited
Are we getting half halfings and half grippli?
Are we seeing true races or one off couplings?
Will i finally be able to update my Dwelf to pathfinder?
Come on release the book already
In the APG The Oracle Mystery of bones list Pharasma as one of the associated deities, but then goes on to list Revelations like "Raise the Dead" "Resist Life" "Undead Servitude" and the Final Revelation that gives the ability to animate dead.
These revelations seem to be at odds with other pieces of information re Pharasma and the way she views undead, should there be a pharasma-friendly version of this mystery like what was done for the death domain spells or should Pharasma be removed from this mystery?
If Taldor is supposed to be modeled on Byzantium, why are its titles not modeled on Byzantium Imperial titles?.
Why use English, Anglo-saxon, Germanic, French or any other Western Roman derivative when Taldor is supposed to be modeled on the Eastern Roman Empire?
I cant see why this is contentious, a stealth check is rolled, provided there is a area of DIM light within 10', not shadow, DIM light, not Darkness, DIM light, not something to hide behind but DIM light, if someone wants to see you, they roll a perception check, as they would under any other stealth circumstance.
Even though its called "Hide In Plain Sight" all it grants is the ability to use Stealth,even if your being observed., which is when you would not be able to use stealth odinarily
Thanks for the reply's,
VRMH. you cant see how having a rumor spread by someone using your much higher bluff skill, thereby being more convincing and therefore more compelling would not help spread a rumor faster? particularly after making them more inclined to believe you?
StremOfTheSky, that's a fairly uncommon, common sense you are using there, as romormonger is about convincing a hearer that the rumor needs to be spread, not convincing the teller that what they are saying is true, just because you think what your saying is true, does not make it true.
Its the reverse of nerfing, it makes the retelling of a lie more believable, as its effect is to make the 3rd party role sense motive against your nominally higher bluff. than the bluff of the nobody that is retelling your rumor. Of course the underlying assumption is that your rumor is a bald faced lie to begin with, if what your spreading is the truth well just go and tell people.rumormonger as i see it, is a mechanism that determines 1. if your rumor spreads and 2. how fast it spreads.
1. No
2. Craft is the skill all "slots" get the +3 IF you put a rank into it
3. Terran roughly translates as Earth in this case it is referring to creatures who are native to or have ancestry where natives of the Elemental Plane of Earth.
4. you add / stack all the numbers to your base for each level.
5.No, I think you are referring to: Elf Blood: Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race, that is talking about Effects not Traits, its a bad thing , meaning you have the weaknesses of both subtypes so if poison A only effects humans, you are effected and if poison B only effects elves, you are still effected
The unanswered question is what did the PC's help the Nazi's do? and by Nazi do you mean Wehrmacht, Waffen SS, Luftwaffe, Gestapo, Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Deutsches Afrikakorps or Nazi Party officals?
What would you do differently if they had helped Hellknights?, Worshipers of Rovagug or the Church of Asmodeus?
Just about to level my first Charlatan and would like some input on how Natural Born Liar and Convincing Lie synergies with Rumormonger? if indeed they do.
The rest of the Isle is "untamed" wilderness as it is home to minotaurs, harpies, and centaurs, oh my.
As this situation has continued unabated for 4000 years, either the monsters are nasty (or just plain dumb), some form of peace accord has been reached and more bizarrely kept, or the humans just aren't trying.